>coming out soon
>literally no discussion or anything about it
Is this game gonna get JUSTed?
>coming out soon
>literally no discussion or anything about it
Is this game gonna get JUSTed?
Delete this. It's taking up space that could be used for another Overwatch or Souls thread.
>Win10 exclusive
No shit nobody cares about it.
>Win10 exclusive
That's why. Feminists Edge is going to be shit, and everyone knows it.
>combat oriented
>westernized character design
>linear pathways
>slow as fuck
Parkour in videogames is never fun.
The first game was beyond terrible.
SJW:run around edition.
>Wtf do you think, op?
This shit got ruined by SJWs. Fuck DICE the Swedish cucks.
I've never met anyone who bothered with the first game. This game is going to hopefully bomb.
Its open world
No one cares
Looks like everybody already listed the reasons.
Jesus christ they westernised the shit out of that face. Why?
kill yourself
You were terrible.
How's that teenage angst working out?
I've already played a better version of this game with Zombies.
>This game is going to hopefully bomb
Typical Sup Forums thought process, hoping a game bombs for real reason.
It should hopefully bomb. This entire industry makes money by hopping on trends. Shit games that are successful=more shit games. You too should be hoping it bombs.
shitty memes should die
Because every upcoming game is a shill thread unless its dark souls or a nintendo game, parkour!
>western character design
I had fun in the beta, not gonna buy it because fuck all that noise. I can't pirate it so rip
>combat oriented
As opposed to qte?
>linear pathway
Like the first game?
>slow as fuck
What are you smoking? Did you play the beta?
>As opposed to qte?
more combat, less parkour. can't feel like a strong, independent womyn if you always have to run. also, remember that anita said it was too hard and EA listened very carefully?
>Like the first game?
no. like "this is the only possible option, as long as you press a button, you literally cannot fail"
>What are you smoking? Did you play the beta?
I played the parkour simulator, yes. slower than 1, and you can see why if you actually played it instead of posting shit
Oh this is about Anita, not the game, ok.
Oh fuck I wanna impregnate her so bad. She also looks like a bitch it makes me only harder
no fucking thank you
Ironically, the open world is what killed the game for me. What I saw during the beta was a lot of open space with very few obstacles in between and that's is something that shouldn't be in an full on action game
>skill tree unlocks for moves like quick turn and coil
>because these moves are optional and this is AAA dev, that means the entire game must be designed to account for the fact the player may not unlock these options
>most likely scenario: all courses, even the most advanced ones at the end of the game, will be dumbed down to allow traversal using only simple jumps and slides
The first Mirror's Edge is my favorite game of all time. Catalyst seems to have gotten the EA treatment. I'd be willing to give the open world a shot but this shit seals the deal for me.
Also the story looks to be just as garbage as in the first game, except in that one you could skip cutscenes quickly and get straight to the gameplay - in Catalyst the shit is right in your face.