So they handwave this bitch is trained in fighting and so Nathan can't hurt her? Did the writers forget Drake faced one of the worst war criminals in history 1v1 while he had super regeneration and kicked his ass?
So they handwave this bitch is trained in fighting and so Nathan can't hurt her...
Drake is old
She is young
He's been a diver in his recent years
She's in charge of a PMC
Yes but she didn't fight a crazy warlord on regenerative steroids and won
>Did the writers forget Drake faced one of the worst war criminals in history 1v1 while he had super regeneration and kicked his ass?
he shot explosives at that guy
like, a lot of them.
did you forget that you played uncharted 2 and not fight night or something
>Implying Drake isn't a cheeky cunt who enjos getting beaten up by girls
He gets Elena to do the same thing athome he's into that shit
She's got super powerful negro strength, don't question.
Drakes has never bested someone 1v1 via cutscene.
The final boss of UC3 was a QTE sequence of Drake fighting the right hand of an Illuminati cult in a fist fight while the guy uses a knife.
> Drake faced one of the worst war criminals in history 1v1 while he had super regeneration and kicked his ass
You mean the guy that could one-shot the invincible yeti guys that mauled Drake? I distinctly remember running away from him for an hour before blowing up tree sap in his direction. You actually played that game, right?
Which Nathan loses. Sully shoots him in the shoulder to get Talbot off Nate.
Do you remember how Nathan actually killed Talbot? He fucking shot him.
Did you actually play any of these games?
That fight was fucking bullshit on Crushing
In U3 Nate can dodge a punch coming from his six like he spider sense. So I don't understand why he got nerfed in U4 so bad.
Probably because the entire theme of the game is that he's getting older and not at the top of his game anymore.
Butthurt that the white man can't physically oppress empowered black wimmin anymore? It's 2016 bro.
>45 year old pencil pusher who just traversed an island after a boat wreck
>25 year old PMC leader and trained soldier who just drives around in a jeep
>Uncharted 1 final boss: Sloppy brawl with tons of haymakers between two tough-but-undisciplined men
>Uncharted 2 final boss: 1v1 against super-powered war criminal, with most of the fight being Nate running away from him while shooting bullets/explosives at him until he slows down. Nate doesn't even kill him, the guardians do
>Uncharted 3 final boss: QTE fest with Nate LOSING to Talbot in the end. Gets saved by Sully who fucking shoots the guy. Then Nate finishes him off, with a gun.
>Uncharted 4: another QTE fest but with swords, does okay for a while but Rafe tricks Nate with a false surrender and gets knocked on his ass. Once again Nate is in a disadvantageous position but Sam distracts Rafe long enough for Nate to cut the cargo rope, dropping hundreds if not thousands of pounds of gold onto Rafe's head.
Look, I agree that the game rendering you defenseless and forcing you to lose against Nadine (fucking TWICE) is bullshit, but it doesn't contradict past games. Nate is a thief who is good with guns and brawling, but whenever he faces someone with better strength/hand-to-hand combat skills, he loses.
Why was this cut scene even interactive?
They don't even allow you to throw a punch.
Mashing the punch button while Drake stands there and does nothing wasn't fun.
>Drake faced one of the worst war criminals in history 1v1 while he had super regeneration and kicked his ass
I seem to remember running around shooting exploding blue goo nodules while avoiding melee combat at all costs because he would get fucking rekt.
Honestly, she has zero depth to her. Shows up in the auction to say she is tough. Kicks tdrakes ass twice. Walks away at the end. She never develops. She was solely designed to be the hack druckmans strong female diversity to kick drakes ass.
I am not against strong women at all. I really like Nariko from Heavenly Sword and many others. But this bitch was put in for an agenda
Did you miss the previous chapters where he jumps around ledges like a monkey using his entire body and beating the shit out of hundreds of mercs using his bare hands?
Even if Nate is out of shape the first time he fights here, the subsequent encounters where she fucking ONE HANDED armbars him does not suffice.
No woman can hold a man like that unless she does fucking steroids-and she doesn't.
They should have gone with a more realistic body type and not an Anita-approved non-threatening one.
Like the character Gina Cararo portrays in Deadpool
He's in his mid to late 30s in the beginning chapters of 4.
He's mid to late 40s in the epilogue.
Remember that Anita's consultation in the game genderswapped Drake's daughter and added a 1 dimensional character that didn't even fit the game at all.
The main baddie was probably going to fight Drake all those times, but they needed diversity and stronk, unbeatable woman, who can't get no hurts.
What really pissed me off was that she fucked off at the end of the game and no one even knows where she went.
Lasaravich chased him around with an AK until he got winded and then giant smurfs beat his ass.
A man hurting a woman would be sexist
hated that shit.
how was she involved with the game you cant tell me because nothing
A skeleton compared to a female MMA-fighter.
She is thanked in the credits and Druckman blablabla.
yap every female needs to look like lightning
show he
Nathan ain't exactly John Cena, either
Those fight scenes were cash, though.
nice photo, but this is a videogame board, guy.
>What really pissed me off was that she fucked off at the end of the game and no one even knows where she went.
Isn't there supposed to be dlc story?
this game was already enough of a sausage fest. I'm glad they made some of the new characters females
i hope its about her
To be fair Drake killed him with bullets and grenades. You can't actually melee Lazarevic since he'll just counter you.
Not as scrawny as Nadine Sue though.
It's amazing how triggered Sup Forums is over one scene in a video gaem.
The funniest thing about this shitpost is that Drake still needs Sully to bail his ass out in order to beat the dude.
Her arms are practically just as thick.
Said jokingly, but there's some truth. The idea of Drake beating up a fine piece of tail is just outrageous. Even though she tried to kill him, Drake's still goofing around, flirting with her.
Actually, Nate gets completely outskilled by Rafe. Rafe even says that fencing is the only thing he has over Nate.
Dude had a serious inferiority complex.
Running a pmc is not a position that affords you the time to practice close combat to the point of being literally untouchable against a mythical tier fist fighter.
You'll say the
>lol so military commanders cant be strong lmao
Operating as a CO for even a brigade level unit is still infinitely easier than what she has on her plate. You're talking about a business that is operational worldwide with resources in at least the hundreds of millions, given their fleet, armor, and weaponry as well as the assumed backbone logistics and transportation required. This isn't a fucking daycare you spend 40 hours a week working at. You've got hundreds of people you have to keep happy whose job is murdering human beings, so morale is not a negligible time drain, on top of interacting with an enormous crybaby as a mission liason and from what the story infers, spending a lot of time banging him.
On top of this, you have her literally perfect frame which means she spends upwards of two hours a day training musclework which is mutually exclusive to combatives training because cardio won't get you strong glamour muscles like she has. That leaves a total of no fucking time, so eat shit.
Hand to hand fighting is very much a use it or lose it skill. This precludes any
>lmao she train hard before become boss lol
bullshit and means she is either genuinely a superhumanly strong fighter (impossible) or just made that way because muh agenda muh womyn (shit writing).
Garbage like this doesn't make strong women in games, it undermines them.
Oh fuck off with this.
At no point did you take Nathan Drake's shootouts and other killings as cannon. But now when this bitch whoops him you start going "b-but Nate's killed people before". Fuck off. She's bigger than he is and actually spent time fighting hand to hand. Where as he's been climbing shit and being a cunt with his brother. It's clear why she can beat him.
Honestly if they just made Nadine 2 feet taller and made her jacked as fuck I would be less bothered by how blatantly over powered she is because it would at least match her appearance. As is she's fit but not "take on two men at once effortlessly while also taking an endless pummeling" fit.
i love you buttmad mra types getting so triggered at this
stay mad kids, its very fun to read and laugh at
>mythical tier fist fighter.
Nathan Drake? Are you fucking serious?
Understandable because she served no purpose other than being a strong independant black womyn who don't need no man.
He isn't serious about fighting with her most of the game. What happens when he does get serious? He smashes her through a fucking building, and them Sam almost blows her fucking head off. Did any of you even play the game? Drake doesn't take the fights with her seriously until it looks like Sam might be in trouble. Nadine says herself that they might beat her, but all she was trying to do was buy a little time for her men to show up and kill them. She also says she might be able to kill them before her men get there. I hate the pick and choose shit you idiots go through. In the end the Drake brothers not only bet HER, but her ENTIRE ARMY, save for the traitors. If your goiing to be salty about her get your shit straight.
And what about all the 7ft tall giga niggas he beats up in that game? Did YOU even play it?
holy lol the conspiracy theories you idiots throw around
You're projecting that cookie cutter image onto her. She basically cannot have the traits of: woman, black, and strong without you describing her the way you did.
You can't blame the writers when you're predisposed to boxing certain types of people into stereotypes. Perhaps you should just admit you're a racist? It's much easier if you do, I did.
This. You dont actually get hurt and go black and white during the fight with her like you do during the fight with rafe or that prisoner in the beginning. That combined with the fact that you just make quips at her as she hits you makes me think yeah she's not actually hurting Nate. She can only actually do anything to you if you fail one of her QTEs
Shit dude, Nathan also gets shot repeatedly in-game. Did you get pissed when Flynn shot him in the gut in Uncharted 2 and Nathan acted like such a bitch over it?
For 99% of the fights Drake is either not taking her seriously (because she's a woman) or he's holding back and doesn't want to hurt her (because he's a white knight).
the real reason they didn't include Donut Drake is because it would've given too much sexual pleasure to SJW who would be beating off watching a chubby cisprivileged white male being erotically beaten by a sassy black woman
Nadine is literally the worst thing to happen to Uncharted.
There are really only three buttons for hand to hand combat: punch, dodge, and roll. All three of these are TURNED OFF whenever Nadine shows up. You press punch and Nathan doesn't punch, you press dodge, and he doesn't dodge. You can't react to Nadine's moves, even if you anticipate them your inputs are just ignored. Every single enemy in every single Uncharted game is beatable... except for Nadine. What the fuck? Who thought it was a good idea to have a reoccurring boss where you can't win?
Would it have killed Naughty Dog to just make her function like a regular enemy with extra health?
>but user, Nadine isn't a boss, she's a scripted event!
Then she's a shitty scripted event. Like the truck chase scene, that was a cool scripted event. But imagine if you tried to fire your gun at the truck and the bullets didn't fire, or if the truck somehow magically dodged your bullets as you were firing them? Then the truck runs you over. And there's no dodging the truck. That's Nadine. Fuck this cunt. She ruined what could have been a flawless game because YOU CANT HIT A WOMMUN!
Drake literally beats men to death all the time in every game though, he has to be one of the world's GOAT brawlers so I don't think anybody should be able to manhandle him just because they got some lessons.
Never denied I was a racist but that isn't the point. You could take her out of the game and easily work around it and nothing of value would be lost. She only shows up to kick Nate and Sams asses, and her gender and race was deliberately made so to be "progressive> just like how they changed the gender of Nate and Elenas kid.
Man has infinite stamina, can hold and leap up cliffs indefinitely --- that's fine
Man can take literally unlimited shots and regenerate from them provided he takes cover in between hits --- no problem here
Man can make impossible throws with a magic grappling hook --- nothing strange about this
Man can drop from distances that would kill people and walk away fine --- seems legit
And that's why everyone is laughing at you.
He only beats other Brawlers like himself. Against trained people like Talbot and Lazarevic he shits the bed.
Gameplay abstractions aren't the same thing as story events, retard
She only shows up to kick Nate and Sams asses
There's a sub-baddie like that in every uncharted. Why the fuck do you idiots love to argue about games you haven't played so much?
lol, whatever you say, my buttmad little princess
still waiting on some 34 of her
>There's a sub-baddie like that in every uncharted
Yeah but they usually add something to the story, big or small. What does Nadine have going for her?
no one complained about Elena or Chloe being strong. People are pissed about Nadine because:
what's the fucking point of playing a video game if it turns your controller off during fight scenes?
That's some pretty impressive head canon user
>can't understand basic video game concepts
>outed as a fucktard who probably doesn't play them anyway
>lashes out
Don't know what else I expected
Almost all of his opponents in 2 and 3 are hardcore PMC operators it's likely most of them had prior military training and/or extensive close combat training. Drake is an action hero who regularly gets involved in the most dangerous activities imaginable, that's his training.
I almost buy it from Lazarevic because he was like a 7 feet tall monster man and Talbot never got into a fair fight with Drake until the end of 3 when he got murdered.
Lampshaded in 2 where at least Lazarevic brings up the hypocrisy of murdering large numbers of men to stop Lazarevic from killing large numbers of men.
She's there by way of shit writing. I've been chalking it up to that since the shitty love triangle in UC2. I just never enjoyed the stories that much in general so Nadine's issues (and everything else) don't bother me so much. But yes, I acknowledge your point.
dude he's like 34 lmao
1000 years lol
Druckmann admitted that changing the gender of Drake's kid and at least one other character was down to the suggestion of a consultant designer. Who was an unnamed woman.
Uncharted has never had good boss fights, 2 being the single exception in one instance.
Remember how you won Uncharted 1's fight with a fucking QTE? Or how the Rafe fight is also just mostly QTEs and plays almost exactly like a Nadine fight? But it's only wrong if you're fighting Nadine to you fucks.
>I've been chalking it up to that since the shitty love triangle in UC2
Yeah, he didn't pick Chloe. That's some fucking bullshit right there.
They never specified who the character was, fucko. he just used changing genders as a broad example of how they'd consider changes made by playtesers.
>Drake faced one of the worst war criminals in history 1v1
with guns and explosives
>no one complained about Elena or Chloe being strong
holy fuck are you delusional, and you even act like this isn't about that its a woman
you think thered be a level of complains anywhere near what there is if it was a dude beating up nate? lol, no
>gets triggered when a woman beats up a man
>handwaves other fake bullshit but takes the videogamecutsceneTM very seriously and gets mad
lol, okay whatever you say, pretend its not cause you are a loser who women find creepy as fuck
Drake faces the dual problem of subduing Nadine while trying to reason with her. Probably because he thinks with his dick. Nadine is sharp and exploits his hesitation. Note how she kicks him clean out the window in the treehouse. Because he's dangerous (unlike his brother lol).
>Initially, in the epilogue, it was Nate's son. Something similar happened with the mansion they go into. That was an old English guy's house. She asked, "Well, what if it was a woman?"
t. Druckmann, Rolling Stone.
That sounds like a really good explanation that unfortunately wasn't depicted in the game in any way.
I read gender as race for some reason, like they considered giving him a black son or something .
My bad.
>they considered giving him a black son or something
I'm honestly shocked that this didn't happen.
>Almost all of his opponents in 2 and 3 are hardcore PMC operators
They're just part of the PMC - that doesn't necessarily mean they're gods at CQC.
>Getting murdered
Only with Sully's help and even then Drake only managed to kill him by putting a bullet through him.
>Remember how you won Uncharted 1's fight with a fucking QTE?
at least I actually got to press buttons on a controller to change the outcome of the fight.
the ooga booga spear-chucker isn't the problem, the problem is it's literally impossible to fight Nadine because the punch button is disabled whenever Scary Spice shows up. A QTE with Nadine would have been a step up from the current "press X to do nothing" ''''''fight'''''.
The problem isn't that Nadine is strong, or a difficult enemy, the problem is that the game stops being a game when she shows up. The game pretends you can fight her, but really the combat mechanics are disabled.
Pointing out a valid criticism is racist now.
That's because the writing is shit, anyone could write a better story by dropping a duece on a sheet of papyrus
>duece on a sheet of papyrus
The cutscene vs gameplay phenomenon is a very normal thing in video games, cutscene Dante for instance. You would know this if you actually played video games, asswipe.
>you are a loser who women find creepy as fuck
Oh, you're another fucking mongoloid normalfag who doesn't belong here. That explains it.
>minimizing the point so you don't have to address it: the post
Uncharted has been filled with that kinda shit. Look at the very first fucking fight in Uncharted 3, where you just get your ass handed to you even if you hit all the QTEs, until Nate knocks the guy out with a fucking toilet. You're only just NOW having a problem with this cinematic movie game taking away the controller (something it has done constantly since its inception) to show you how cinematic and movie-like it can be?
Jesus christ, you Sup Forumslacks are fucking retarded
I'm waiting for the tell-all with Hennig about what a backstabbing cunt Cuckmann is and what happened with the story, pre-production work and 6 months of filming he threw out when he took over as creative director.
please explain to me how its racist, user didn't say or imply anything that was remotely racist at all.
I speculated he was since his point made no valid sense. He admitted it in the following post. So fuck off and stop beating a dead horse.
cutscene where nate and sam climb through the cold without gloves ---thats okay
cutscene where nate falls impossible height to survive --- yep cool
just admit you have a problem with women man, we all know it, and we're all laughing at you, so keep it up