Serious Sam Seriously Sucks

I heard "i dont enjoy difficulty" and instantly disregarded your shit taste.

>god i hate this game
>hate this game
>OH i hate this game
>for real for real
>oh my god this game
>it's just the gayest shit ever

He can say whatever he wants desu, but the game doesnt suck because when i play it, i have Fun

They are ok.

People who puts them at the same level as Doom, Quake, Unreal or Duke are pants on head retarded tho, and have no idea about what made classic shooters great.

this is triggering me really hard
holy fuck

This faggot clearly doesn't get the point of SS and the kinds of games it draws from.

He describes himself as a "Nihilist libertarian asshole" so his opinion can be disregarded safely and without regret.

>this is the series I hate the most
>I never played any but people recommended me to start with 1
Already raging 30 seconds in

>manchild trying to spam his video
kill yourself

>getting assblasted by the traps and surprise spawns

top kek

Listening to this kid talk about games is like reading posts on Sup Forums


>that fucking american nerd voice
kill yourself

>I hate this game
>wow that's horrible
>oh my god this game sucks
>this is the gayest shit ever
Ok ten minutes and he hasn't uttered a single actual criticism, I'm out.

Sorry but i have that number

This pussified underage white boi browses Sup Forums

SS does suck though. Move from square room to the next fighting literally bullshit amount of enemies that just spawn on top of you with pea-shooters.

The cannon is the only thing in the game worth using.

There's no thought put into level design or enemy placement. It's just bad.

Oh and fuck off with the "every health pick-up spawns fuckers right behind you so that measly 15 health you got ends up costing you 30 or more."

Nah you need to be 18+.

>walk into room
>pick up 1hp pill
>50 kleers spawn on your head
>circle strafe with double shotgun
>repeat for 10 hours
How thrilling.

hello OP

>I hate challenge and surprises: the post

Looks like a cross between John Carmack and my uncle 20 years ago.

>every health pick-up spawns fuckers right behind you so that measly 15 health you got ends up costing you 30 or more
Fucking this. Who the Fuck thought that was a good idea? In Doom and Quake they made the secrets worth hunting for, in SS I'm quicksaving before every pickup just in case it spawns more bullshit.

You don't need to be 18+ to lurk, there may be little Billys and Susies looking at this very thread

Is this the same fag that talked shit about HL2?

>walk into room
>10minute cutscene
>shoot the pixel
>repeat for 10 hours -5hours for cinematics