Axe is not Axe!






It's so good to be 6k and miss you all losers 2k trash

It's also good to have a real education and be able to communicate in English properly.






The most pathetic response I've ever seen tbqh with ya

That's why
you don't know how satisfying it is to watch an enemy farm his jungle only to take his last hits every time with a remote mine

4.8k trash here
i havent touched dota in a long while because dark souls 3 and witcher 3

i recently noticed that they added some kind of quest system on it
is it a good fill of content or should i not bother?



haven't played slark in 5 months if that makes it any better

your kda is fucking low as shit.

My highest winrate heroes have 5+kda at least.

Most likely you got carried 5/10

pls respond

is dota still boring to play or what?

or he was taking towers instead of playing team deathmatch.


fucking noob


More efficient to fight with these heroes, don't you think?

It's more than a great

is it a good alternative to the seasonal events that they altogether dropped?

Watching the Fracas/10

I love playing SB, definitely my favorite pub stomper. All those Riki's, Bounty Hunters, Clinkz, and any other roamer or invis hero just ripe for the taking. Then by late game just charge the squishy support in the back, pop my bkb, and watch the heros fly

The only people who played the seasonal events were white kids + low income kids

well scuse me

the mmr climb got stale for me
and theres nothing on the custom maps aside from tower defense which isnt really that bad

r8 my 3 niggas

pre 6.79 was truly the best time for bara. the magic immunity on nether strike was amazing

learn how to buy wards or dusts

>b-but I'm a carry!

learn to support ya faggots

>respectable, just git gud
>reach for bleach
that took a quick turn didn't it

>25% wr as LC

one of these days I will abandon a game if I saw another LC going jungle.

>implying thats the problem

Techies only has two goals. To drag the game out as long as fucking possible, and to make people so frustrated they just up and quit. Wards dont mean much when he can blow 10 minutes turning their high ground into a complete minefield for no other reason then to drag out the game. Even when you win its a slow and aggravating process

I am a suicide lane core/support player and dealing with these guys are painful as fuck.

wards and dusts are mostly useless against a good slark and tinker, most tinker won't pick up invis items because its trash on them, they just spam army and then blink.
>lol lets dust the slark AFTER he engages us, it's not like his ulti doesn't make him untargetable or anything

techies are easy to deal with outside of heat-of-the-moment mistakes you make while chasing, but it drains the funds for my mek/mana boots and make me less of an impact on my team.

i jungled once as lc
one dude really got into my shit but it went pretty well for me

gave a lot of space for my carry sniper who carried me and his regen buff saved his ass more than i can remember when he got ganked
also net me a fast dagger

then again i only have 4 games with all wins with him so i cant really cant gauge much of her overall performance

*Wake me up*

god what are you saying
techies before it got nerfed to high hell did way more than that, he used to:
1: disrupt carries farm, with the use of remote mines
2: baknrupting the enemy supports
3: once bankrupted, the "safe" part of the map shrinks for the enemies, giving more economy to your team
4: enemies can never rosh
+ what you said already

Are you paranoid or something?

carry LC is justifiable depending on enemy pick and lane choices, it's the people I hate who insta-lock LC and then goes jungle, the other team will pick aggressive lane-harassers and our safe/offlane get completely destroyed while the LC gets a mediocre amount of experience in the jungle

what is cropping

>2: baknrupting the enemy supports
>3: once bankrupted, the "safe" part of the map shrinks for the enemies, giving more economy to your team

I don't follow the patch notes for techies but I am still they still fulfill this function.

I hope you are at least 4k, othewise all that time you spend is completely unjustifiable.

Nah I was just having fun with paint.


Warding your own part of the map fixes everything you just said. The part that makes him infuriating to play against is everything I said. Slow and aggravating, even when you win

i guess that makes me different

i never really pick LC because i main supports
i random frequently on pubs so all those LC games are simply getting her via random pick

but really due to my playstyle i never did play her as a pure jungler on that certain scenario
more like a semi-babysitter who only poked his head out whenever my lane carry gets ganked, roamed the river for runes and stacked the hard camps for my hard carry

You get some gold back for killing the mines, and he lost a hell of a lot of lane presence with the change to land mine damage.

>lane presence
youre supposed to plant mines on critical routes on the jungle or rive
you really dont have a presence because your job is area denial

Are you a retard? He was basically good darkseer on the lane

thanks for the tip, these days I only see techies on my team, also I normally don't clear jungle mines because it's not worth the gold unless I am absolutely sure he placed it in a high traffic area.

Am I a good boy?

i miss the 15 kill announcer... nothing is more epic than hearing IMMORTAAAAAAAAL over and over again.

yeah but its so easy to ward a lane opposed to the jungle

youre forcing people to ward low-traffic/critical routes

you're a good little shit

stop picking SF until he's good again

You didn't force them to ward anything, you dropped a mine on top of the creep wave whenever their carry tried to last hit and he lost 300 health, then if they did it again you suicided and killed them.

My last match with SF was 9 months ago

love clockwerk myself
but i really cannot handle endgame with him
early-mid game is fun as shit with him though

That is only for season pass buyers goy so be sure to spend 30$ on the season pass goy

Git gud at the game sometime buddy.


Oh man yeah bara is one of my top tier pub stompers people just cant seem to grasp on to dealing with getting charged seriously its hilarious just charging idiots all game

I cant comprehend having a low winrate with axe desu

>Almost always pubstomp with my buddy Lich as SB
>we dominate hard lane, get a fast level 6 thanks to sacrifice
>Wait for whoever we damn well please to want to get a last hit
>enjoy free kill
>commence roaming

Its practically a family tradition at this point

used to have 60% win rate with him
my performance just dropped when i hit 4k
i reckon people learned how to counter a stove or i simply stagnated playing with him

i just picked him to fuck around at that point
dagon builds and whatnot


oh god I haven't laughed so hard in ages what the fuck image.jpg

>tfw in mmr hell


>mfw only ever play pubs

One less thing to worry about

>play ranked
>everyone is a tryhard sore loser

>play pubs
>everyone is having fun fucking around even the losing side because theres no MMR at stake

[Kundalini's externally]

Yeah. I'm saving that pictutre for later. It's so funny lol

>naix is so overpowered this patch you can jungle him and win 95% of the time as long as your team can make it to 25 minutes
>people can still find a way to lose that quickly

*rumble rumble*

*Slot Machine Noises*

*Fresh Meat intensifies*

*Inaudible Yelling*

>2.6k hours
>still sub 3k MMR

Was too lazy to git gud and didn't care about rnak. Quit now though, don't regret it too much judging by the wonky changes. The graphics look better but the new map looks awful.