I'm about to start a full day of comfy gaming, hope you have fun at work..wagecucks

I'm about to start a full day of comfy gaming, hope you have fun at work..wagecucks

How do your girlfriend, friends, and loving family feel about you being a NEET?

>driving to work and acctually jelly
>Chrono Cross
>Enemy Unknown
>Mass Effect
Waiting at home. All first times. Which one should I start with? Last work day before the weekend for me.

I will because today is payday.

All bad games, toss in trash.

Start with Kirby 64, then Donkey Kong 64 then you can consider playing Road Rash 64 for some funs.

How can i have a black girlfriend to dominate if i dont have money?

Doesnt even make sense.

>not playing vidya at work

i'm a musician and i make money from royalties and ad revenue and have a lot of downtime between tours. lots of time for vidya and the money comes in anyway.

i don't make a whole lot but it's a pretty comfy existence


Being too fat to move isn't comfy, user.

Mass Effect if you want to get lost in a lore-rich world and don't mind bad gameplay.

Otherwise Enemy Unknown. Fuck Chrono Cross.


>i wanna shoot ayylmaos = Enemy Unknown
>i wanna fuck ayylmaos = Mass Effect

Is it Enemy Within or just EU? If it's the latter, get the former, save it for last, play through it once, then install Long War and enjoy one of the best strategy games of the last ten years.

>Fuck Chrono Cross
It was a get in a rulett thread,I have to play it sometime.

This tbhfam, so comfy no worries about school or fr#cking
cuckwork lol

Enemy within.

Projecting, kid?

Save it for last, then, play through it, install Long War, and let the real fun begin. Make sure you enable red fog and bronzeman when you do LW, by the way.

with all the physical disorders you have spending all your time gaming
you dont even know what its like to not be in some sort of physical pain, your body is breaking down, and you will die 50 years old

24, NEET, current aspiration is to become a web personality & gain leverage through that. My current 'work' is playing games, filming and meticulously editing them. I'm also looking into animation and writing.

Beyond that I mow lawns twice a week (takes about 2 hours per lawn) for a measly $60 a month. My equipment sucks and I lose hope all the time but it's all I really feel like I am capable of sticking to.

R8 my level of pathetic


Are you physically incapable of getting a part-time job or what?

>This /r9k/ poster has to post his wagecuck pasta's all over the boards to try to fill the void

On paid vacation family so suck it

>tfw /fit/ and /neet/
i'm comfy, and you're jelly


Was kicked out school for never doing the work, passed out in the bathroom of my last job on the final day of my two week notice. It might be possible but it's looking grim.

>assmad wage cuck has to bump the thread because hes insecure and OP keeps hitting a bit too close to home.

I'd advise looking into it. If you're American, you can try applying for work at small public radio stations, assuming you know how to write and have a decent voice. It'll give you a chance to familiarize yourself with audio recording and editing equipment.

>vacation with the family
>something good
Pick one

>takes about 2 hours per lawn
You must be really bad at mowing lawns

Why are you posting on Sup Forums if you have video games to play?

Mass Effect is a great choice, just understand that the ultimate conclusion of the story will almost certainly leave you disappointed/furious
If you accept that, you're in for a hell of a journey.

>not earning your own money
It's the best feeling, you're really missing out.

I'm a college student, I don't even work 8 hours throughout the week like most. You knew I was right so you had to reverse what i said.

I usually enjoy your shitposting, but someone had to say it.

Hmm, I hadn't considered that. It is something to look into. I want to better myself before returning to the work force because I'm afraid of failing.
They're big lawns with a bunch of trees and shit. Have to use a push mower for a lot of it.
Hey, that's slightly better than I would've thought.

similar case, not musican but freelancer digital "artist". I work from home and barely worked last month, still made enough to survive with no pressure.
My biggest fear would be to have to find a real job and quit this comfy life, I dont want it to end.

>not liking the feeling of finishing a hard day's work as the shift manager at your job and then going home to relax to some vidya

Being a NEET sucks. Tried it, got bored in like 3 months. Have fun while you're still a teenager.

Pro tip: Job = more money for video games

I can't claim my experience is anywhere near the norm, but our station hires and (for some reason) retains complete and absolute incompetents who write on about an eighth grade level. Obviously, I haven't read enough of your writing to determine how good it actually is, but, from what I've seen so far, you're better than some of the grunts I've done copy editing for.

Speaking of which, great career if you've got the eye and patience for it. It's my favorite part of the job.

nice card

>nuh-uh :^)

How much money could you make if you actually tried and worked ~8 hours a day?

Do you have a channel and followers?

>was always shy
>work nights at Burger King
>people always tell me that "I have a voice for radio"
>never even occurred to me
>always wonder if I'm wasting my talents by not doing anything about it

I wouldn't know where to start atm. I'm trying to avoid work in the city as it is quite the drive but I understand that life progresses only when one compromises, or gets lucky. I need to find more self confidence and work ethic. I don't want to have died a complete loser but the world is this big, scary rat race that I'd never much wanted to be a part of. My earliest memories were met with apprehension. I will look into this further though, thank you, user.

Thanks :)
OP here guys, glad the thread is still going.
I'm actually playing Ninja Gayden 2 on my comfy retro-360, sometimes I look out of the window and catch my hottie neighbor sexually provoking me :^)

Nope. I want to put together something I would consider worth someone's attention before attempting sucheries. Hopefully some day.

Anyone else here likes comfyass pre-rain weather? I see normies don't lmfao

thunderstorms are maximum comfy, in vidya or irl.

>fake illness
>get 2.5k a month

why the fuck would I ever get a job?

When it rains I'm happy as fuck and everything gets 10 times more comfy and enjoyable.

>mfw finally not a neet and wagecuck
>so tired everyday I only really have four hours before I pass out
>Can afford all the vidya but don't have time to play them
>haven't played a legit round of ss13 in over a month

Add some good weed, vidya, grub, and sips and I've probably never enjoyed life more.

>Inb4 dude! weed XD

I don't do that stuff, but I don't judge as long as you don't force me to do smoke or do drugs.

>tfw NEET
>tfw bf and decent group of friends
>tfw grandmother died and left me enough to live off modestly for a few years

Gonna enjoy it while it lasts before I have to go back to wagecuckery

Make sure you are eating well and getting enough sleep and it will all become infinitely easier.

Being a NEET would have been fun when I was a teen, but I tried it lately and it was boring af


never state what angers/annoys you here, that was your first mistake

I would never even think to try to force it on anyone. Everyone has a vice.
Yeah, I guess. I'm not upset though. I knew it was inbound. The last thing this board needs is weed acceptance.

If you're a chick, you don't need to aspire to be anything more than a housewife. You could do more but it isn't necessary. You've got the better end of the bargain there.

>Posting pepe unironically
What did user mean by this?

>If you're a chick
Where do you think you are?

fag, chick, tranny.. whatevs, same deal. Someone will work for you if you offer up the taint (and are attractive).

>and are attractive

So not for people on Sup Forums

>I'm about to start a full day of comfy gaming, hope you have fun at work..wagecucks

T-thanks user. I'll catch up later.
>implying I won't fall asleep again midgame

Diet, exercise, proper grooming and a positive attitude will go a long way. Play to your strengths and accept your weaknesses so you are aware of them.

Ah the meme where we pretend we have no jobs and live with our parents

That's my favorite /r9k/ meme

But what if I like doing my job

Post screen caps then fag

>mfw nu-robots aren't used to the actual Robot9001
>mfw they've spammed their memes so much they have to use other boards now
>mfw when ConsoleWojak becomes a bannable offense they'll have to move to /trash/

keep your eyes on the road retard

What do you do?

Come on, I'm a great driver. I've done this before. Why would y