
Now, I enjoy shitposting as much as the next, but can we all agree that the concept of "class fantasy" was probably the smartest move Blizzard has ever made?

I swear, the only thing that looks objectively good in Legion are the class-changes.

Other urls found in this thread:


>the concept of "class fantasy" was probably the smartest move Blizzard has ever made?

What, you mean when they remembered it was an RPG? What an exciting new concept.

Kill yourself.

they have a meme world of each expansion.

It's a positive change. Positive change should never be overlooked, no matter how "blatantly obvious" it feels.

What race, class and spec are Sup Forums rolling day 1?

I'm thinking orc survival hunter.

It's a cynical move made by a bunch of jews trying to deconstruct what made the game good and reinvent and rebrand it as their own device. You're one of them, I can tell by the kind of language you use.

Hello, OP.

>for years all the fucking shitbags who liked WOTLK and later would complain about "MUH BALANCE"
>"forced" raid compositions, "missing" utility, etc.
>blizzard had to homogenize everything into a pile of sludge to make everyone happy
>taking a huge leap, blizzard makes a ton of promises of imaginary things that everyone might want in an expansion.
>im talking about sweeping, massive changes to the game. no flying, huge number crunches, complete revamps of characters, alternate time wasters, everything
>they even called it "warlords of draenor" and set it in an entirely different PLANET in an alternate dimension to sterilize it and keep it away from the established canon
Shit could have gone completely south. Blizzard was testing the audience to see how they would react to such sweeping changes while at the same time putting 0 effort in case its a fuck up
>response was MASSIVE
>10 fucking million suscriptions day1
>everyone completely estatic over these changes
>but we havent even finished this expansion

WoD was an experiment to see if the people still playing wow had a heartbeat.
apparently they do, and legion is the response to that.

Its like taking an allergy test. They had to stick us full of needles first (wod) before finding out what to avoid.

>cynical move made by a bunch of jews trying to deconstruct what made the game good
Most classes in WoD are generic as fuck, with 3 buttons with different icons and names that do essentially the same thing.

There is nothing to lose by reworking this system, as the current system doesn't fucking work.

Class fantasy adds some actual flare to each spec and class.

They've been reworking the system since BC, the only thing it has done is made the game worse. Here's why


this tbqh

>warlords of draenor: every class does the same thing differently
>legion: every class does something different
writing in legion is shit as always in WoW, but the class changes look like a huge improvement to the game

>LFR drops tier again

not okay, dropped hard

Why do people bitch so much about this? What's the big deal?

Are you really this functionally retarded? There is nothing inherently wrong with a committee based design philosophy.

The problem occurs when that committee can't agree on what needs doing and what doesn't. When 4 out of 9 people think that Warriors don't need a Charge, a compromise has to be made.

THAT'S the problem. Not the fact that committee exists.

Fuck, if they'd used a committee around Metzen's work perhaps the lore wouldn't be on it's ass either. A man can dream.

>its another "blizzard became big therefore its bad now" episode

this imho, doesnt excuse WoD though
the heartbeat most players had died then, if it is actually good, we might see a return

>forced to use one weapon type
>monks no longer can dual wield swords or axes or anything like that
>nor can WW use 2H or BM use DW
>Frost DKs no longer can use 2H because 'we cant balance them ;('
>Survival Hunters can only use 2H period ever
>Shadow Priests cucked out of anything but ugly ass dagger/oh
>Fire Mages cucked into 1H sword/oh
>Holy/Disc/Arcane/Frost can't even use wands or daggers or whatever the fuck else
>Elemental Shamans are cucked into fist weapons ONLY
>Enhancement Shamans can't use fist weapons anymore

>completely remove choice of aesthetic for MUH CLASS FANTASY while completely unable to even decide what the fuck most of the fantasies are (Shadow Priests)
>best thing that's happened

The only good thing that's happened is Spriest and Demo Locks got a much needed revamp. That's it.

devalues other content and rewards trash players

no reason it should exist

Hello user. Are you enjoying the thread?

Your post makes it sound like WoD was a success. That shit fucking hemorrhaged subs after the initial launch hype. Subs are at an all time low since release of the game over a decade ago because the expansion was so horrendous

why does G2A only have EU preorders? I don't want to pay full price for legion and subscription..

So no real reason.

>what is transmog






LFR used to drop tier pieces in pandaria.
people thought you were forced to LFR until you had a full tier set and then you could go to normal, flex, and heroic, but they were able to get on the treadmill and start somewhere

LFR no longer dropped tier pieces in WoD
not allowed into heroic raids without your heroic tier that you got by heroic raiding
pugs literally impossible to join
raid in a guild or die of boredom in your garrison
>this was a massive mistake, better reverse it immediately!
>people complain

nice counter argument :^)

its okay LFR hero, wow will crash and burn but you will get your purples

>this was a massive mistake, better reverse it immediately!
>people complain

Well yeah but I still don't understand why tier in lfr is bad I only got this retarded reply

>Now, I enjoy shitposting as much as the next, but

Is this the new shill opener for "What class will you be maining?"

>people thought you had to do LFR until you had full tier
because you were? People expected pugs to be more geared since it was easier to be geared
>not allowed into heroic raids without tier
>pugs impossible to join
literally not true and even if it was you could make your own group retard
>raid or sit in your garrison
sorry how does tier change that? LFR is still boring as fuck, but its there. You just want fancy rewards
>massive mistake
only good change in WoD

That's what was said about MoP and Cata.
I mean they very clearly learned from both of those expansions, but don't get your hopes up too high. They're not going to completely redo the entire game to make it flawless when Legion comes out.
You can expect the questing experience to be fucking amazing, for the first few weeks of endgame to be pretty fun while you do all the cool minigames, and for there to be a new iteration of garrisons that emphasizes Blizzard's favorite parts of them. PvP will continue to be a joke, as it always has and will be nothing more than that. Raids will be boring as fuck. Dungeons will have little to no incentive to be run. A random selection of toys will be nerfed to oblivion, and about a third of the specs will be ruined by whatever new gimmick stat/mechanic they're trying to push. Warlocks will receive more weird, useless tank abilities that aren't enough to actually make them tanks but are useless in every other situation. Fire mages will be nerfed and Arcane and Frost will be made even less interesting to play.

This shit happens every expansion after all.

I think it's more a declaration of intent.

>>but we havent even finished this expansion
>1 raid in 2 years
>literally removed everything they promised in the blizzcon
>pardo quitted because of this

wod was doa

>you can expect the questing experience to be fucking amazing
when has this even been the case?
>b-but WoD
it was boring and had major characters dicksucking you for no reason at every turn as you steamrolled through a joke of a world

>Only thing that looks objectively good is the class changes.
>Loot with actual effects instead of just stats.
>World content instead of instanced content.
>Dungeons with near infinite difficulty and reward.
>Improved animations and camera.
>Fucking Demon Hunters.
>Nostalrius crew presumably on Blizzard's payroll.
>Dev team considering reworking levels 1-100.

Fuck you, this is the most promising expansion since WoTLK/Cata.

While everything else is stupid as fuck and not ok, I would just like to point out that anyone who would want to mog from the best weapon type(1h sword) to the ugliest weapon type(staff) should not be allowed to have opinions.
Seriously, nearly every one handed sword model looks good. There are a handful of shitty ones, and the rest range from decent to amazing. Meanwhile there are maybe three staves total that don't look like shit, and two of them are effectively priest only.
Mages getting to actually use caster swords is going to be amazing.

>Loot with actual effects instead of just stats.
What kind of effects? I don't want that retarded shit like "cast a fireball when attack" .

Yes, +500 stamina is much more fun than throwing fireballs.

Look it up for yourself, unlearned dipshit.

lmao you're a shit shill.

I'm excited. This expansion will decide the future of WoW.

Initial WoD numbers shows the game still garners mass interest, they just need to maintain it.

The shilling is strong with this one.

>anyone who [has an opinion] should not be allowed to have opinions.


its called class fantasy
not class FANFICTION, fuckface

in all reports, records, and summaries WOD was a success.
It's only a failure because it was jettisoned out of the fucking window immediately after launch, and that was done on purpose.

For being such a disaster it set such a huge foundation and precedent for permanent changes that are nothing but an improvement.

-wow gametime purchases with gold
-pure dependency on a unified launcher
-massively enhanced elite npc and rare spawn tapping
-seamless transitions from world servers to instance servers without requiring heavily phased "islands"
>wod had you just walk into scenarios in progress during questing, you could walk into your garrison without loading up a special "housing server" like all other games
-globally cycling daily events for the entire population of the game
-quest progression tracked by region

i would argue that none of this back end shit would have been possible if they actually focused on adding tangible "content"

and now with all that set in stone legion can just reuse it and focus on the content

Every single expansion has made questing significantly better than before. Remember people freaking out about the TBC quests because they gave you so much loot and experience and were so fast and fun and easy compared to the slog of vanilla questing? and how you could complete all the quests in a zone and actually gain more than half a level and maybe even be high enough level for the next zone if you were lucky?
No, of course you don't, because you clearly started playing in Cata or MoP if you think WoD's quests are anything but fucking amazing in comparison the shit we had to trudge through in the past.

>There is nothing inherently wrong with a committee based design philosophy.


>Fuck, if they'd used a committee around Metzen's work

They did you fuckwit, they bring on heaps of different writers for each game. Then there's the books. That's the reason it's so bad.

How is it shilling to literally denounce and abhor the two most recent expansions?

>questing is good when its a joke that hardly matters

if you dont like questing dont comment on its quality

Good lord is that an actual in game screen shot? So fucking disgusting, is that shit human?

no dude its a fucking tauren

I haven't been subbed since the first raid tier of WoD, is it worth resubbing now before Legion?

There is one objectively wrong opinion in the universe, which lies at the core of all shitty opinions and acts as a fundamental untruth in the very fabric of reality.
That opinion is
>I think the staves in World of Warcraft look better than the one handed swords do

No if you're going to sub before legion do it during the pre expansion event.

>OP says something about class fantasy
What did OP mean by this?

I'm still mad they're doing a cop-out on raising Tirion as a DK after all that build-up.

Apparently you just fail invading Light's Hope, Darion dies and gets re-raised as the 4th Horseman.

Have they given a date of the patch yet?

>questing is good when its a joke that hardly matters
But I never said vanilla questing was good?
Then again, I didn't do a whole ton of questing in vanilla because it was faster and more engaging to just grind mobs up to 60 anyway.

Probably a month before, so late July, early August.

It make sense I mean he wouldn't want to be a monster in the eyes of the Light.


Legion would be better if you forged your own class specific epic weapon that was high customisable, instead of stealing one from a lore figure and giving it a new paint job.

still not buying it

still don't care

I agree. The classic example of "EVERY PALADIN GETS AN ASHBINGER" is still as stupid today as the day it was announced.

What would be cool would be a weapon you forged with [yourFactionHere] and you got to name it, and change how it looked and what procs it had and stuff.

>Frost DKs no longer can use 2H because 'we cant balance them ;('
The rest of your complaints were subjective bullshit about aesthetics but this one has to do with gameplay so it matters.
There has never been a time in the entire history of DKs when 2h frost outperformed dw ever, it's always been the shitty unintended spec that they left flopping limply like a vestigial limb better to cleanly remove it.

Because everyone running around with X is so much cooler than running around with X.

Dumb fucks.

Maybe I want to use a fucking wand.

Everyone will end with the same weapon in terms of customization

Staves are cool, 1h sword look good only at lvl 1-60 vanilla.

Yes user, buy it before any reviews or public reception

>shilling trump on Sup Forums
What did user mean by this?

>pre expansion event
Learn to read you stupid fuck.


There's about 15-20 options per player and the artifacts can be transmogged.

You fucking IDIOTS.

I'm more concerned with them massive number of losses post-WoD and the lack of content patches following it than the number it managed to garner just prior to launch. I fear Blizz has let WoW become a one trick pony and now relies mostly on bait and switch tactics. Once the initial appeal wears off, it's a repeat of what happened in WoD. Not only did they managed to lose everyone that resubbed, but they lost an additional 3 million. Between the severe content droughts, churning out stuff like selfie cams and twitter integration, and refusal to release sub numbers, it's evident Blizz only cares about selling copies and the cash shop; anybody dumb enough to stay subbed is just icing on the cake. There is no long term plan anymore for WoW, it's all about giving people what they want in the short run at the expense of the game's quality.

No, see, if you made your own, you'd at least not be shitting on pre-established lore.

And if the customization-options were good enough, that wouldn't be a problem.

As it stands now, only a very select handful of artifact weapons actually look GOOD, and you just know that everyone will be using those models.

Its really really dumb to make you the leader of a group of people thats the same class as you. I despise this "you're the greatest hero to ever live and so are the 24 other people with you" narrative.

Warlocks getting together is always a bad idea and I know blizzard doesn't have the balls to make this a point of contention. I would love for the warlock class to rebel sometime next expansion. It reminds me of ultima online and robbing people with other thieves.

Reminder that after legion you'll replace the Ashbringer with a green questing item 2 zones in.

you replied so you do

No, they won't, because you can transmog them to whatever the fuck you want.

It's no different than getting a weapon in a raid, except the lore nonsense which nobody gives a shit anyway.

You have to be 18 to post on Sup Forums.

If a commitee agrees on everything, then it is by definition, no longer a commitee. That is simple logic, senpai.

Some are forged by the player the frost dk one being the best example, most are expansions of made for purpose. Only the ashbringer, king slayers and doomhammer are 'taken from major lore characters'.

its not as bad as people make out.

>And if the customization-options were good enough, that wouldn't be a problem.
Everyone will end with the same stats/procs because of the min/maxing or are we talking about the weapon model?

>a group of people appointed for a specific function, typically consisting of members of a larger group.

Nowhere in the definition of a committee does it say they must disagree.

Fuck, I'm too old for Sup Forums.

>I despise this "you're the greatest hero to ever live and so are the 24 other people with you" narrative.

I agree. I didn't mind it so much when they pushed the "big names" in WoW as the Sues/Stues they were, because at least that sorta' made sense.

However my biggest problem with it is the fact that there's no coming BACK from this.

You can't be your class leader one moment and be back to a grunt in the next expansion. They are going to have to stick canonically to [You] being the class leader from now on.

And this fucking ruins me.

>Being "the guy" really sucks.
>I'm making huge assumptions about something and saying it sucks in the future.

Poor baby, you're so stupid you're depressing yourself.

So I checked what that "class fantasy" was about

Hahaha it's not even a feature, it's just how they call the usual expension changes now

savage>class fantasy

I think he's talking about the weapon model. The minmaxing is bound to happen anyway.

First of all the warlock class quest involves the black harvest biting off more then they can chew then getting butt fucked (you included) they they definitely covered it.

Secondly at this point your character is no longer a wondering mug that delivers 20 bear asses. Arthas called you the greatest champions, the aspects called you the last defenders of azeroth, we've taken down fucking archi at this point. We aren't nobody's anymore we can't be its the character progression people cried all day about in tbc.

Questing in WoD was bretty good, but that's one of the few things it had going for it. What ruined it was every NPC calling you "General!" and turning to you for help as if your entire faction was helpless. I really hate this narrative Blizz has crafted over the past expansion or so where your character is now the hero and savior of your faction; its made worse when every other player is also doing the same things you are doing yet being told they too are the hero. Makes WoW feel less like an RPG and more like a shitty action game.

>I looked into a buzzword, turns out it's a buzzword!

It's just what they're saying to rework classes into something less homogenized (after they've done nothing but homogenize for the past 3 expansions).

That's not really the point though. No class should be getting Doomhammer. None of them.

>Questing in WoD was bretty good
It was the only good thing about wod, leveling was fun.

>I'm doing the same things.
>But it sucks now.

You're a dipshit.

>not wanting to be Commander

at least that faggot died

Spending all day playing Facebook games in my Garrison and taking selfies was so savage

selfie cam distorts some things

>"I'll call him stupid because I can't think of anything clever!"

Sure showed me user.

t. cuckold

>I despise this "you're the greatest hero to ever live and so are the 24 other people with you" narrative.
People who can't divorce gameplay from story in MMOs are the biggest autists in gaming.