>fucking definition of low risk high reward
>insane DPS on top of being able to recklessly engage and get a free R1 out of any dangerous situation
>ruined arcade mode along with Mei
Defend this character.
>fucking definition of low risk high reward
>insane DPS on top of being able to recklessly engage and get a free R1 out of any dangerous situation
>ruined arcade mode along with Mei
Defend this character.
Other urls found in this thread:
console shitter detected
>Playing Overwatch on consoles
Defend this.
>get a free R1 out
a what?
>chase her after her timewarp
woah shes dead what a surprise
>R 1
Let me instead ask YOU a question, user. Why are you playing this on a console?
And today we learned referring to console controls when talking about overwatch is an easy troll
consoles aren't so bad!
>be Roadhog because team needed an OT to soak while Reinhardt set up shop at the spawnpoint
>somehow start chasing down a Tracer
>after some forwards and backwards I finally land that perfect hook and reel her in for a nice scrapgun blast to the face
>she reverts time while on the hook
>can die in one hit from half the cast, most of which have hitscan weapons
>low risk
I think it's time to get off the internet jimmy, you only just bought that Overwatch game right? Why don't you play that some more.
switch to pc, learn to aim and easily take advantage of her range and low health
She's good but she has counters. Mcree completely shuts her down with his flashbang.
That's some pitiful aiming by that enemy team. I mean those bullets aren't even on the same continent.
You can't rewind when you get hooked senpai
Then it must have been lag, because I was so mad when I finally had her and she managed to sneak out.
Really comes down to whom your playing against
You're supposed to wait until she recalls, remember where she was a few second ago and hook there so she spawns in your hook. Satisfying as fuck.
so this is the power of consoles...
>Being able to stand still
Every games I've been in if you stand still for more than a second you'll get your head removed by a Widowmaker.
You obviously don't play the game.
Roadhog hook stuns while reeling in his target, and he has more than enough time to fire one shot and a mele before they're let off the hook.
Console player here, been binging overwatch the last couple of days with my brother on ps4. Definitely would prefer m + kb but everyone is on the same playing field using the controller. The ps4 controls haven't made the game any less fun for me.
yes you can, I've had it happen to me many times
Just after the hook ends before you can shoot they blink away
I have a ps4 and was considering buying overwatch, what's wrong exactly? It looks fun
>Multiplayer shooter
>on a controller
>non-airborn Pharah
What is going on in this webm? How bad are these people to just leave a Pharah like that?
You are just going to get shit posted with
>Playing FPS on console
because controls can't give the same amount of accuary as a mouse. I have it for ps4 and enjoy it greatly all ready level 48. I upgraded my pc sunday though so I am going to buy it again for pc on friday when I paid.
>Console aiming
Controller is shit for fps game.
The only reason codshit and battlefuck are popular on there is because they appeal to borderline retarded casuals.
They had a hanzo who couldve easily got me had I not prioritized him.
I was also trapped by Junkrat.
>I'm all ready level 48
So much time wasted
>Having a good time is time wasted
Nice autism faggot.
i play it on ps4 and i can confirm that it is fun
for qualification purposes, i havent enjoyed a shooter since goldeneye
Sure, but i'm only playing against other ps4 users so why does it matter?
Or do they mix pc and console players online?
>a million copies sold on PS4 in a week
>hurr you play dis on console you fag durr
PCucks are the cancer killing Sup Forums
>qualification purposes
What ?
You only fight other ps4 players faggots here just have autism where do you think you are?
>4 people which is 2/3 of the team can't kill a Zero Suit D.va
>Even prioritizing a D.va which is situational at best
Why don't you console cucks just buy m/kb converter if you insist on using a meme box?
>inb4 muh comfy couch excuse
>implying you can have a good time on console
>implying you can have a good time with nine year old autists missing every shot they make
>popularity = quality
wew lad
>Projecting this hard
user I feel sorry for you also I play winston who needs to aim
Hard countered by TorbJorn & Mei. Roadhog, Junkrat, Zarya, Mcree, & Winston can also fuck her shit up pretty easy.
You can recall if Roadhog is a little slow getting his shot off.
>low risk
>when McCree, Mei, or any tank exist
>her health pool
>thinking Mei is actually a problem
The only problems in this game are Widowmaker because her scope charges too quickly and McCree because he can dish out 800 something damage in one combo.
Actually 9 year olds are on PC and running the game on shitty MOBA laptops
It's the exact same game you fucking imbecile.
That's not the point anyway, it's that many many people play it on a console and so you're screaming at a wall and your unbelievably gay master race shit just gets shrugged off by normal people
>Team mate uses MOBA terminology
>Playing Overwatch on consoles
I hope you enjoy a dead game in a few months.
>150 hp
>Low risk
>Designed to run around alone
are you console fags that bad?
Keyboard & mouse will fucking shred controller players every time.
How delusional do you have to be to not get this.
>Shit posting this hard
yes good thing ps4 players don't vs people who use Keyboard and mouse
Tracer is a lot stronger on consoles because people can't hit her like at all with a controller.
>I have a PS4
I'm so sorry
>150 HP
>Low risk
Yes great because that's NOT THE FUCKING POINT.
Jesus would you actually reread the post until you get it through your thick skull
>not knowing we all
Holy fuck my god damn sides
Still, its 3 projectile heroes and a Roadhog shooting left click from medium range on a character with a tiny hitbox.
Nigger just because mouse gives better accuracy or it will always beat controllers doesn't mean jack shit when controller vs keyboard and mouse will never happen. Some people prefer consoles over pc get fucking over it
>Owning a PS4 when they're going to be bargain bin soon so you can spend only $200 for Bloodborne instead of $500
But why? Can't you wait? The NuPS4 is going to be releasing sometime this or next year, why buy a traditional PS4? Surely you have a PC to post on Sup Forums with, so why not play Overwatch on that? You can turn down the settings if it's too intensive.
>Pick McCree
>Spam RMB
>Flashbang when needed
No aim required.
There are two Mei ults going off at once, everyone got frozen and she could pretty much sit there picking them off.
>PCucks are so desperate for a game of their own or something that they'll try to shame console owners for playing the exact same game
>it's fucking Overwatch, the summer blockbuster of video games, meant for and sold to as many people as possible regardless of platform
>Over "Taco Bell" Watch
Don't worry lad, arcade is over, you can play 11 Genji and one faggot mode now.
>playing a FPS on a controller
Lets get this shit started
>going up against tracers who were blessed by the gods with incredible aim being able to land every bullet and maintain sight on you while they zip around you like a madman
End my existence.
Yes, let's see you "prefer" this:
If you're still not convinced hit me up jakethesnake33 on steam, would love to pummel you :)
He said arcade mode retard. She actually ruined it.
You can hit her on any platform because of that 20 tick. Come on, now.
Console players actually have friends they can play with. So I'll take fun with friends over autistic PC gamers telling me to switch out of Reaver and get on Payload.
>Would love to pummel you
>When overwatch doesn't even have crossplay
user are you mentally fucking retarded?
> R1
The solution to being mad at bad video games is to not play them.
>takes any damage at all
Literally just watch your healthbar. Only insta-kills will kill you.
>jakethesnake33 on steam
>on steam
He's not talking about Overwatch autist.
What the fuck is wrong with YOU?
Arcade mode is shit anyway.
You guys might want to be careful.
You're going to trigger the Sonygger and cause the thread to be spammed with ebin Uncharted snapshots
Then what the fuck are you even talking about this ia thread about overwatch you autstic faggot what the fag why do you little shits have to derail every thing. What the fuck are you even going on about
>But why? Can't you wait?
how does the ps4.5 release help my ps4 at all
Holy shit is that Curtis?
>low risk
>takes about 2 hits to die
Least we have a game, the fuck has PC gotten that's exclusive and GOOD?
>FPS on a controller
why respond like that with that webm? Not even console
PCs are consoles.
Just overpriced and usually built like shit.
>Just consoles are overpriced and usually built like shit
You asked for it, OP.
She has 150 hp and can get killed almost instantly by just about any other move in the game. In order to counterplay somebody as her you need to have good reaction time and make predictions on their moves.
Her pistols have serious spread. It's common to get 30% accuracy and call it a good game. Bullets also scale with range, where long range shots will do less damage than close range. It's about 60% less. If she can get right next to you, it's 240 damage per reload, unarmored.
Recall has a 12 second cooldown. Also it has an inherently small window of use. Tracer's reaction time for "oh no I'm getting hit" is between 0-1 seconds whereas tankier heroes have the HP to say "oh yeah, I'm getting hit, let's move now." Basically it's very possible for a Tracer to get killed before she can even use it.
Each blink has a 5-second recharge time, so if you use all 3 quickly (most 1v1's or skirmishes) you're fucked.
Pulse bomb does about 400 damage but it has a very small blast radius that you can walk out of by the time it goes off, plus it can also kill her, so if she doesn't leave immediately she'll just kill herself. Yes, you can get stuck with it and it sucks. It's a skillshot.
Basically, if the enemy Tracer is fucking you up, they're just good or lucky. Bad Tracers can get destroyed by pretty much anything in an instant. You have to be in close range to do any significant damage, and if you can wait out her cooldowns and sneeze on her, she'll explode. She's very high risk high reward.
I rarely see Tracers but I do pretty great with her, I'm guessing she's just hard to use for people with little FPS experience beyond CoD shit
Her ass alone makes up for her.
Are console cucks the ones who complain about Bastion being OP?
just play mccree and she is useless
Holy wow, console wars are the most embarrassing, manchild thing ever
Why don't you just play what you like and stop giving a shit?
It's 3 seconds
It's just pcfags shitting up another thread lad
yeah and they complain about mei too
Not a lot of bastions on ps4 but a lot of fucking torb stacking
It doesn't matter, they don't mix between consoles and PC. Everyone is on the same playing field, for the most part, though there are some people who use pic related.
I want to eat and fuck her pussy, mouth, and asshole while watching liveleak videos of niggers killing niggers in ISIS fashion..