"Girls don't play video games"

>"Girls don't play video games"
>Oh how do you know?
>"because they bullied me for playing them"
>Weren't you bullied by boys too?

Other urls found in this thread:


People are pathetic and love to generalize. People here like to complain about beta males but a large amount of this board is a bunch of omega males.

Is that the "official" 2015 entry?

Yeah and I have no idea why.

>"because they bullied me for playing them"
>being bullied by fucking girls of all things
Jesus whoever said this deserves to be punched


Yeah women play video games. They do it all the time because they know they can get money for show a bit of cleavage on camera while playing from beta nu-males.

The 2016 one should be "#MakeMarioKissWario".

Because holy fuck.

>Brianna Wu
>A tranny somehow represents "Girls and video games"




Wait WHAT?!?!

t. roastie

This is the most embarrassing response I've seen on Sup Forums

I mean, how do you copy and paste this and think its a legitimate response? Do you not realize it just makes you look like a legitimate beta white knight? Nobody with an actual brain believes that image is an accurate representation of women, unless you take the average opinion of the underraged users of Sup Forums as fact which then I kindly ask you to grow the fuck up.

I really thought this copypasta would only be used in jest as a tongue and cheek response to a bait image but I'm dumbstruck of how people have become so assbassed on this board that they take shit like this to heart. I mean, come the fuck on. Who actually thinks Brianna Wu is an accurate representation 50% of the human population? And if they do you should just immediately discard their retarded opinion and not respond.

Even if you DID post that response as some sort of counter bait, the irreparable damage is done. You created a grave for yourself that makes whatever point you were trying to convey lost in a sea of shitposting. Good job, you're responsible for the downfall of this board.

What's his name again?

girls raised up by icarly are easy to get into bed.
hannah montana and other shit are fucking hard as fuck.

>tfw a girl likes you

Replace "look at the nerd and his vidya" with "I don't play vidya", or something along those lines, and the picture is 100% accurate.

>/reddit9k/ lingo


I don't know this feel and never will 2bh

Apparently (and I know this second-hand, not because I see it live) people on Twitter and shit have basically been spamming every kind of hashtag like "GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend" and pretty much every other similar sentiment with other popular characters.

Because apparently, just taking random fictional characters and saying "Yeah, they're gay now." is progress? Or something?

t. summer tourist


It's not my fault if I don't like to nerd on sex and general normie stuff, heh.

>She's fat

t. white nu-male (redundant)

Damn, whoever wrote that wall of text was fucking bitter about being called-out as a superficial bitch.

Dan "get in the van" Schnider

Dan "the hymen divider" schnaider

Hello my fellow asexual brother

>feel skeptical that she's just pretending so she can laugh at me with her friends

>tfw a girl likes you
>she isnt a virgin

I heard something about that with Elsa from that Frozen movie, but only because it was on the 5 o'clock news a few weeks back.

This is just sad.

Well being bullied by the boys turned me on, so no complaints there

Yo I like this response


>start at a new job
>everyone treats me normally
>see cute girl always staring at me
>looks away when I look in her direction
>introduce myself when I get the chance
>she acts all bubbly and happy
>she says hi everytime she passes me
>asks me how my day in going multiple times a day
>despite both of us being new, she only comes to me for advice even though I always end up asking a superior anyways

What do I do next? I'm totally lost.

>lol look at the loser and his videogames
If all you did was play your gameboy during recess and school, you do kind of deserve to get made fun of. Take a break from the videogames and play dodgeball or something.

Dumb mobileposter

What, you think they don't do it and in most cases successfully? Girls have a really annoying way of bullying, they emotionally manipulate you. The guy will beat you up, if he's weaker you can fight back but a girl will use social connections and emotional manipulation.

A party girl tried to bully me when I was in highschool by pretending to want to be my girlfriend. It failed miserably, but the average guy who isn't a total chad will fall for that.

>Whiteknight this hard
Good lord now womans around you will date all of you thanks for your job

In my experianed woman just have less interest on average, I assume it has a base in the fact that a majority of the genre is inherently violent

With who? I was bullied by everyone.


Ask her to join you for coffee or cocoa after work at Starbucks. If she agrees, great. If not, then she's just a bubbly person.

>Weren't you bullied by boys too?
Yes, but not because I play vidya.

>Waahhh why isn't this my safe space like /r9k/ :"(

I would've put that bitch's name in the bully box.

Would you Sup Forums?

Hey tourist, enjoy your stay.

Get more confident in your ability to answer her questions. Say hello back. Smile back. Be industrious and do your work. Talk to her and be friendly when she strikes up conversation. Don't put her on a pedestal, she's just a smiling pile of body parts that you have and a few you don't.

I'd rather the blonde

Howi do people get bullied? the only people that talked to me we're administration worried that I had mental problems

Not after all the black cocks she's reportedly taken


She got less attractive with age

I don't think you want to user.

What's worse is when you can't do a thing about it if they have Chad friends sorry for the /r9k/ term who won't hesitate to jump you as a group.

I don't think video games were ever considered nerdy when I was in high school (2000-2004)

I remember going to this dude house along with other guys and there night of GAMING was watching the sports highlights and playing Halo/COD during commercial breaks. We would get like 1-2 mins of action then back to 5-7mins of sports highlights.

Get to know her and see if you actually like her outside of the cheery disposition.
Ask her out on a date.

Getting singled-out, ganged on or ostracized.

>mfw bullied in middle school
>didn't give a shit
>in high school i was known as that chill fucker that people could talk to to be chill, and the people who bullied me openly apologized for being asses to me

Now I'm just a loser with no job but I'm still the chillest fucker around

I don't get how people got bullied /FOR/ playing video games. If you were being bullied its because you were an easy target, not because you played video games.

GOD I don't care what the fuck they play. This thread probably killed a thread about a video game that I enjoy, you faggot.

Ah, I miss Sup Forums.

post hot freddie

Dan "if this ruse gets a loose il be in the news" schnaider

Girls only play video games if you count cellphone/facebook games. If you exclude them the demographic of people who play games is vastly male.

No even debatable

>got bullied hard by this one guy in middle school
>one day he suddenly stops and says he wants to be friends

Who was she with that was black?

He's thinking of Jennette. Miranda is pure

Roastie detected

When did Sup Forums get filled with white knight faggots and people who didn't get bullied for playing video games?

Can you all fuck off please?

>you should stop doing what you like because others will make fun of you for it
Thank you Captain Normalfag, another childhood successfully saved :)

Nope. Couldn't hope to please her after she took Dan "Big as a Coke can" Schneider.