Mfw babies are getting McCree nerfed while I am absolutely broken but aforementioned babies don't know it because they...

>mfw babies are getting McCree nerfed while I am absolutely broken but aforementioned babies don't know it because they aren't high enough to see good Widowmakers

everyone is bad except me

>see a pesky widowmaker making trouble
>change to winston and give her the hot monkey dick until she switches or ragequits

It's usually the latter.

Both Widowmaker and McCree are broken and both will get nerfed in time.

McCree isnt broken at all

Widow is getting adjusted too

Her rifle will most likely be bolt action when she zooms in

Widowmaker is getting nerfed too, most likely her ridiculous charge time

>every hero takes no luck and is cheap as fuck when somebody else is playing it
>completely based around skill and tactical plays when i am playing them

>be omnic
>get shot

>tfw average 20-30 kills a match as widow
>level 17
>tfw people compliment me

the only good thing to come from playing 800 hours of tf2

>enemy widows have left the game multiple times because of me


>Hanzo will never be nerfed
>He'll be allowed to just spam arrows like a stupid monkey with no consequence for missing

For all the things Blizzard stole, they couldn't bother stealing good bow and arrow mechanics?

As a guy who plays both these two obsessively all I can say is, Yes.

McCree has no right killing tanks the way he does. He should be used as a speedy killer by using his flash bang and getting head shots/fan the hammer shots. HE should not be using that shit mid range and getting reliable kills. IF a McCree is able to flank you then you deserve to be flash banged. But you don't deserve for him to reload and do it to another guy.

As for widow. I would love to see more deliberate aim and less spamming her full auto gun. A bolt action would be amazing for this.

that's really would solve it for me I hate walking down a corridor and have some shitty widow take 6 shots at me 1 lands and I'm half health

Only nerf her, and hanzo, need is that what they shoot at is where their projectile actually goes. No more 'headshots' on my feet, or 2 feet behind me please.

He should add the demon arrow perk where he loses 30% of his health for a missed shot and 20% for hitting a body shot and no health loss for a headshot or a full draw.

>matched in too high skill so i'm useless and get told to kill myself/uninstall if i play anything outside of mercy/zenyatta/junkrat

sucks to be me

>>He'll be allowed to just spam arrows like a stupid monkey with no consequence for missing
Why should there be.


76 is fine why would he need a buff?

I wouldnt know cause im fucking terrible with widow maker

yeah they need to add ads burst fire for his gun.

stop posting that awful art

Honestly all they need to do is give him more of a windup on the arrow draw, but that wont ever really change the problem.

Because the game doesn't have limited ammo capacity, there's no consequence for just machine gunning arrows into a contested area (ie a control point) and getting a decent amount of kills.

Frankly I think alot of the games problems would be solved if there was limited ammo, because people wouldnt be able to spam like retards and would actually have to pick and choose their shots.

76 is perfect just the way he is

I like the fucker but he is absolutely useless on certain maps

What a coincidence.

People are crying about the sniper class in a new FPS.

Shocking revelation.

The consequence for missing, is missing

people walk into grenades i guess.

>Someone classified as a sniper shouldnt have a consequence for missing.
>It's good game mechanics for people to just spam nonsense and not actually have to aim

I weep for this generation

yeah not sure why he needs one?

snipers are always shit. Widow is a bit overpowered since her smg does very good, but she'd be too shit otherwise

>Someone classified as a sniper shouldnt have a consequence for missing.
why don't you explain why they should

But there is none. You can fire another shot so fast that missing is basically irrelevant. Who cares that you missed when another arrow takes like 0.5s to fully charge and their travel time is fast as lightning?

Because snipers are long range fighters who aren't in the front lines and are not suppose to get spotted. How are you suppose to punish something you can't see or hear?

>But there is none.
wait so you think that not doing damage to the person you want to damage isn't a bad thing?

>. You can fire another shot so fast
But not fast enough if they are doing anything about you.

>Because snipers are long range fighters who aren't in the front lines
And a hanzo in close range is a dead one, unless you have a well coordinated team which isnt a bad thing
>. How are you suppose to punish something you can't see or hear?
if you can't see his arrows then thats an issue for you, Hanzo's are especially easy to find and kill if they are spamming

Why nerf based robot remover?

> Implying Hanzo is meant to be played as a sniper

The fuck, m8.

>Classifyied as a sniper
>can get accurate long range/across the map head shots with ease
What else would you call it?

If theyre in your face, Hanzo can basically rapid fire the arrows no charge and still have a good shot at killing any sort of offensive assassin like Tracer or Reaper because of the arrows high base damage.

Effectively speaking, Hanzo has no "Dead Zone"

>Rather than address the real problems that are Widow and Hero stacking they'll just nerf the guy that pisses people off more than any other.

He works far better as a more offensive mid-to long range damage dealer than sniper honestly, Widow outclasses him so hard it isn't even funny in terms of sniping. His ult, Scatter and Recon arrow are more useful if he is near the thick of battle rather than perched out way in the distance, especially his ult.

an uncharged arrow does 28 damage at the rate of 2 rounds per second.

a charged arrow does 125 and can be fired about every 1.5 seconds.

As long as youre not a fuckwit, you can kill any nontank that gets in your face.

Widow does need to lose her quick scope bullshit. I'd also like to see sniper shots taking more than 3. Go up to 6 per shot, total of 5 shots per magazine.

The only balancing this game needs is to tone down bastions turret damage and give torjborns turrets a max turn speed. Everything else is fine.
Junkrat is best rat.

Give more hp to Zenyatta

is this english?


> gets overbuffed and everyone hates her

Mccree isn't getting nerfed because people are crying. The same way bastion isn't getting nerfed because the community cried.

Mccree is getting his fan looked at only because it deals too much damage to shields and tanks. For this sole reason only. Devs have posted who they are looking at already and how. Dva is getting looked at for a buff as well. Check their twitter.

>Hanzo can basically rapid fire the arrows no charge and still have a good shot at killing any sort of offensive assassin like Tracer or Reaper
If he survive with reaper they are not close range, and yeah, tracer is supposed to be the easiest to kill.

Never seen it happen, no matter the players skill.

A lot of people don't seem to realize that if she did actual good damage she would be a terror to deal with.

>Literally just tried this
Their whole FUCKING team is babysitting spider whore like shes a goddamn turret
Fuck this bitch and her 1 second charge time. Why can her rifle fire as fast as an assault rifle in SNIPER MODE

I want to kiss her on the lips!