Did you ever get the feeling you only like Overwatch cause you're suppose to?
Did you ever get the feeling you only like Overwatch cause you're suppose to?
I play BattleBorn. It's ok.
Had a moment in Hollywood as Widowmaker where I had gotten on a high building and I just looked down at everyone shooting at each other.
That was yesterday. Quit and haven't gone back. I dunno man.. I'm starting to get buyers remorse.. but maybe I'll come back to it and it'll change.
I only like the waifus, like majority of the fanbase.
I'm waiting a month, maybe two
If the game's not dead then I'll get it, if it dies down then I have no remorse
Same. It's like a more casual version of TF2, but with "pro" team sizes, worse maps, and just less fun. And it's not ever competitive either, so really it just has kinda sucked for me. I feel like I was memed on by blizzards marketing pretty damned hard.
I'm already getting kind of burnt out. Might be due to the small amount of maps right now.
If you think this you're a loser with no friends to dominate online with pussy
I've been jumping between it and Blood and Wine so I haven't gotten burned out yet
No I genuinely like it because it scratches in itch
It's a shooter so now I have one game of the genre that is actually enjoyable
I can play many rounds without it being 5 hours later
Playing online with friends is a fucking blast.
Constantly wanting to keep playing.
Classes feel too safe or complete bullshit to die to you know? Theres not really that satisfaction when you ult use an ability, like there is when you narrowly escape death in any other game.
Almost everything is fun with friends.
No because I am not influenced by an anonymous board you pathetic POS
Nope, because I know Activision is shit
Have you never played Mei or Zarya?
The only things I've felt were bullshit are Mcree's unavoidable, uncancellable insta-kill, and Junkrat spamming while he has a pocket Mercy buffing his damage.
I dislike it for that very reason. Buzzard marketing can blow me.
I also have great disdain for how badly they fucked up WoW.
If I wanted to have fun with friends there's cheaper options, I'd rather just play league or risk of rain or something (though my friends refuse to play league so that doesn't actually happen)
People say Borderlands is "fun with friends" but does that really make it good?
I had some decently high hopes for it outside of the marketing. It's a bit same as when I got FO4 and thought I knew what to expect.. and it's just so much worse.
But this time it's because of the people playing it. It's like I'm playing League all over again. Taking a second to watch the decisions other people make is really disheartening.
The quality game itself is pretty great, I think. But the quality of the people playing it is pretty horrible.
This, I'd rather give EA money than fucking actibliz
I didn't pay attention to any of the marketing, play the betas or follow the hype. Just decided to get it yesterday and have been having a lot of fun. Game just needs more maps/game modes, and it's only $40 on PC
>Almost everything is fun with friends.
No I like it because I can form my own opinions about things. My opinions are not dictated my the anonymous unworthy trash that infects this pile of shit. If Sup Forums really does dictate how you think OP then you need to fucking kill yourself.
Good goy, be sure to preorder Battlenigger 1 premium
surely there must be something a friend wanted you to play but you simply did not like.
>dude this game sucks, it's just guys shooting at each other
>fighting game
>dude this game sucks, it's just dudes punching each other
>dude this game sucks, it's just dudes clicking on stuff
I agree that Overwtach isn't actually a good game, but you really aren't articulating the reasons very well.
No one truly likes Overwatch, we are all just pretending to enjoy it ironically.
I mean casual or not, I don't think it's possible to get more casual than TF2. Don't you think that's at least slightly facetious?
> No freemium.
> "Engineer" wannabe actually fights instead of staring intently at his turret while holding left mouse and occasionally checking for spies. Conversely, the walking level 3 sentry character doesn't come with an aimbot.
> Didn't repurpose their Junkrat into a pants-on-head-retarded melee fighter.
> Doesn't require literal invulnerability and/or triple damage to push into a defensive lineup.
> Rocket launcher class isn't 80% reliant on a healer to even function.
> No stealth.
> No fucking pyros. Fuck that stupid class.
I feel like EA surpassed Activision in terms of pure evil already.
It's a blizzard game it's not going to die down. It's already as pervasive as crack cocaine.
I didn't buy it, didn't like my experience in beta. I liked TF2's larger team vs team and I feel like overwatch went broad instead of deep with the characters. Some characters are arlight but others have literally a single attack action, and that's all you can do and spam. Didn't like the really short matches with 30-60 second waittime to load and then another 60 seconds before it started. I'd rather have seen 3/4th the number of characters with more abilities to the ones that remained. Also miss dedicated servers. I want my crazy 16vs16 or even more, not rinky dink 6v6.
I'm glad people enjoy it (and we'll get lots of great porn of the characters) but it wasn't for me.
>anti-hype/passive aggressive hate threads every day, even several right now in the catalog as of this posting, even ignoring this one
No, OP, it is socially acceptable to have a positive, negative, or no opinion on a video game.
>my friends refuse to play league
They have good taste.
No, I avoid multiplayer like the plague.
EA didn't ruin WoW
Played the shit out of the beta, and at the end realized the game is shallower than a kiddie pool, a low skill ceiling, and hardly any content.
It's fun for awhile, but not $40 fun.
Nah it's more casual. Skill ceiling is way lower, no private servers/browser so you're forced to use their shitty matchmaking, no ammo, maps are way chokier, and the pyro replacement (mei) somehow manages to be both worse and less skill intensive to play.
I mean seriously I'm able to do like 95% of the character specific things that require mechanical skill after under 10 hours when I was nowhere near close to having that level of mechanical mastery in tf2 after over 1000.
I currently despise it because I've gotten grouped only with tards.
You're saying good things as if they're bad.
t, skilless pub shitter
I play it because I'm good at it and Reinhardt is the best.
its shallow
low skill ceiling
literally "safe zone" non-triggering
autoaim/wallhack/traits of a "class"
casual babby's first FPS bullshit
people who bought it here are:
10 to 20 years old
have no real good FPS experience
are relatively bad at videogames or mediocre
weebs who have a waifucomplex or just people who follow others
cant explain the """""fun"""" in articulate ways, which other FPS have done better
probably were roped in by the blizzard CGI advertising
and or don't play videogames that much (thus the low standards and able to accept the low skill ceiling or have it be unnoticed)
as well as ignore the 20 tick and implications of what crap chokepoint maps have and 6v6 implicates in the larger set of things
should've been 40 tick, 9v9, less rocketpack + more of an alternative way of movement, less "casual" elements to each "hero", and much better maps, and less pandering to shitters
No because I don't like it
>play overwatch beta for 10 hours
>you've learned everything there is to learn
>play tf2
>1000 hours in and i've still not mastered soldier
Sorry but even the pros and top streamers agree that the game is mechanically simplistic,
>all day
>when every Overshill thread I report that starts with arbitrary tumblr-tier OPs (dva is cute! mei is cute! nerf X! etc) that belongs on /vg/ stays up
no john, you are wrong/the cancer
the install base that cannot shut the fuck up (nor apparently play said game because they keep discussing it at a tertiary level) outnumbers the people just sick of it/apathetic/can't do shit about the masse of threads
No, that's wrong, and you know it is.
It has to do with the decisions these idiots make.
Like watching a Tracer run face first into a Roadhog. Not get grabbed, just run. Rewind back, and runs in again. My Torbjron getting chased directly into his turret by a Mei, and she literally chases him around it and dies.
>10 overshill threads
>of all the threads they could delete, mods delete my thicc vidya meme is now reddit tier thread
Im writing an angry letter to new moot t b h
>posts with an iPhone
like pottery, shitposters ousts themselves as cancer they are
Btw thicc is a reddit meme now
Keep spouting tho
do you have no friends
I play Overwatch each evening and its fun as fuck, you gotta find competent people to play with though
Go to the official forums either EU or US
Go to the looking for player forum
"Looking for casual scrubs whatever blabla"
Open all the threads and add all the battletags, if they're competent enough to use the forum they have passed the quickplay retard test so add them all.
When you log in now you will instantly get invites to groups, make sure to friend all the people in the group too,
You are now part of a huge network of competent players, i litterally just log in and get spammed with group invites and its fun as fuck to play with competent people who use their mic
Why are you mad? It's just a phone I get free with my plan.
I dont want to lay in bed with my laptop, ill burn my nuts off.
Specially handjobs
I dunno, Mei porn has been good to my bootyhole.
I am more than curious about pegging ever since Overwatch.
>Had only been playing overwatch since released.
>stopped playing dota 2
>stopped playing PS4
>Haters tell me i should be bored about the game already for no contents
>Still enjoying the game a lot because i discover new ways to play a hero on certain map every day
>22 heroes x 12 maps = 264
>Assuming i have to play about 10 matches each to get bored of it
>It's still 2640 matches before i'm done with the game
>Haters tell me about all the microtransactions
>that i din't spent a single cents on
Enjoy your hatred, while i enjoy the game
what the fuck does 'a moment in hollywood' even mean?
I had fun during the beta, but I know that if I buy it I'm going to sink a bunch of hours into it, occasionally having fun, but mostly getting my ass kicked because my computer is old and I suck at video games. Within a month, I'll be burned out and playing something free.
>this far of a stretch to justify being a shitter with LITERAL permutations
Hey fuckboi:
In BF4, there are various vehicles:
anti air
and each gun has at least 2 attachments, and in which there are 4 "classes" too, which share a common pool of weapons
and don't forget gadgets, such as
rocket launchers
If that's the case, BF4 wins due to sheer statistical permutations.
Overshill shitters, lol
Some paid shills are new ok?
they're learning the memes, give him a chance. :(
> Leanr new ways to play heroes on certain maps everyday
So you're just particularly slow then? It's pretty common knowledge the skill ceiling is incredibly low, aside from the basic FPS factors. If you're still learning new things, it's because you're slow.
The map Hollywood.. that's it.
But hey, if you wanna start a meme go for it.
Hollywood is a map name in Overwatch
>skill floor = skill ceiling
Expected nothing more from Sup Forums shitters
I forgot.
Sup Forums don't play games.
they just hate on games.
I just want the hype penguins to die, I feel like they died yesterday for 90% of the community though, which is fine and was expected.
To be fair both are low. That doesnt mean the game isnt fun. It just lacks depth. it's the smash 4 of class based shooters
How did we go from ironic fat love to embracing fat love in 2 years? Dumb memes
I like it because I can play the sniper and only do bodyshots while still being highly effective and widowmaker has the fattest ass ever. I wanna crawl in it and die
oh, we're sorry, the skill ceiling is low
and the skill floor is incredibly high due to the games mechanics of giving "kills" when you barely hit someone as an "assist"
please tell me how wallhack/autoaim trait mechanics to a specific class (bar TF2's sentry which has an analogous counterpart here in Overwatch) has somehow improved the skill ceiling, and jetpacks being generic garbage and add no depth whatsoever, whereas carefully aimed rocker launches from Q2+/TFC/TF2 propelled where practice and estimation came in to play, either to ambush or surprise the enemy or give an element of advantage?
you mean the skill floor is high, the ceiling is low
aka, shallow, not much depth, aka lacks dynamic range
this is analogous in metaphor to the "loudness wars" of music, where its compressed, and there isnt much range of really quiet lows (maybe a soft baritone or drum) to the highest of highs (crash of cymbals/percussion to shrill distortion of guitars)
>Claim that skill ceiling are low
>Can't even be in pro scene
Why are shitters making up lies and force themselves to believe it to be true?
If the skill ceiling are as "low" as you claim.
Why don't u reach top player's standard within maximum a week of training??
So far, i only saw proofs of low skill floor, which everyone can pick up the game very very fast.
But i had yet saw any proof of low skill ceiling.
Perhaps you can be the first?
Create a channel, show us your progress to become a top notch pro player within a week.
Until then, your argument means nothing.
post overwatch memes
Same to u faggot.
read I will see ur result in a week from now then, Mr I-Only-know-to-talk
Your post is a mess. No coherence, and possibly confusing terms for one another. Not the replier/person in this reply chain, I am
Like I said, you're confusing terms, and the game is SHALLOW.
Low skill ceiling. You can only be so good at a character, there is only so much to learn with one class. The maps are full of choke, its silly to think you can't just pull a cheese strat depending on a character (for each, I can easily cheese on point C of Hainan in BF4 with a PDW and completely decimate squads with a suppressor by going all solid snake, and many other stories etc).
The skill floor is absurdly high due to the damage output for each character can due, or possible traits that make it rock paper scissors (stunlocks, freezing, etc), rather than an even edge approach of aim and reflex over silly mechanics like most FPS games. Add in again what I mentioned, jetpacks, autoaim, tracking of enemies through walls, this game is a joke.
No dedicated servers and 6v6 with 20 tick puts you in dire straights of mercy depending on how the netcode will treat you and who you are playing with, rather than even the dogshit standard of 30Hz most games have (hell BF4 was 30Hz up until a year ago, now its 60Hz).
Shitters gonna shit and come up with the excuses somehow that this game has "depth" and is """"fun""" whilst again, unable to articulate what makes it fun besides the flashy colors, CGI characters, and general ease-to-use 2 weapon switch control design.
Does anybody else ever put things in their butt for fun?
>Blizzard forums as a test of competency.
You're a crueler man than the "cool crystals" guy
No becasue I dont like overwatch
I've tried it a bit but it's messy and not very pleasurable. Plus I'd rather not end up with a distended anus.
It's the first FPS in a long time that I actually find enjoyable. So No.
>No dedicated servers
you don't understand what those words mean
Did you bought Overwatch because you felt like you're supposed to?
You really shouldnt be this upset over low skill.
if you've been watching the streams/videos since closed beta, we've been saying the game is mechanically simplistic for months. It shouldnt be news to you.
I suppose it can be a kick to your ego if you're trying to get good at a game and we tell you that your game is actually pretty shallow/ casual, so i can empathize, but
>trying hard in overwatch
>trying to claim it has a high skill ceiling
It's a fun game. I implore you to have fun, instead of making it into something it isnt.
No, because I have my own opinion and I like it alot. Now fuck off
He is right you know
>he glows red
>is slow and vulnerable from every angle
>you can easily hide for a few seconds
High Noon is fine
it's dogshit
Unless I read correctly with how this game is (and only playing during beta), I know exactly what they are. Are they hosted by Blizzard? Then I got my information wrong from somewhere else. If not, and its p2p, then its not dedicated.
Still doesn't refute my points that this game is made for poopsticks.
>tfw I got bored within two hours of the beta and could already tell it was gonna end up being TF2 lite
Thank god Blizz put out that beta. Was actually thinking about buying it originally
They are hosted by Bliz and amazon
Then I got my information wrong, and you are correct in that avenue, they are dedicated then.
Still does not excuse the 20 tick, however, or my other points.
I saw this thread and without read it I knew it was gonna be about Overwatch. Who the FUCK likes certain video games because they think they're supposed?
>this thread
Welcome home, Sup Forums. I knew you'd come crawling back.
It's all over already?
>only a couple of my friends are actually good at Overwatch
>the rest are extraordinarily bad at it
it's worse than playing with randoms, because at least you can complain and make fun of randoms.
Activision didn't shut down studios or/and ruin many franchises
just tell them to play mccree and stand in the hallways
>Two decent friends
>Two bad friends
>One neutral friend
>End up against groups of actually good players