How do we make Sup Forums a better board?
I think Sup Forums would be infinitely better if there was a board dedicated to PC gaming.
How do we make Sup Forums a better board?
I think Sup Forums would be infinitely better if there was a board dedicated to PC gaming.
Ban western game discussion
Boom underage fucks are all gone now
Heavy moderation.
Sup Forums needs to learn how to ignore and report
On occasion tell a normalfag to fuck off.
>I think Sup Forums would be infinitely better if there was a board dedicated to PC gaming.
Why not?
More Poptepic threads.
By deleting it and ending the pain.
This, make vee great again
I would dump but I got banned last time I did
Make it 18+
Ban all shitposters
This site is 18+ you moron
Turn dubs back on. Ban discussion of anything made before year 2000.
Welp, meant NSFW
Ban this idiot and Sup Forums will be better.
why does chen talk now
>before year 2000
ban pokemon threads on sight.
More 2D less 3D
Enjoy your ban.
What was the point of this post?
You're implying something the other user wasn't.
>Be 19
>tfw can't be banned for being underage
>tfw grandpas will hate me just because they're getting old
you're still a faggot
Post your favorite game or get off my lawn
I don't like this meme. where's chen?
Hoennbaby reporting in.
*** SOLUTION ***
Break Sup Forums into two boards!
Sup Forums - Japanese video games
/wv/ - Western video games
This would solve so many issues...
You will be banned for being a faggot, now fuck off.
I think it should be
/pc/ - discussion of pcs, tech, and pc gaming (delete Sup Forums or rename it to this)
/cns/ - discussion of consoles and console gaming
(rename Sup Forums to this)
That's fucking it
That would only create rivalry between the boards and encourage even more shitposting.
Yes, because Sup Forums needs ANOTHER split.
You tried
Holy FUCK that's some shit taste, user.
You faggots are all doing it wrong, suggesting we make new boards for vidya related categories you don't like. We instead need a containment for the most prevalent off topic shit here. And by that I mean eceleb threads
We need a containment board for pc faggots who shit up every thread about games not on pc
Still untouchable by the chin's law. Not really
Anyways regardless of my age I agree with OP. I don't mind weeb game discussion but PC gaymers need to get the fuck out.
Also Pokémon threads shouldn't be allowed, I come here to avoid /vp/ sometimes.
>ss (2016-05-27 at 01.31.24).jpg
Sup Forums is the second fastest board on Sup Forums.
A board to discuss video games should not be this gigantic.
BRUTALLY enforce anti-furshit rules and push them to /trash/
Those are falseflaggers that you should report and ignore. It doesn't necessitate splitting Sup Forums up again
>how 2 fix vee
>make it Sup Forums
what a flawless plan
>pc bros dindu nuffin
Every time
>dumb fucks keep suggesting to split the board
Good god I thought burgers would be asleep by now.
There are furshit games though. Good ones even.
How about just saging and reporting stupid fucking console/pc war threads since they're comprised of shitposting
Split it. Westerncucks are cancerous and 90% of all shilling is for western games.
The only thing this board needs is more mods. The old ones have gotten too use to casual shitposting to realize they let the board go rotten.
That's not even in the top 100 problems of Sup Forums
I am honestly for this, that's why I post it all the time whenever these threads come up and unfortunately be taken down by moderators.
Where else would we be able to talk about this kind of issue? It is no big surprise that Sup Forums is one of the biggest boards on this site, so I sincerely suggest that there would be some form of division. Yes, we all know /vg/ happened, but that was most likely a mistake or a godsend..I can't really tell since it keeps away some hardcore autists yet also shifted Sup Forums up a bit.
Anyway, I would strongly encourage people who browse Sup Forums to think about a new division of some form. I personally would like a separate of Japanese gaming, because this was the origins of what Sup Forums was all about...Japanese culture and entertainment. I also feel it would help keep posts relevant. Would greatly keep the western shilling threads away from actual conversations about Japanese games, too, and vice-versa.
I am also someone who feels Sup Forums should get a separate board for manga, but that isn't to be talked about here.
Yeah user, let's overall lower the pool of posters in multi-plat game threads and non-game specific threads to counteract a few shitposters. Great idea.
>A vidya board to talk about multiplats without peasants shitting up the board with cuckposting ,goldfaces, and mutilated wojaks every thread
I second this notion.
what anime is that chick from, I keep seeing her everywhere now
Ban this faggot. That's a start
Yeah and you can even port beg in peace!
>How do we make Sup Forums a better board?
have mods actually enforce Rules 4 and 6
>I think Sup Forums would be infinitely better if there was a board dedicated to PC gaming.
most retarded parroted opinion ever
make a dedicated overwatch board
You were in the SK thread, right?
Cool it. Holding such strong allegiance to a god damn platforms shouldn't cause this much paranoia
Trigger Cinematic Universe
shit idea
shit idea
shit idea
a collection of shit ideas
the only non-troglodyte in this thread
>cuckposting ,goldfaces, and mutilated wojaks
so sonygger false flags?
I agree
>it's fine when pc users are fanboys though
why not just allow all eastern games to be posted on /jp/?
I'm a burger and I say just deal with it, true vidya connoisseurs enjoy all forms of vidya
It's not the console war threads, those get shut down pretty quickly. It's the occasional faggot that ruins everything by saying shit like "30fps locked", "No mods", and then everybody takes the b8 so more of them show up.
Since they shitpost stuff unrelated to the threads they're rarely banned or even warned.
Just isolate those fuckers in another board and make this place a little less shitty.
Split western and eastern gaming pls.
Oh yeah, it you.
Look, I like any platform. If I wasn't so poor I'd buy it all. Accept the fact that everyone equally shitposts.
merge Sup Forums and /vg/
>sonyggers get their own general
>pcfats get their own general
>nintendrones get their own general
kill all the whiny rulefags and delete /vg/
where does dark souls go?
thank you
>merge Sup Forums and a board that was created to clean up Sup Forums
Cheer up, Sup Forums!
I'm sick of the hypocrisy.
Japanese games get shitposted for being "weebshit" then they come to PC and they're suddenly good.
Every fucking time.
And no I won't get over it.
>delete /vg/
>delete the only functional vidya board on the site
>letting cripple game back onto the mainland
>fnaf gen
>undertale gen
Over my dead body
Do you really want /vg/-grown communities to come here? For fuck's sake, there's like 3000 Katawa Shoujo threads in there.
/jp/ is Sup Forums's containment board, much like how /vg/ is Sup Forums's containment board.
Just leave /jp/ alone, we need Sup Forums to be pure eastern gaming again, and make /wv/ for western games.
This is a fucking stupid idea as 99% of people like a variety of japanese and western games
You would be inconveniencing everybody but buttmad weeaboos and idiots who hate japan for some reason
You want the frontpage filled with the same generals again?
I'm not sure what this is but please delete this image.
Name one time that ever happened here near unanimously
there needs to a sidewide purge of generals
>implying they wouldn't fuck off to reddit
How is /jp/ Sup Forums's containment board? Honest question. The activity over on /jp/ seems to be absolutely tiny, with threads lasting weeks at a time.
Then again, I've never been to Sup Forums before.
Are you serious? Having two tabs open at once a big issue or something?
It's not hard having two boards open at once, a lot of people do a heck of a lot more then that, or even play games/chat with people at the same time.
Learn to multitask baka.
Since retarded splits seem to be the popular thing to suggest, lets just split it into american Sup Forums and non-american Sup Forums, enforced by IP.
Lurk and you'd notice.
SK used to get shitposted to hell and back along with Neptunia but now that they're on PC they're great games.
/jp/ was a containment board anything moot found too weeaboo, like vns, touhou, anime figs, etc.
>that one guy with a VPN who keeps shitposting in /vus/
>purge the generals
you thought it was bad when Sup Forums invaded?
you know nothing
Generals are the worst thing to happen to this site.
Determine very carefully and finally what constitutes Sup Forums culture
Ban offtopic that isn't Sup Forums culture or is posted too often
Dish out rangebans for particularly bad ban evaders
More public bans
Alternatively just go to any other board, the board dedicated to discussing a topic is always the worst place to discuss that topic
/jp/ contains the most severe autism, the kind of people who buy dakimakura and collect urine bottles.
>How do we make Sup Forums a better board?
Merge Sup Forums, /vg/, /vp/, and /vr/ and increase # of pages to 40
Fucking bogans are a menace!
>Determine very carefully and finally what constitutes Sup Forums culture
No fuck off. I want the memes to go.
>make a board for the fanbases I dislike the thread
All of you kill yourselves. Sup Forums has only 2 major issues now; twitter/eceleb shit that ARE NOT VIDYA and deliberate console/pc flame wars. The former could be solved with a new board, the latter with better moderation