What are some games that does super speed well?

What are some games that does super speed well?

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sonik the hedgehog


Saints Row 4.

Infamous: First Light once you get max level with your super speed power.

Gone Home

>whistling and clapping
fucking triggered

anyway fear

did someone say speed

Qucksilver spinoff when

I like this post


Odd answer, but Donkey Kong Country Returns (both games) are great for speedrunning.

Fuck, you mean like super power. Sorry, way too tired for this shit.

F-Zero, everything else is slower.

>people unironically clap and cheer in the middle of a movie
I thought this was just a meme.

Is Azazel in this movie?

Deus Ex

>getting max speed and regen augs
>zooming around and chopping people up

>basically same scene from first movie
>still the best scene in the movie
How did they make a speed character work so well?


Kinda joking but they did put some cool speed based moves in it.

someone post the scene where he fights apocalypse

>saw a transformers movie on a military base
>fighter jets get deployed in one scene
>theatre full of soldiers start howling
sometimes it's a fun meme

Cause the rest of the movie was slow and dull

Nope, according to Days of Future Past he died.

Oh wow that's fast

Doom (2016) is one of the fastest shooters in video game history.

That's on an easy mode where you can't even hit top speed, you can go at LEAST another 1000 units faster and there is no real speed cap


The Incredibles.

How can you even play it hot damn

>suka blyat ponymayu
>video unavailable
epic post OP

cause everyone but quicksilver is practically pic related

by practicing a single track for multiple years with no breaks