>Boss has a shield
>You have to wait for an NPC to bring the shield down
Boss has a shield
>Boss is a shield
>Boss has an RNG move that rolls from minimal damage to instant death
First phase of the Act 4 boss of Path of Exile.
Worse, you have to FIGHT the NPC that brings the shield down. Three times.
>boss only has one weaknes
>have to keep blindly spamming spells until you find the right one
Every boss in FFIV after Tower of Zot.
>Boss's weak spot is a glowing orb inside it's chest
Go animate something arin
>boss is actually just a scripted loss sequence
>boss is super tough
>think you're supposed to lose
>you aren't
>you win the battle
>boss blows up and kills entire party
>annihilate the boss
>cutscene where the boss beats you afterwards, despite having full health during the fight
>boss joins your party
>entire fight was just a 'test'
>NPC comes to help you fight the boss
>Runs directly into the lava and does nothing
>Boss is immune to bullets
>You have to take an artifact to the other side of the stage
>Vex everywhere
>Someone takes the artifact to the right place
>You have ten seconds to shoot the boss
>boss is a giant who has the same running speed as you
>no time to turn around and shoot
>He's weaker than he was in the actual fight
>boss's weak spot is organic orbs inside its chest cavity
every time
>boss has a floor is lava ability, making the fight tedious
PoE can be bullshit sometimes
>boss has 40,000 HP
>has 200 HP as a party member
>Boss was a former party member
>Boss was previous boss but two of them
>Final boss can be fought before end of game, but insanely difficult. If you win, you still beat the game.
>Boss is the final boss but easier, you lose the game if you beat him before end of game
>Boss is a rhythm game
>Boss fight has 20 mins of unskippable dialogue, if you lose you must watch 20 mins again.
>Final Boss's moveset is just every other boss's put together.
>Boss room shrinks in size the longer the fight goes
>I mean at this point I am just making shit up as I go along