Beem playing ck2, and I must say the begining, and mid game is a blast. (As a count) setting up alliances...

Beem playing ck2, and I must say the begining, and mid game is a blast. (As a count) setting up alliances, playing the inheritance game, trying to get to the top without your liege fucking you over is a blast but depending on your endgame goal it's a becomes a boar. Trying to revive the roman empire gets kinda boring. What do you guys do in this situation. Ck2 thread

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Start creating the most worthless heirs you can

Anyone play that Warhammer: Geheimnisnacht mod?
is there a way to up the Frame rate?

How come?

Ill be bumping with whats going on in my current revive Rome play through. Avar have been the biggest bros so far, second place would be the niggers down south but they got fucked by the muslims. So second is france. Bavaria is my new ally through marriage and I am poised to inherir the whole kingdom soon

>it's a becomes a boar

That's what medieval houses did in real life

i hope you didnt feed parajews wallet.
did you?

Make heresy happen

My broship with avaria came with a price though. My son, named after the founder of the titlier empire of Demetrian, (named after the capital) is a mongrel. His wife was the daughter of the old white queen of Bavaria who my father set up with his firstborn son of his third wife that was from Avaria.

Who gives a shit if he did or not.

I bought the base game but pirated the rest

nearly 300$ worth of DLC.
are you saying that that is Ok?

Its ok as long as your not poor

You can get the full game and all the DLC except for a couple major DLCs like Charlemagne for 25 euro on a key site. Only idiots buy directly from steam.

Next playthrough I plan to play as vikings or poo in the loos.

My first character's, fourth daughter's second son's second son's (who was also from avaria holy shit) first son's first son, became emperor of Byzantium, truly my house came a long way. Its sad how we are at eachother's throught but it makes sense. In the begining if my character did not die due to stress they would die from the ambitious rival sons. Who were the heirs.

I haven't played in several years, just doing a tutorial Irish run and working all the way up to the Britonnian Empire back then, and I've been considering having another go. The only problem, however, is that I hear patch changes over the past year have actually made the game worse, particularly with this council business.

Is there a specific version I should revert to for the best experience?

Conclave is the DLC that has the council changes. If you don't have Conclave you don't have the council. But it came with a patch for the game that added shattered retreat and infamy from EU4. Infamy I personally don't have much of a problem with but a lot of people do because it slows down how fast you can expand, but shattered retreat is just bullshit. It works in EU4 because of the fort system but there's no such system in CK2 meaning all your enemies will teleport halfway across the planet and come back with full numbers.

Here is a mod to remove shattered retreat

Why do people hate the council?

My main gripe is that they love to start law changes with out your warning and also they are never happy and always want more power shit is annoying.

Instead of appointing the best men for the job on the council like in vanilla, your most powerful vassals demand the position instead. So you're forced to put Duke Dickbutt with 3 Learning as your priest or he will rebel, essentially taking way more power from the player. Have fun trying to fabricate a claim with a 5 Diplomacy Chancellor. And they changed child education as well so it's now RNG based on a profession you pick instead of deliberately imparting good traits from the child's educator. That's all you get for 15$ because everything else was added in the free patch, it's a waste of money.

Gave some fucker a advisory position and he left the faction for independence and increased power. But this fucker is still in them, how do I make vassals less likely to join factions? The old man is weak as hell I think he is just angry to be angry.

Wouldn't it not even make a lick of sense for your vassal lords to be council members themselves? The don't have time for that, they have lands to run! They ought to be satisfied as long as they have a relative or some favored individual in.

I heard about this shattered retreat business, but I'm still confused as to what exactly it is and how it differs from before.

I also hear displeasure about "coalitions". What's that about?

France sucks at wars who would have though time to save the day.

Army no longer gets destroyed but a portion leaves.

How do I get lords to vote for my son? Even the Byzantium emperor (my kin) is voting for him over his own son.