How do people feel about the meta being built around switching heroes mid match?

How do people feel about the meta being built around switching heroes mid match?

I really hope ranked doesn't allow switching, or has some sort of draft or something. Being able to just hard counter a class, just to be hard countered a few moments later gets pretty stale, and completely trivializes the concept of proper team composition.

And as a casual player, it means you often get stuck playing characters you don't enjoy simply because you're encouraged to switch constantly

I like it
I do not fucking like more than 1 hero per team. Double Lucio or Double Winston, fuck off with this shit.

The worst part about character swapping is you either are enjoying your time or you aren't, and if you aren't the best way to win the match is switch to someone you don't want to play. Because if you are doing well, they just counter you. Then you don't have fun either and are forced to do something else.

The game is designed to be a casual shooter

Get that though your thick skull, A CASUAL SHOOTER. If you want to play a proper competitive shooter play CS.

pick one you disgusting casual

>proper competitive shooter
>punishes movement
>spray patterns
>lowered skill ceiling/raised skill floor

fuck mcree

I agree OP, also some other games that need to prevent switching mid match:

>changing classes in Battlefield or Team Fortress 2
>picking up weapons off the ground in Counter-Strike or Call of Duty

These are just a few examples. Eventually every game would hopefully become static, allowing almost no change during a match and making them very predictable.

Switching heroes is fine. Hero stacking however is retarded and shouldnt be a thing

If you couldn't switch characters mid-match, many games would be decided before they even start. Some comps just hard counter others, and teams of equal skill would essentially be competing by dice roll rather than outplaying the other team.

I could maybe get behind not allowing more than 2 of the same character per team, but even that's not a big deal imo.

You already get penalized by losing your Q charge, and you have to be dead or run back to spawn to do it (no auto-suiciding).

>wahh this game plays differently than lel quake ;.;

it's shit because people don't understand that you're supposed to switch characters, you have people who stay symmetra when the point we are defending is right outside our spawn

>Implying Symmetra shields and turrets aren't still really useful
her shields aren't actually that great; they need to be buffed to like 40 or 50

Does Rhinhard's charge get stopped by diva's boost?


Based retard

its shallow
low skill ceiling
literally "safe zone" non-triggering
autoaim/wallhack/traits of a "class"
casual babby's first FPS bullshit

people who bought it here are:
10 to 20 years old
have no real good FPS experience
are relatively bad at videogames or mediocre
weebs who have a waifucomplex or just people who follow others
cant explain the """""fun"""" in articulate ways, which other FPS have done better
probably were roped in by the blizzard CGI advertising
and or don't play videogames that much (thus the low standards and able to accept the low skill ceiling or have it be unnoticed)
as well as ignore the 20 tick and implications of what crap chokepoint maps have and 6v6 implicates in the larger set of things

it makes me hard when you speak to me like this.

Really ...

>waah overwatch plays differently than csgo ;_;

>literally "safe zone" non-triggering

What do you mean by this?

>And as a casual player, it means you often get stuck playing characters you don't enjoy simply because you're encouraged to switch constantly

tough shit
the game isn't balanced for stupid mainers

They got nerfed too 25 because 50 shield were far too good in the beta because they made tracer and genji far to broken with them.

What is the best multiplayer fps in your opinion?

The real cancer is the awful matching system currently in place...

Most games are either instant wins of losses, and rarely is it even. Then you get paired with fucking retards who think 3 tracers will work. Other than this and the broken classes (Mcree) it's super fun.

She used to be op, but they nerfed her hard.
She was a huge pain, but she's in a good spot right now. Her damage is huge in chaotic fights.

That's the basis of many game strategies in almost any shooter in existence.
You equip yourself with what is needed. If the situation changes, you adapt and change to fit it.

This "locked in to one character" dumbed down MOBA shit needs to fuck off.

Also some classes need buffing like Tracer's ultimate

Name a single first person shooter that doesn't allow you to change character or loadout part way through the game

>for Overwatch
It's in the game so it is fair to switch characters it is not game breaking and is a viable tactic. Ranked mode will bring this game's community to total shit.


Does someone have a comprehensive list of who counters who effectively?

What's the overwatch site where you can see your stats?

PayDay 2, although it really doesn't count, still doesn't let you swap mid game


I think the game might be better without switching. If you pick a hero, you have to play the whole match with that hero. That means you have to keep their strengths/weaknesses for the whole match.

This actually makes picking heros for specific maps/modes much more important because you can't switch to what you need immediately. You would really need to think about your character choice because you might over your team.

It's a terrible idea.

They should honestly make her shield be based on max health, so beefy characters get more of a boost.

shit idea, the game isn't balanced for it at all since heroes hardcounter other heroes.

that's fair, but I was more going for PvP games, should have said so to begin with
I like this idea

It isn't what Blizzard is going to do, multiple official sources have communicated they want switching to be a prominent part of the game.

Fucking owned,

93.5% of this thread don't even own overwatch and have played the beta for 30 minutes.

I personally prefer when "countering" a good player means out-moving and out-aiming them, not throwing a rock to their scissors.

I think the switching inc conjunction with the 6v6 teams is what kills it for me. I don't doubt that 6v6 is the best for competitive play, but I don't play competitively, frankly. I liked playing TF2 because you could have 12+ players on both sides and a few shitty players didn't matter, and there was room to fuck around and have fun. With this, it's all or nothing, and I think it loses player in the long run because of it.

blizzard wants even the most shit of shitters to feel good when they play mei and w+m1 freeze a genji to death.

Your Ult resets so constantly switching isn't a good idea since pushes are usually dependent on them.

Symmetra herself wasn't broken, the developer's waifu Tracer was broken with her shield and Zenyatta's orb on her.

So instead of nerfing Tracer, they nerf Symmetra and Zenyatta into the ground.

>Getting frozen

what's it like living with asperger's

>Complains about "not explaining why it's fun in articulate ways"
>Entire post is buzzwords

Pot called, something about a kettle

>Not casual

Unless your ult is at 75%+, you're best off switching. It's not worth being a wasted slot for a minute or two just because you want to use double dragon or Pharah's barrage. You're best off switching to a useful hero and getting involved.

>I really hope ranked doesn't allow switching
I really hope you die in a fire.
The only thing ranked needs is to put a limit of max 2 of each hero per team.

>Draft scenario
>Team that drafts the best support wins, bans out the rest
Needs like 20 more heroes before draft play will be acceptable.

Hero stacking is cancer that needs to be removed.

Her turrets should passively heal allies slowly in a small radius. That would make her perfect.

more like the whole game being about switching

i dont think tab should show the other team at all

>I do not fucking like more than 1 hero per team. Double Lucio or Double Winston, fuck off with this shit.

God, this. Hero switching and all is fine, but please don't allow for more than one of each hero in teams. Double Winston and McCree are fucking cancer.

Idea I always throw out is two changes:

Teleporter can be placed earlier, but works on a charge system (gains 1 charge per 12 seconds, maxing out at 6 charges to prevent from overuse.)

Ult supercharges her turrets, applied shields, and maxes teleporter charges. Yeah. I understand it's the same thing as the other defense hero, but as is her rhythm is super weird.

Also move her to defense with Toblerone. What the fuck is she doing under support.


>hard counter
>hero selection

Blizzard figured out that making an arena shooter for the MOBA crowd will shit gold

>game barely out
>ppl already taking meta seriously
What did user mean by this?

high level play involves nearly no switching, or switching based on map progression. No one really gives a shit what the enemy team has since a well balanced team is equipped to deal with anything.

Wont work. Draft/Ban system would be broken as fuck with only 21 characters. MOBAs tend to have some hero-overlaps where 2-3 heroes can fulfill the same role. Whereas in Overwatch there are specific hard counters vs specific characters. So if the one who chooses first bans the hard counter to Torbjörn, its instawin for them.

Of course they should keep changing classes.

>Mouthbreathing, blind retard trying to play Genji

Genji can ALWAYS escape Mei.

I've hit level 58 in Overwatch and the game at this point does feel more character meta then actual skill. What skill there is in overwatch is more in the sense of team strategy and cohesion then normal FPS skills.

I'm not super happy about it but it's the big game that everybody is playing.

I just want a good MMOFPS to come out. Star Citizen is looking like it's actually going to be the closest thing to that.

>Star Citizen is looking like it's actually going to be the closest thing to that


Running away = losing. There's very little difference between running away and actually dying. Mei hardcounters Genjew.

advice for playing Lucio?

Did you gather that from the broken PvP, or the jpgs of spaceships that cost 10,000 dollars?

Pick mercy instead because those revive ults save games.

You can carry teams of 6 through sheer skill and the right hero in OW.

Hero switching is fine, it's that you can stack more than one hero on a team. On pubs, sure do it as much as you want, it's nothing really. But in competitive games, seeing shit like Double Winston and Double/Triple McCree is boring and doing nothing but turning people away from the esports scene.

Game is garbage. Can't believe I was memed in to buying it.

No, because Genji outranges her. He can dash or wallclimb away and poke her with shurikens. Or just take out the squishies on her team.
If she tries to RMB him, just deflect it into her face.

If you constantly switch heroes you'll never get your ultimate
So there is a tradeoff

Speed boost at the start of each round. Follow your team around 24/7 and keep healing aura up. Do everything in your power to not die.

A good team comp has both Lucio and Mercy.

They should do what dirty bomb did

You get to pick from three characters to switch from each match.

>Double Winston and McCree are fucking cancer
>Double Winston

That's how i know ur a shitter
git gud u pleb

And mei got a wall and self-heal to counter poke attempts. Mei makes sure Genji cant start swinging his sword, making Mei a counter vs Genji.

As someone who has played tf2 to death, twelve player teams with 9 different classes means that if your team isn't shit and stacking five spies then somebody will be playing at least one of each class, so I have a resistance to wanting to switch classes.
But overwatch is 6's with 21 different classes, most of which have very different counters even when talking about characters in the same classification.
Winston and Reinhardt are both tank class characters, but only one of them is designed to fuck up snipers.

Like it or not, the game is designed around picking the right class for the right time and no one character fits a universal bill.

If you restrict changing characters then it pretty much becomes a game of who made the lucky picks that counters the other teams picks.

Double Winston is even cancer in competitive. They just jump onto your team and obliterate your squishies.

Oh you've finally got them to low health? Too bad they can instantly reset their health to 1000 and knock our around constantly.

Just disallow doubles of a single character on a team.

There, I fixed your game.

I think they need to revise the character categories in the teampick menu, symettra should be in defense and Roadhog isn't exactly a tank

Please let's dumb down this lazy tf2 rip-off even more, I want this game to become a red square which I click on to get points but I always win even if I don't click at all because there isn't multyplayer anymore because that's too complicated for new players to understand and obviously there should be an auto-click feature which clicks the box for you so you can go back to candy-crush saga which by then will consist of paying $4 to have a little window pop up and say you won until your iron lung breaks and you suffocate in your mother's basement since you can't even fucking breath for yourself because lungs are too confusing for new players

>And as a casual player, it means you often get stuck playing characters you don't enjoy simply because you're encouraged to switch constantly

It means that it will force people to get good with other characters to help out the team, which is a good thing.

Wew lad

Calm down, hero stacking is fine for pubs, but for the people who would want to take the game more seriously, it has no place in ranked mode.

>people still thinking Genji's deflect is good against non-retarded players

Jesus. The more I read about people's complaints the more I realize just how bad most people are at videogames.

I'll fuckin bait Genji to deflect then just freeze his bitch ass and destroy him in 2 seconds.


I love winning when we have 5 spies and 3 snipers. Q

As somebody who doesn't own the game yet, what's so awful about a team playing two of the same heroes

>tfw my internet is trash so I have constant connection issues in games and giant lagspikes

It forces people to put a little thought into their play style and team comp. instead of doing the exact same thing every single time.

Nothing. Nothing at all.

This thread is centered around removing hero changing mid-game, which is fucking retarded because that's the entire point of the game.

Sup Forums is terrible at video games. Never listen to anything anyone ever says ever for any reason

Now that's a rare Tod

It can break the game's meta.

>Stacking 2 of the most powerful hero so far (McCree) in every professional esports match
>Putting in "thought"

how would you improve Zenyatta?

Dota/lol retards whining about games they don't understand.

I'd limit her turrets to 2 max desu

That sounds more like a problem with McCree

1 more HP

Slight buff to harmony orb now that it can't follow someone around forever