Is it possible to hide a vac ban on your profile?

is it possible to hide a vac ban on your profile?

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get fucked cheater

no. That is the point.

haha no

Make your account private

eat shit faggot
they still show up


By not being a fucking cheater.
Enjoy the ban shitter

Nope, enjoy your VACation you cheating faggot.

Still shows VAC bans.

get rekt kiddo

WTF? Aren't VAC bans permanent? Why bother counting them?


be a good boy for 5 years

Get back to work, they will never completely remove access to your games.

So what did you do, faggot?

who cares? just keep cheating, only autists get upset about vac bans


if you want to cheat, why not gift the game to an alt account and gift the game back after getting caught?

I'm glad I went through my hacking phase when I was younger and got it out of my system.

Nowadays I resort to scripting.


gg you scountbotting faggot, called that a mile away

Good goyim

>cheaters are anti-Semites

Shame you couldn't use cheats for your inferior genes, lol

Premanent for the game you cheated in (or engine of the game if it was a valve game) It doesn't affect other games.


Enjoy your herpes


Whats the fucking point of cheating? Seriously? Are people really that insecure that they feel a need to have a high k/d to feel adequate? That's so fucking sad.

How bad do you have to be to cheat at vidya.
I bet it was TF2

no but it's possible to put a shotgun in your mouth

I still laugh every time i see this guy

Maybe you should just fire up your Cheat Engine and cheat it away, cheater.


>Whats the fucking point of cheating?

Easy Advantage/fun/because why not?


I don't disagree

Make it private.

Kill yourself.

VAC is a piece of shit that's too easy to bypass, anyone who gets banned by it deserves it