Fighting game players will defend this.
There is literally no reason to make a simple uppercut that complicated. This is the reason being even semi-good at fighting games is only for an elite few who can get over the archaic control scheme. And you guys wonder why Smash 4 is the most popular game at EVO.
Fighting game players will defend this
ITT: OP is a scrub
This is just pathetic.
Thanks for getting a fightan thread up, OP.
What's everyone working on in their fightan of choice? I'm trying to practice some SFV execution while I wait for Ibuki and eventually Balrog to release. I have come to hate SFV and it hurts to say but I actually miss SFIV in a lot of ways. Is that normal?
Give me ONE good reason why a simple uppercut should require 4 inputs, and an awkward 4 inputs at that. I'll wait.
>he can't do a simple 623
That's the second thing you learn how to do faggot, literally hit the lab.
I suck ass at fitans and I can 623 easily.
>And you guys wonder why Smash 4 is the most popular game at EVO.
and will be neuter by next game/patch
>tfw suck at fighting games
>still know how to DP, hadouken and copter kick(or whatever it's called)
Git gud, dude. To me, the motion feels kinda right.
At least make it Left,Diagonal,down. This just looks retarded
>Is that normal?
Hating SFV is, I stopped enjoying it forever ago.
Missing SFIV, I don't think so. That game was even worse, in my opinion.
>What's everyone working on in their fightan of choice?
Practicing Real Bout 2 a lot, as always.
Having a lot of trouble with the Billy matchup.
I'm just too impatient, and he puts me out of my rushdown comfort zone with Rick, so I'm thinkin' about putting more time in with Yamazaki specifically for that matchup.
Also trying to get good at Jojo's Heritage of the Future. I've pretty much got DIO tandem combos on lock, but my neutral is garbage in this game.
Decided to switch things up in #R, and started learning Dizzy.
I mostly play old man games, but I'm really looking forward to trying Haeyun in Revelator, but I'll probably end up just going back to Faust.
This combo is so uncomfortable it almost hurts
>left diagonal down
so 632? that's even more awkward lol, only time that's ever been used was for alpha counters in the alpha series, and something similar for magneto's magnetic blast.
Off-topic, but sometimes I wonder. Lately on Sup Forums I've been typing and acting like a degenerate with a short attention span... and it seems to work, as I get more replies that way.
Whenever I think about actually typing-up something of value, I groan, because I know most people will ignore it or try to troll, and then converge on the low-effort topics/replies and shitposting. The low-effort shit gets reward.
Maybe I should leave. I'm getting tired of lowering my standards, and it's affecting my ability to compose myself on other sites, and in real-life.
Fightan games are literally the only genre where fans defend keyboard gymastics and constant shit talking as staples.
Imagine pressing 4 buttons every time you want to jump in a platformer, putting down a barracks in an RTS or to shoot your gun in an FPS and defending it as "skill":
I don't know how the input works in smash, but wouldn't you be able to do in a one quarter circular motion that way? Just seems more comfortable.
> elite few who can get over the archaic control scheme
If you want good discussion, established forums with proper user names might be a better option. This is definitely not an ideal place to have meaningful discussion.
The motion is just so needlessly janky and long to pull off. I guess I'm just spoiled by Smash's simple but effective controls but still, it's pretty much impossible to pull it off in the flow of the game without mashing like crazy or causing your thumb to hurt like hell. And still nobody has given me ONE good reason why it should require FOUR janky inputs to pull of a special move instead of a much simpler system of just designating a button to special moves.
Even smash has this in it thanks to Ryu. It's not hard OP.
>i can't do it so it's too complex
stick to smash, child
>elite few who can get over the archaic control scheme
Isn't this good for a character that pushes in since if you're moving forward you're already doing your first input?
space on the controller for more attacks, balancing, etc.
frequently used to play JoJo hftf, now I'm trying to get back into Skullgirls.
it's not that hard my nigga lmfao.
Still waiting for a reason.
Balance. If gief had SPD on a single button press he'd be broken as fuck. No one has trouble doing inputs after their first day or two of play. Learning links and more importantly defense and footsies is far more important and far more of a long term struggle.
It's an all offence input, as in you can't block while you do the input. This reflects the theme of the input as well, as in it's a 100% attack, and you get fucked if you missed.
Also you can do this input while walking forward, so you can move and anti-air on reaction.
It's really quite genius.
Who /thick/ here
Or you can just practice until you have it down. Most 623s feel really good to pull off. It's worth the effort.
Do you know if there was ever a time where Sup Forums was the perfect size - not so few people that it was a ghost town, and not so saturated that it becomes a shitfest like it is now?
I do post on forums with usernames, but forums have really kinda died in recent years. Or at least, I can't find any fightan or vidya forums with a half-decent signal:noise ratio.
So as shitty as Sup Forums is, the random gut punches and insight from here are some of the best I've seen. But man, the signal-to-noise ratio is really bad.
i'm still waiting for a valid complaint other than "i can't do it so it shouldn't exist"
>The timeless symbol of the stealth Fightan thread
Due to recent events I am strongly considering installing KI. What is the PC player base like near the east coast US. Is there enough players for close skill based MM?
i am working on charge distribution for urien for agis wall setup
i hardly lose with urien. i can do corner setups but that half charge than dash than charge a little than head butt tech is really usefull because it changes sides if opponent is down and u can pull off an unlockable
My friend has this tattoo on his chest.
Nope, Sup Forums has been nu/b/ since 2008. There was always underage trolls and idiots but it's gotten worse.
I took a break from fightan for a while. Seeing little improvement on SFV and a nonexistent local scene make it hard to stay motivated
I'll try to get back into it once revelator is out
Mine are Skullgirls, SF4 and KoF 98. I also play Garou and SF3 occasionally. Also have taken a stab at getting into Tekken.
It's an entire genre revolving around two guys in a tiny arena punching each other. There is no level design, no exploration, no hidden lore to discover. The only way to make that shit the slightest bit interesting is to increase the technical depth. I don't even play fighting games but it's pretty obvious there would be no fucking point to them if gitting gud was made easy to accommodate shitters.
There are two very good reasons to have motion or charge moves for specials, the first is that it means you are no longer limited to the number of attacks/special attacks you can have in your game. Unlike smash where EVERY character has the same number of normals and specials because of the limited controls, this format allows more variety in characters.
The second is that it puts a small but important delay to more powerful moves. If a Dragon punch for example was a simple button press, nobody would ever be able to jump again because reacting with a button press is 100x easier than reacting with a motion and a button. Similar reasoning applies to grapplers whom if thier supers werent 720s they would be insanely broken.
But this entire thread is bait so fuck it all.
>I don't have to git gud, fightan/melee/anything I find hard in life has to get easier!
neck yourself
>you guys wonder why Smash 4 is the most popular game at EVO.
Changing mains, adjusting to a fairly different BnB C-Satsuki in MBACC
It's extremely painful
The level design is how the characters work, and why they have the moves that they do and how to use them.
That's a simple Z movement with a stick user.
SFIV is a complete game, but its fundamentally janky.
SFV is unfinished and buggy as hell, but its fundamentally sound.
Pick your poison.
Sakurai was right, Sm4sh is for turbo casuals of the middle ground.
Damn... is this real?
So I've only gone as high as Calculus 2 but it's pretty damn obvious that isn't one big super hard equation on the board. It's a bunch of really small equations and formulas that jave no relation to each other.
I love that THE MOST BASIC FIGHTING GAME CHARACTER in existance blows the mind of smash shitters. Truely Melee is the pinnacle of competitive gaming.
Waiting for Revelator next week. Gonna be working on my boy Johnny now that he's finally back and I'll drop him for Baiken if she ever gets in.
I can understand getting good at video games, but it's painfully obvious that inputs in fighting games make them needlessly difficult. I will REFUSE to 'git gud xD' if the game's only way of challenging the player technically is by making moves stupidly difficult to pull off for no reason. It's a stupid way of inputting a move and it should of died in the arcades.
>complains that dp motion is difficult and archaic
>offers no alternative
>should of
Are there seriously people who have trouble pulling off a DP motion? If you've never played fighting games then it's understandable, but after an hour or so of playing you should be able to pull it off pretty easily.
You wanna know what I don't know how to do? Hold down-left, roll to down-right, roll BACK to down-left, go diagonally to up-right and do all of that in a match. I can do it in training mode no problem, but actually using one of those Ultras/Supers in a match? How the fuck would people go about doing that?
le smash inputes
I love that shitposters like you refuse to read posts like this and instead respond to someone saying "git gud".
Theres a reason these controls are main stay in traditional fighters, so yes get good you fucking scrub shitter.
Itst a fucking special move. There are plenty of single directional attacks.
it's called The Sharpest Smash for a reason
then you can't have any special moves use down+anything because crouching moves
you can't have command normals because they're replaced by specials
If you think DP motions are "needlessly difficult," it would be a field day to see you try to play Geese.
You could put special moves to the right analogue stick easily.
He's not wrong about breaking the circle pad.
Especially if that same circle pad had to go through the quarter trick in Pokemon.
>games that started in arcades having 2 sticks and somehow still having hands on the buttons
You can hold the right analog stick in between your index and thumb, use your middle and ring finger to press the face buttons and pinky to reach the bumper and triggers. Arcade controls should have died in the arcades. They're old and obsolete, but people can't bear to let go of the past.
Fighting games are still primarily played in arcades.
In Japan, maybe. Everywhere else, no.
not him. but that seems very impractical.
The fuck
Or you could lift your thumb off the buttons for one fucking second and simply flick the right analog in a direction to pull off a special move.
Trying to learn Faye Ling better than I knew her and Ragna but having to resort to a 360 gamepad which I hate. I switched to keyboard andI was nailing and understanding some of the combos with her a lot better once I realized I was passing the combo training but inputting too slowly with my gamepad. Then I hit the inevitable combo that made me realize my keyboard wasn't NKRO like it was advertised. Back to my pad I go. School's kept me away from fightan this summer and it's not looking any better for the next 3 months.
Not sure how you got there without taking a chem, physics, or geometry course.
one second is a very crucial amount of time user
I pray that soon the in the future there are fighting games even easier then smash, and that it only has a single button to mash... Then those morons who play it will make threads shitting on smash about how difficult it is because it has 4 moves and directions
And then maybe then these faggot smash players will finally know what this whining sounds like
I bet this faggot does one direction then back to neutral then the other etc.
Motions are not hard, faggots.
He clearly doesn't play anything in the genre, or he'd understand how stupid he sounds right now.
Go play with your cellphone, dude.
Srv has more evo entrants. You have bad reading comprehension.
>people still unironically play fighting games
It's time to let it go, retards. They're dead for a reason.
The only reason why this move is hard is because it's fucking deceptive. This entire is a fucking lie, that's why new players cannot do this. I figured out the truth when I game overed in Samurai Shodown, a game that actually communicates this motion correctly.
What i miss from 4 is the rooster. I just want Cody or Makoto back. For now i play Karin for lack of other options. But she was way more fun in Alpha 3.
Try putting in pre-1995 SNK commands and then talk about complicated.
the absolute madman
I'm trying to solidify my ability to time anti-airs and figuring out situations.
I guess my game of choice is SFV? It's the one I play the most since despite my interest in them when I started out, anime fighters are fucking fast. Also, I don't really have anyone to play with regularly irl for those games.
When I put effort into a Sup Forums post it rarely gets replies and sometimes it kills the thread.
It's a good lesson though, because putting effort in discussing things on the Internet is fucking stupid.
>Fightan games are literally the only genre where fans defend keyboard gymastics and constant shit talking as staples.
No. It just has less retards that claim execution is getting in their way and is not a true skill, and that they'd be oh-so-better if that darn keyboard ballet bullshit wasn't getting in their way! (see Quake, Brood War, even Dota and UT)
At the very least, they get vocal opposition in the fighting game genre, which is not the case in the other genres.
>I guess I'm just spoiled by Smash's
Mystery solved.
>The Shoryuken is a "standard uppercut"
How to tell people don't play fighting games 101
So you want a control layout more akward than the commands you are trying to replace.
People already spam special moves enough..
Isn't divekick close to that or am I mistaken?
>it's an user gets btfo and stops posting episode
has anyone else notice the large influx of namefags/tripfags on each board since the summer started?
they're always there. Summer is just a scapegoat
There's really no "balance" element to the complexity of motion moves. It just makes them more tedious to execute.
No input really has any necessary time-related considerations except for Charge moves because they, depending on the game, require one third of a second to a full second to prepare them. And if the opponent crosses sides, the charge is lost.
Executing a 360 in a tenth of a second so quickly that your character doesn't even jump is trivial. Fireballs, dragon punches, half circles, delta motions, even a 720, they can all be done in as few frames as there are directions. In many modern games with input shortcuts, the directions you need to input can be truncated to the four prime directions (for example SFV Zangief's 360 only really needs to be a 270, so back, down, right, up+punch is all you need, four frames ideally).
If you want balance, make inputs simpler and startup animations longer.
>startup animations longer
That sounds fucking awful, and would also make grapplers fucking useless.
>All these people complaining about inputs in fighting games while using a normal controller
I found the problem