Does Sup Forums watch or read video game reviews?
Why or why not?
Does Sup Forums watch or read video game reviews?
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Because originally (before internet), it used to be the only way of knowing anything about new games, and if it'd be worth buying.
Nowadays, it's kinda the same thing, though I compare different sources' experiences together and try to form a better picture of the product. There's a few channels I trust more than others, most of them being individual people nowadays.
I don't, they're rarely if ever objective and scores are shitty argument points.
Only if they give a terrible score.
Yeah, based gamer is pretty good. Just average joe's doing reviews.
used to before they became glorified advertisements
no, im not a dumb sheep who needs a corpoation to tell me how to spend dmy money
nope. i don't have time to pick up new games so game reviews don't mean anything to me.
however i spend way too much time on Sup Forums and i gauge a game's worth by how much of a shitstorm it creates.
usually if it gets talked about constantly for over a month, it's worth my time. not necessarily good, but definitely fun.
people tend to post about games they feel passionately for, and passion doesn't stem from good graphics or fps. passion comes from fun.
reviews on games by popular companies or series are worthless
I prefer watching let's plays and try to make my own mind.
I don't trust reviewers anymore.
Yes, but I completely ignore the number. I compare what the reviewer liked and disliked to what I typically like and dislike.
I get my news on video games from Sup Forums pretty much. I can always count on Sup Forums to give me the worst news to be found, since it usually spawns a bunch of bait threads in its wake. I can find which games I would like the most from there.
>joost fanboy insisting he's not under anybody's thumb
big kek
I check the ones that seem interesting to me, either because of an unusual score or because the quote on Metacritic caught my attention.
I stopped when I torrented all the PC games I thought might not be shit, and then buy them if they don't suck.
Console games, I just ask my friends what games they think aren't shit and them antagonize them about how it really is shit until they lend me the game to shut me up.
Even if I'm wrong I can't lose.
>go to Twilight Princess HD Metacritic page
>check the reviews with lower ratings because I know the 10s and 9s are just mindless Zelda dick riding
>most of them seem to mirror my own opinion of the game, that it's the worst 3D Zelda and just a decent game at best
>open the websites and the reviews are on non-english languages
I use to watch gametrailers back in 2008-2011 but then switched to giantbomb quicklook. Just like the way I can just see how the game is played rather than bits of it. They also expain how the game works plays like as long as any other member does it besides Dan.
>Metal Gear Solid V
>Multiple 10/10's
>Best Metal Gear game yet
>Buy it
>Possibly worst in the series
>Reviews were rigged
>Praise is comping from people who've never played a Metal Gear game before
I watch gameplay on youtube and judge for myself
I bet you're one of those fags who think Wind Waker is perfect
Actually, WW is my pick for second worst 3D Zelda game.
MM> OoT > SS > WW > TP
In the past, game reviews were my only way of seeing the games at all. I did not pay much attention to the score, as much as try to rewatch reviews to catch as many details as possible.
And then I discovered YouTube and gameplay videos.
>Does Sup Forums watch or read video game reviews?
>Why or why not?
For the 24 years that I have been playing video games, I am able to discern for myself whether or not I will enjoy or not enjoy a video game. I don't like people acting as the king or queen and passing judgment of a game for me using a score. I'd probably care more for reviews if they didn't try to balance out what was said with a scoring system, but even then, it's still probably.
So what would count for the missing 0.2?
Your post would have been a good point, but you are a dumb frogposter.
IGN just wanted to fuck with people
how long until pepe is on kid shows like the new PPG cartoon?
i like frogposters
I like hearing other people's thoughts on games I'm interested in, but the only review that will ever matter is the one that comes from your own experience.