ITT we post fond memories of the Sonic Adventure games

> be me
> like 4 years old
> playing Sonic Adventure 1 with my grandma
> on the Dreamcast
> have no idea what memory cards are, where to get them, or how they work
> every time we finish playing my parents turn the console off
> have to play the whole game over again from the beginning
> mfw i've probably played the first level on the beach like 26 times
> never got old

Why haven't they made another Sonic Adventure? I would buy that shit in a heartbeat, especially if they totally supe up the Chao Garden stuff like they did between 1 and 2

Other urls found in this thread:

I remember my friend and I getting really competitive about our chao. We were psyched when we first bred our chaos chao. He had a hero and I had a neutral and a dark. Somehow the neutral ended up being a genius, solves every race puzzle in a split second thus leaving the others in the dust. Still have 'em.

Man, fuck your constant sonic threads

Go to /vg/

>Why haven't they made another Sonic Adventure?
Well, there have been some rumors going around. Also, this song is supposedly leaked from Sonic Adventure 3.

>4 years old
>Sonic Adventure 1

Oh boy your gonna hate it when the 25th anniversary game finally gets announced.

I've finished City Escape probably several hundred times. I don't even need to look at the screen anymore to play it, every single movement is burned into my muscle memory.

Finding out you can play as tales if you plugged in a second GameCube controller was pretty cool.

>fond memories of Sonic Adventure

If you wanted a Chao Garden thread you should just say so.

>Playing Sonic Adventure 2 Battle on the Gamecube
>Completed the game, have about 80 emblems
>My goal is to collect em all and get some Chaos Chao along the way
>Going back and forth from the Chao Garden to collect some tiny animals
>Instead of the saving screen, it just says "FILE NOT SAVED"
>Game continues anyway
>"FILE NOT SAVED" in that ominous fucking pseudo-comic sans every time it's supposed to save
>Fucking SA2B has not only corrupted it's own save game, but also the Chao Garden, and wiped the whole memory card with it
FUCK THAT GAME. This happened every time I had four or more Chao that I properly cared about (them rare fucking expensive eggs from Sonic Advance, yo) and every time I got close to getting all the emblems. Never happened with any other game, happened with every memory card I used (third-party or official), but the Chao Garden always had a way to wipe my data

To this day, "FILE NOT SAVED" in that font gives me chills.

>be me
>play this for the first time 3 years ago
>wow, this game is absolute garbage
>stop playing it

That's a weird theme for knuckles. Why's it focus so much on speed? And that sure isn't Knuckle's voice actor

>And that sure isn't Knuckle's voice actor
Have the voice actors ever historically sung the songs? I mean, the song blatantly seems fake to me, but I don't see what this has to do with it

>turn on Sonic Adventure
>start to play it
>realize it sucks
>shut that shit off
>play more Soul Calibur

good times!

>hot damn
>why the hell
There's no way this is a legit theme. I mean they've done swears before though...

Oh holy shit, I actually like this!

I liked the trial version with sonic's shoes being the bucked pointed ones. I'm also probably one of the few people that likes this version of city escape

I made these for /wsg/ over in this thread

My friend and I were autistic enough to document every single kind of chao breed and color that was possible
Then we realized Chao Island did it ready
>tfw even the Xbox/Ps3 ver of Adventure 2 had a new glitch chao species

>mfw I did the same exact thing
>mfw there's a mod that extends the chao garden for the PC version of SA2
My childhood starts again.

Was I the only one deeply afraid of his aquatic shark form. I remember falling into the depths of the lake multiple times while I was still a pissbaby.

>chao garden
i love my chao garden

>>mfw there's a mod that extends the chao garden for the PC version of SA2
Link. NOW.

Thank me with (You)s


Have some Rouge

my dick exploded

Ey, thanks my man, I'm building up a Rouge folder myself, for totally not jerking off reasons.
But for real though, the mod is honest to god the bees fucking knees.

You're welcome, sweet cheeks, enjoy yourself with that there mod.

wasnt the user you replied to initially but aight.

r8 my chao post more rouge

Incredibly OP, I'm sure that took you hours, if not days, y'know, if you did it legit :^)

kay, but I swear to fuck, if I get banned

im not OP either just a fucking faggot that jumped in here
then dont post 2lewd

I-I might as well post little chao facts while posting best bat...
Also, did you know if breed a Shiny Chao with a Golden or Silver Chao you could get a transparent Chao, Its actually really cool, and it even has a chance to be completely invisible.

>it even has a chance to be completely invisible.
>add flame orb

Sonic Adventure holds up like dog shit. This is coming from someone who grew up during the console wars of the 90's and stuck with sega all the way until the death of the dreamcast.

Also, In the Chao Garden Extended mod, you can even get a Tails/Knuckles/Amy Chao, Three species you couldn't get in the original game.

Also, Chaos chao can now have little animal parts, and even be various colors.

I agree completely, but the Chao Garden is some tight shit.

>tails chao
that one you actually can though

I don't know about Sa1, but Sa2 holds up fine

>b-but the camera and voice interruptions!

The game was just as janky at the time.

Fond memories of that game too op.

I was 9 though. Still remember being at my grandmas house not a care in the world around Christmas time playing sonic adventure and blue stinger. Man.

Wait, hol up...Didn't that come from a Phantasy Star online event though?
If not, can you please tell me, I never knew that.

I remember me and this one girl I knew when we were 8-10 roleplayed on the versus mode of this game.
I was never good at it



In wild canyon, the lyrics allude to rouge being a cocktease and distracting knuckles. Death chamber also says you damn right knuckles. They have totally added some maturity before but it wouldnt make sense to go from garbage writing like colors, generations, lost world, and boom made for people who watch barney and elmo and then suddenly shift gears and go back to the pre-colors style of edge.

Happened to me with SA1, but only on a shitty third-party memory card.

SA2 did give me game-crashing errors from the very first day though, and I got it with a new Gamecube. So I highly empathize with your fear of white text on an orange band.

>tfw Sonic Advance 3 didn't have the Tiny Garden
>tfw it was too late for me to grab 1 or 2
>tfw never got any Gem Chao in SA2 aside from Silver and Gold

Huh, you learn something new every single day.

theres some other things you can do as well, but this was the one that i gave a shit for

i rather enjoyed the content you could get on the dreamcast version from seganet.

So was it just the Tails Chao, or can you get the other two as well? cause that'd be pretty cool if you could.
But if its only the tails chao, then oh well I guess, Still pretty neat.

As far as I know, the others were Physical Events or went completely unused.

I'm so conflicted. I want to believe but... nu-SEGA.

On the other hand this supposed theme is fucking amazing.

Well that sucks a fat one, I was kinda hoping that you could get the other two...guess that's what the mod is for.

This was debunked a while ago. The song is from a movie. I wished I remembered the name, though.

>not knowing Sup Forums always gets a lot of Sonic threads when a new game is coming

And it's dead

Go home folks

Aw shit, really?
Well I'm feeling pretty low on chao factoids, I haven't been into this stuff forever, but I might remember some later, so if you guys want my steam, just ask away.

One thing that always bothered me in 3D Sonic games was the change of camera during a loop or a specific section (like that whale part in Sonic Adventure), are you supposed to:

-Keep holding the analog stick in the direction Sonic was moving in the first place, no matter how the camera changes
-Adjust the analog stick to the camera perspective, so Sonic move in the 'right direction'
-Let go of the analog stick

Which one?

Hm. Doesn't the HD version of SA2 have some sort of new glitch chaos?

sonic adventure is more memorable than the genesis, and one of the most memorable games of all time. prove me wrong!


that game came out in 98, i'm 20 years old

Usually you're just supposed to keep holding up regardless of how the camera changes.

you, my newfriend, are an idiot


Fun fact:
The HD re-releases of Sonic Adventure 2 have a strange glitch with the shiny two-tone chao.

Normally, when you breed a Shiny (Color) Chao with a Normal (Starter) Chao, you can receive a Shiny Two Tone Chao. But the HD Re-releases have a glitch (?) that makes the colors extremely bright, like a light bulb.

Oh ho, that's a good one, I gotta try that, have a Tats the Bat for that, Fampai.

hold up and pray
if its a solid sonic game, you'll be fine
if not (06, black knight in some parts), you'll fly off into your death

>you'll fly off into your death
This is my ultimate fear when going through a loop

Here's an example pic, familia. The Shiny Two Tones are fucked to hell. Tbh the HD Re-releases are all buggy and wrong in the Chao Garden.

GCN still definitive version.

I hope there's a way tp fix that, cause that looks turbo annoying...and I would do the GCN Version...but that [Insert shilling for mod here]

i remember one of the first things i ever masturbated to on the internet was rouge getting double penetrated by tentacles on an uncyclopedia article, i forget which one. but the image was super hot. never forgot it

Really, my first fap was to the jiggle physics in the game,
Good times.

whats your steam brother man, ill ask about some chao stuff whenever i get a day off from work
Maybe we can even talk about other stuff, wink wink, nudge nudge

I don't think a Sonic Song for Knuckles would have the word SHIT in it....
Casuals might think so.

Sonic Adventure 2 is honestly a really bad game. My friend and I drink a 12 pack of beer and play all the versus racing maps just because it's funny as fuck how broken the game is.

Also playing through in singleplayer lets you get reminded how terrible some levels are.

>4 years old
>1999 was 17 years ago
Fuck. I was 15 when I first played Adventure 2 back in like '00. Time sure flies.

Finding the secret fishing area in Hot Shelter with Big.