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It happened once, it can happen again. A hero of a thousand will pull through to us and make it possible.
Meanwhile, buy the games you really want. Don't pay for anything questionable.

>tfw your favorite series hasnt been hit by denuvo yet

>he is so cancer that he doesn't buy the games from his favorite series

no, i am sure Denuvo simply pay the chinese to stop cracking instead actually doing secuROM

Its pretty suspicious if you ask me

fuck off white knight faggot

Hang yourself, I hope your favorite series dies off

We'll know when Bethesda lays off the team because their bonuses went to the chinese and russian scene as hush money.

>defending businesses
You do realise they don't give a shit about you right? You buy the game if you want and that's that.

How about you buy games like you're supposed to?

Get some proper fucking paying work you worthless NEET.


Yes you buy the games you like except if you are cancer like yourself

Yeah, it's like the 50th time piracy dies in the last 2 decades.

no because i don't steal

How about no?
Oh well, have to keep playing my pirated copy of TW3, oh, that's right, it's not even pirated, I didn't need crack.
Can't wait to play Blood and Wine.

Business and consumers have a symbiotic relationship. The business creates products the consumer enjoy / find useful, the consumer pays money to the business. They have the duty to care for each other.
Of course they don't care for you. They only care about your money. In the same way you don't care about them; you care about the products they create.

Oh wow, a neet from Sup Forums has insulted me, i'm now going to pay $30 for TW3 just to keep having the same experience.

>this much mental gymnastics
they care about making money, when people steal to the point that it impacts their profits, they do this or cancel good game series that fags pirate.
you are as much a cancer to the industry as indie/feminists

>you do realise they don't give a shit about you right?

But The Witcher 3 came out without DRM and has been much more succesful than any Denuvo game.
In fact, not a single Denuvo game has surpassed 1 million copies, and among it, there's gigantic bombs like Homefront The Revolution or Far Cry Primal, which sold 1/5th of what FC4 did.

>In the same way you don't care about them; you care about the products they create.
Exactly, I care about playing the games, that's why I pirate them.
No reason to buy them.

Is why I don't care.

But if you don't support them they'll stop creating those games you're enjoying.
You're unbalancing the equation.

>In fact, not a single Denuvo game has surpassed 1 million copies

Are we only talking about PC sales? MGSV and Battlefront definitely sold over 1 million copies.


Allow me

No, there will always be people like you guys to pay for them.
If a game flops, my lone purchase won't change a thing, so go ahead, and keep buying videogames.

MGSV sold 930k according to Steamspy, and I don't know about Battlefront, but it definatly sold very little considering there's like 20 times less players on PC than onconsoles.

Can this really be counted as a full Denuvo game I mean sure it has Denuvo but it's easily piratable.

Your reasoning is perfectly fine, don't purchase the game, businesses don't care about you just like you don't care about them.

Just don't bitch when something like Denuvo comes out

literally nigger tier logic.

>I's don't gots ta pay fo it if I's don't wants ta pay

*looks at the games with denuvo*


>In fact, not a single Denuvo game has surpassed 1 million copies
that's not even close to true
a fucking google search can prove that wrong
>Arkham Knight
>Battlefront EA
>Rise of the Tomb Raider
>Just Cause 3
>Dragon Age

Im sure when the dust settles on Hitman, DOOM, and Mirror's Edge they also will pass that mark

cherry picking 2 shit games prove literally nothing other than you have no case

Really does not matter whether its been cracked or not still has Denuvo.

I'm buying games, but i'm bitching about Denuvo because it prevents tinkering with the launcher, so things like DSfix wouldn't be possible.

>my lone purchase won't change a thing

Now imagine they thosands of others who say this

I can agree on this. As a legitimate consumer I hate the fact mods and other things are not feasible because of something I'm not a part of.

Modding has always been one of the big strengths of PC gaming.

Nah. Nothing is "uncrackable," and just like every other anti-piracy measure, someone will find a way around it after some time.
>inb4 " hurr just buy the game u neet"
I have a job and I pay for games, I'm just stating a fact.

To be fair PC games modding has been dead for a while, even before the arrival of Denuvo.

>Arkham Knight

Not many, considering it's completely dead and it never had many players to begin with.

>Rise of the Tomb Raider

Has been stuck in the 900k's since January

>Just Cause 3
Has been stuck at 500k's since February

>Dragon Age
I think this one was a gigantic flop due to EA's refusal to release sale numbers.


Denuvo doesn't help the sales of any game.
Marketing does.

A good thing about Denuvo is that both we and the developers have real sales data for PC gamers.

>non pirateble games don't sell
It doesen't matter if it's easily piratable.

Tell that to Bethesda games.
Fallout 4 already has more mods than New Vegas.

>Denuvo doesn't help the sales of any game.

[citation needed]

Outside of valve games, Bethesda games are some of the only big games for mods in recent memory.

Ironically enough they are absolute trash tier games without mods.

>using a site that was confirmed to be inaccurate
you can check wiki you fuckwit

I ended buying Lords of the Fallen a year after it was released because a. it was on sale and b. no crack (that was two months before the game was actually cracked).
So, you can argue that it actually helped with one sale.

Most average consumers are not even aware a game has Denuvo or even what it is before buying them. I honestly don't see how it affects sales either way.

>pirate games
>steal games from store
Congrats, you never have to pay again.


Games that have sold more than any Denuvo game.

The Witcher 3
This one is funny because it was marketed as a game without DRM, same for The Witcher 2.

Dying Light

Borderlands franchise.

Far Cry 3, this one is funny too because it sold almost 20 times more than Far Cry Primal, which uses Denuvo.

First 3 Batman Arkham Games.

Total War Shogun 2

Wolfenstein TNO

Fallout franchise

I could go on all day.

You mean the site that I could edit right now in 5 seconds?

>all these shit games
>implying they are shit because of DRM you don't like

>Arkham Knight
literally was so bad because they had 2 weeks to port it
>Tomb Raider
the remake has been shit
disappointing game from a series that has had declining sales from the beginning of the franchise

>Just Cause 3
only does good when price drops, look at the first one that has barley double that. the sequel had an extremely popular mod and was memed into sales after a price drop

>dragon age
>i think
facts only faggot + EA

Episodic game that is poorly optimised on PC and most people are waiting to buy, if Sup Forums is any counter for that

>Game can't get cracked for a year
>People who want to support the game and the developer buy it
>A year later the game is cracked so both the ones who never wanted to spend money on it or literally couldn't buy it can enjoy it
>The game gets to be archived for posterity.

The optimal situation.

>Arkham Knight is less popular than the Witcher 3
I wonder fucking why

That's what i'm saying.
Denuvo doesn't affect sales, it's not going to improve or fuck them over, marketing does, and also how the port is.
Piracy is not going to change anything, because pirates will either end up buying the game anyway, or will pirate even $1 games.

>Games that have sold more than any Denuvo game.

How does that prove your point?

>Listing games that have been on sale for years, even as part of humble bundles


Fucking Fallout 3 was released eight years ago.

The fact that piracy didn't kill even the game that was marketed as ''PIRATE IT IF YOU WANT TO''.

sorry no proof of this the quality of almost all Denuvo games are low, with a few exceptions like DOOM that just came out and is at 500K currently
also say it doesn't affect one thing at all, why should companies make room for special snowflakes who think they are entitled to free shit? go back to tumblr

The Witcher series is insanely popular with the PC crowd.
I'm sure it would sell the same if it had Denuvo.

That only proves what i'm saying even more.
Good games will sell, shit games will sell like shit, regardless of piracy, and piracy won't change a thing in sales.
Market your game hard enough, don't make it a shitty port and it'll sell like hotcakes.

>why should companies make room for special snowflakes who think they are entitled to free shit
I feel entitled to mods.

>being this retarded
so you think companies shouldn't do it because it probably doesn't affect them either way and people should just steal what they want? Im glad Denuvo pushed you fags into a crying corner

And that would only prove what i'm saying more.
Denuvo isn't affecting the sales of anything.
They are not improving, they are not getting worse.

I'm saying they should stop wasting their money and getting rid of my ability to mod games properly, yes.

>Can't take serial keys from the shops anymore. They are all in protective cases.
Just end me now.
Also,still wont buy.

Generally if a company continues to use something, they don't feel it's a waste of money.

except you have no data that tracks this at all
nearl all the games under devuno except DOOM, total warhammer, and hitman are fucking shit for one reason or another.
Hitman being episodic and poorly optimised murdered it's sales
DOOM will easily make over 1m
Total Warhammer is more niche and probably will do good for the series
but if you are proving a point that Devuno does nothing but stop entitled idiots, then it is a good thing

>mod this
>mod that
>mod this
>mod that
You aren't tricking anyone. You just want shit for free.

Are you saying these companies care about anything but money?
Or that they spend their day saying
>Huurrr, these pirates that won't buy these games anyway, i'm going to get at them by spending money, even though earning money is the only reason i'm doing this...

>implying your average Sup Forumsirgin has the social self-confidence to leave their personal bubble and enter Normieland

If you don't protect your software no one will be willing to pay for it.

Excellent argument.
Want me to post all the Denuvo games in my Steam library?

The problem is that stops people like me who want to mod games.
Doom 1 and 2 are still big because of the modding community, while the new Doom doesn't have any of that because Denuvo doomed it.


Get a ski mask and a hammer and say you are the cleanup crew. I done it 6 times and never failed.

>just cause 2 multiplayer was pretty fun
>it will never happen with just cause 3 because of denuvo

I didn't know I could play all of those games for free, without doing anything illegal like downloading a copyright-protected copy and using a crack.

Also, as I said before
>listing games that have been on sale for years, games that have been on sale for $1 and are part of popular franchises like Fallout

But did you have fun playing it?

You can play them for free.
And they sold better than all Denuvo games.

It was fun.
For one playthrough (played as a warrior). 28 hours, no regrets. I'm glad I didn't pay full price for them.

Im saying there's no """evidence""" either way that you have presented

unless there is a clear track of game sales, Borderlands 3, as an example, to have this DRM and it's game sales on steam take a massive hit, growth, or nothing. then you have no """proof""" to even state a neutral claim, because every single game with the DRM is a reboot, low selling game

When you say that all these games are under 1M btw,that's not shocking since most steam games are under that.

you aren't bringing anything to this arguement other than being an entitled child about it

You still don't understand why you can't compare those particular titles to Denuvo-protected games, don't you?

I'm done with you.

How am I being an entitled child for pointing out that Denuvo hasn't affected sales in any way?

>Want me to post all the Denuvo games in my Steam library?

You don't buy games over $5 though

You said unprotected games wouldn't sell, but they do.
So why did you say it?


you're saying it shouldn't exist because it doesn't affect sales so pirates should just be allowed to pirate

I don't care about pirates, it shouldn't exist because it prevents modding.
Want to prevent piracy?
Find a way that doesn't affect your consumers, because for me, not being able to mod is not worth a completely inexistant sale increase that could improve port quality in the future.

this is easily the worst MSpaint job i've ever seen on this site

don't get mad at me hothead, or the companies who logically went down this road. be mad at the pirates who are ruining PC gaming

Want to add me on Steam so we can play some Snapmap matches?

I'm not mad at you, i'm mad at companies creating a problem for me, when piracy only affects them.

Piracy is not my problem, so the consequences of getting rid of it shouldn't affect me.

I'll just wait.

>play snapmap
proof right there user

why hothead?

Companies shouldn't harm me if i'm buying their games.
It's not my fault people are pirating the game.

If you don't want to add me, anything I can do to prove it to you?
Wanna ask me to do something unique in Doom?

How does Denuvo harm you in any way

>harm me
how are they harming you?
did they fire you from your job? did they kill your family? did they hire people to attack you? oh wait they made video games you don't like as much, that's right.

such a compelling argument

It prevents modding.
If Dark Souls 1 had used Denuvo, DSfix wouldn't have been possible, and the game would have remained a 720p, 30 FPS limited port forever.

I don't need to, you just said you play snap map, which is proof you are lying.

I agree /r/gaming poster