So where do you think the next Elder Scrolls game will take place? I'm still holding out for Elsweyr
So where do you think the next Elder Scrolls game will take place? I'm still holding out for Elsweyr
One shameless selfbump
I cant wait for Skyrim 2
Is there a continent for argonians or orcs?
either way, it would be really cool playing as a human visitor in any of the alien-like races of elder scrolls universe.
Yiff in hell OP.
Argonians live in the Black Marsh province and as far as I know the Orcs live in the province Orsinium
i thought tes6 already got confirmed for blackmarsh
Orcs are Wothgarian mountains, west of Skyrim.
Argonians are Black Marsh, SW of Cyrodiil and south of Morrowwind.
I think, IIRC, the next one is supposed to be in Valenwood.
Vietnam style lizard guerrilla warfare in Black Marsh.
Elsweyr is too small a province for a game. I was an Elsweyr/Valenwood game with both provinces. Dusty deserts with ruins and jungles with big trees would be cool.
but there was an elder scrolls game, ESO.
since it was heralded as the best one ever, they decided they cant top perfection and will release a goty version.
source, the dankest part of my ass.
yeah could be that plus Summerset maybe
Yiff in hell, furfag.
Fucking casual normie.
Yeah the Orcs are in the Wrothgarian Mountains or some shit, I think also called Orsinium. It's east of High Rock and Hammerfell, I think?
The best thing to do in my opinion if they want to take us to an Orc or Furfag homeland would be to split the map between that province and a human or elven one. I think people would get sick of being surrounded by Orcs and furries but that's just me.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was Summerset Isles, with the Thalmor buildup from Skyrim. That's not necessarily what I want, though.
Personally I'd like to see an Elder Scrolls game take place in either Black Marsh (Argonia), Hammerfell, or Elsweyr. I think it would be a nice change of pace from Skryim's snow and cold to have a game set in a desert or tropical marsh.
I really hope they don't do a Black Marsh game until the next generation of consoles or the one after that. Or until consoles are dead completely, because I don't want the game to be gimped when they finally go to the Black Marsh
You have a point. I think Argonia should be Pc only.
>all these pre-Landfall settings
casual desu
In all seriousness though, it's going to be Cyrodiil again because Oblivion nostalgia is in full force these days.
it won't be cyrodiil
I just want it to be someplace that they can make really alien and unique like Morrowind. So much effort and creativity went into those environments and then Oblivion and Skyrim were bland as fuck by comparison. Pretty, but totally stock fantasy.
Elsweyr is a bit too one-note to make a game around.
Valenwood/Sumerset is the ideal combination, and most likely unless Beth are gonna go for a Daggerfall/Morrowind rehash.
I don't think Bethesda could ever do a desert setting. Every world they make has been barren and felt lifeless, but a desert by them could never be visually appealing or fixed by mods
Stros M'kai
>Every world they make has been barren and felt lifeless
Only Fallout felt like that to me, man, and certain parts of Morrowind. I don't think any of the Elder Scrolls settings has felt barren and lifeless on the whole.
too small
I'm fine with any continent. I'd really like the swamp though, but Morrowind hits pretty close to that. They actually have really good regions....I never beat it yet though, I always have no drive to play because I get insanely powerful at the start to where i'm godlike.
Besides my personal blog, one important question remains. How will they fix magic? Oblivion and Morrowind was perfect. Should they go back to a system like that or introduce a new type of system?
They will probably stick to the skyrim one
that's what she said LMAO
seeing as how they completely ruined what little bit of fallout there was left in fallout 4 id say itd be like fable's, where you just upgrade 6 basic spells (fire, frost, shock, summon creature, illusion, healing)
They should do Akavir
skyrim 2 will be another generic medevil urop
i cant wait for fallout 4 style dialog and perks
Morrowind. Not vvardenfell
Please no
Everyone thinks TES is just a generic Lord of the Rings knockoff setting. The most interesting thing they can probably tell you about it (maybe) is that its "dwarves" are a sub-race of elves, or that the gods are literal planets. If you scratch even nominally below the surface you quickly discover how delightfully weird the TES universe is.
>gods are literal planets
Isn't the direction the Warcraft lore is going with the Titans?
It's not just weird, it's dreams dreaming dreams
The only thing interesting about Elder Scrolls are the Daedra and their dimensions.
Will it be announced at E3?
FO4 may be out, but Skyrim is 5 years old now, the gap between Oblivion and Skyrim was also 5 years.
And if it will be announced, are you prepared for the new linear story, voiced protagonist and binary dialogue system?
>TES6 takes place in Elsweyr
>generic desert
>one kind of Khajiit
>some sort of rechargeable ability that everyone can use
>TES6 takes place in Argonia
>tame swamp
>only one kind of Argonians
>some sort of rechargeable shaman power
>join the elusive Shadowscales during the main quest
>TES6 takes place in Summurset
>all races represented equally
>become anything at all as a non-Almer
>cities are generic Tolkien
>TES6 takes place in Hammerfell
>generic desert and jungle combo with Arab influences
>become the legendary lost Swordsinger
>literally just a Skyrim redux
>TES6 takes place in High Rock
>just a mix of Oblivion and Skyrim
Quit trying to make Elsweyr happen. It's not gonna happen.
This has always felt like the most realistic outcome for any ES game that includes Elsweyr or Black Marsh -- package it with another province, i.e. Valenwood or mainland Morrowind, respectively, to avoid excess furry/lizard.
Unfortunately, even the devs think so now.
I doubt they're going to announce anything, probably just more news on that card game shit.
>ywn play a game set in Tomorrowind
OP can't bump his own thread, mate.
>That the gods are literal planets.
When did this happen?
You can. There's just a cooldown.
Ah really? Sorry then, mate.
Its going to be hard to render all those vegetation.
Then again Bethesda might just give them melted butter textures.
Wherever it takes place, I just want the engine to stop flinging things around when I place them on a shelf or table.
Since the start.
Trainwiz I summon thee to regale us of obscure dwemer lore.