The money people make from this shit must be ridiculous.
The money people make from this shit must be ridiculous
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They sound so burnt out now.
shut up
i will learn the secret to lolicon
Remember that episode where Arin sharted himself on camera?
Really should just be the four of them, t b q h w y f a m
You mean every episode?
Motherfucking Jesse Eisenberg Jesus Christ fuck dude motherfuckin Facebook movie bullshit Jesus can you fucking believe this shit
God damn created Facebook then fucking lawyers and shit right fucking Winklevoss twins god damn rowing the boat fuck yo shit I can't even fucking believe this shit have you seen this shit fuck I just watched this shit fuck Jesse Eisenberg man
Motherfucking Spider-man Spider-man you put in the time fuck put in the time motherfucking built shit with this bare hands fucking best friend shit Jesse Eisenberg
I'm very tired
I'll just talk about the Facebook movie all day shit man you have to be so interested in the shit I have to say about the Facebook movie fuck dude I just watched it a year and a half ago fuck Jesse Eisenberg man he fucked over Spider-man crazy Winklevoss twins rowing Trent Resin Or did the soundtrack fuck this guy who invented Facebook I don't like dying I can't think of who the fuck invented Facebook All I can think is who played the guy who invented Facebook who the fuck invented Facebook
My friend showed me one of these videos because I like Banjo Kazooie and she thought i'd enjoy it.
I did not enjoy it.
How anyone can stomach this sort of drivel is beyond me.
Is ADHD a prerequisite or some shit?
Arin has stated that Game Grumps has gotten him his biggest paycheck in his whole life
>its a Arin /needs/ help for every boss episode
>its a wolnirs greatsword episode
>its a 'I know all this lore as fact' episode
>its another dump all my souls into vit. episode
FUCK. Why was he okay at Bborne but just can't do this shit. Hell he isn't even doing a blind run.
>The money people make from this shit must be ridiculous.
They make a lot for what they do, but if it makes you feel better after expenses are paid and they split up the funds they end up with a lot less than you'd expect.
None of them are millionaires like PDP and Markiplier.
Dan has even admitted none of them make 6 figures a year.
Try post-Jon episodes or just "best moments" compilations.
How do they get so many guests and even news coverage? They don't even get that many views as compared to other channels.
Let's play channels and videos have people below the age of 16 as audience, they're not making the show thinking about 20+ y/o people.
you'll never make 6 figures
I'm kinda surprised that they make enough to buy themselves a car, but I never understood the gravity of youtube money.
You can't say no to those thumbs.
Fucking hell did you seriously type all of that?
>How do they get so many guests and even news coverage? They don't even get that many views as compared to other channels.
Game Grumps makes most of their revenue through advertising.
>you'll never make 6 figures
I think I will eventually GET close. I make $58,000 a year now teaching and I get entire summers off and weeks through the school year off plus I'm only 25. Time is a valuable resource in the working world.
Later on I'd like to go for the PHD on the side and get professor status then work up to more earnings while getting even MORE time off.
Just get this and you're set.
>they sound so burnt out now
In their latest live Q & A, Arin admitted that the show has lost its glamor it used to have and that soon he will want to slow down and look at the future of the show and how to approach it.
I used to shit on teachers all the time but now I see they have it a lot better than I thought.
They get a shit load of time off and have the most powerful unions on the planet. I know a teacher that tried to sleep with a student and they couldn't fire him. Plus they aren't as poor as I thought either. I used to think teachers made barely above minimum wage but I see them making $40-50k with just bachelor's degrees
Switch Ross and Brian
If he just helped his team throw the melons, then none of this would have happened.
yes good goy, keep watching our show
Why do people like Barry? He is literally the embodiment of Reddit. Every video I've watched with him in it, he just goes out of his way to act as random as possible and yells more than any other member.
>There exists a timeline where Arin helped shoot the melons
>Girchan 7 and Sequelitis Metal Gear Solid 2 exist in that timeline
What they should do is go through and pick a few older games to do playthroughs of, ones where they've got some investment in, like MMX or the like.
Barry was at his best when he was the editor we didn't know much about, aside from his face.
California turned Arin into a pretentious cock.
Wasnt he from florida?
And Suzy ayy'd him into submission.
I'd argue Suzy did that long before California did.
Watch the episodes where they play Ice Hockey for NES.
The magic involved is adorable. They're actually having fun.
>tfw had a dream where I went down on Suzy from behind and then started to eat her ass
>wake up with the most confused boner
>I'm playing him like a damn fiddle
The fact that people make money from this shit is ridiculous
So is Dan porking suzy at all?
He'd have something in common with motherfucker mike.
Nah cuz they have to split it like 6 ways or something crazy like that.
the fact you watch let's play fags instead of playing games yourself or with friends is ridiculous
>being shit at games on purpose so they can spew memes and tell untrue stories
>people eat it up
this shit is literally pewdiepie level but it resonates a bit more with the autists on Sup Forums for some fucking reason even though its the same fake shit
I'm from fucking Mexico :^( and there's something we say sometimes.
"Ponle una bolsa en la cabeza y si me la tiro."
>Put a bag on her head and I'd fuck that.
This sentence was arguably said for the first time when some guy met Suzy.
These guys are still relevant? I haven't heard shit about them in months.
Dan is too much of a nice guy to do that. Also he drowns in pussy three times a day because of his amazing voice.
That and I doubt he would risk his job by fucking Suzy.
What about Motherfucker Mike?
Isnt motherfucker mike fucking james wife?
Yeah but when they relocated, Arin started going on and on about being paleo and how he has started meditating and feeling more "present and grounded". Typical one-up, groan inducing fag talk you'd expect to hear from an insufferable queef.
>Have no friends to play anything with
>Watch Game Grumps instead
It's literally Game Grumps: Friendship Simulator.
Thinking about this gives me the feels but they make me laugh and that helps with the crippling depression.
Really? Doesn't James have a daughter?
Damn, he REALLY is Motherfucker Mike...
They make a decent buck, but not as much as you'd think.
More along the lines of just above the living wage needed. It's a nice ride, but it won't let them retire or anything.
Jon+Arin > Ross+Arin > Ross+Danny > Danny + Arin > anything with Brian/Barry/Suzy
So did they stop playing Doom because Danny is literally the most incompetent human being to ever touch a controller?
Will Arin summon help for every single boss going forward?
People liked him when he was silent
Once he started being a voiced show member, it became apparent he didn't naturally have much charisma. To combat this he forcibly acts as hyper and random as possible but it feels incredibly unnatural and forced
I don't know how anyone can tolerate modern grumps. Some of the guys are alright people in non-grump videos, but on the show their personalities are just so forced and it's now a soulless business instead of two friends hanging out and playing video games
Goddamn, this got dark real fucking quick.
>most incompetent human being to ever touch a controller
He's never touched an FPS since the first Doom and literally did better than Polygon
To be fair, it doesn't take much to be better than Polygon.
>tfw watch gamegrumps not for entertainment but to emulate what it might feel like to play vidya and chat with friends
>tfw i know deep down i'll never find a real friend that i could talk and play vidya with and truly enjoy myself
Do you think Ross Lets Ninjabrian fuck his wife?
Lonelyfag counter: 2
>mfw Arin only got ahead in life because he's incredibly, INCREDIBLY lucky
>mfw you can work hard all your life and not amount to the level of success he's achieved by pure dumb stupid fucking luck
And now they're rubbing shoulders with celebrities too.
considering he's a bum that's no surprise.
This would explain a lot about my friends that watch Game Grumps.
Lucky for you user, Reaction Videos are becoming popular lately, arguably more than Non-PDP LPs. They're literally the easiest video to make, too. Maybe you can strike while the iron's hot, but it's probably not going to happen.
If you call them your friends then they don't truly know what it is to be alone
its like Boomhaur and a nigger combined efforts to write this out.
Or... Just Siri dictation.
We haven't had much contact since high school, now most of us are spread out around the country (Maine, Virginia, Oklahoma, and more). The only 2 remaining in our home state are the ones I'm referring to. One of them even has a girlfriend (not too bad looking either) but still Game Grumps. I just don't get it.
I don't have connections like Jontron and Danny to leech off of. Because that's exactly what he does: he's a leech. He's good at absolutely nothing save for animation and he's completely stopped doing that, and now he's shoving his ugly fucking mug into Ninja Sex Party videos and riding Danny to make more Starbomb albums so that they can appease his gluttony for more fame.
that's why I always stay away from saying im "Buddhist" or some shit, with most weeaboo whiteys its always brought just to make them seem better than everyone.
plus, he cant be that enlightened if he's still making a living off of let's plays, or that healthy if he still looks like a transvestite Trent Reznor
My god the animation went to shit in later seasons. Not that it was ever amazing, but damn
Not watching Based Pat from TBFP
>mfw Pat does a solo episode
He unironically thinks he's a good rapper.
Lately Ive just been wondering what the appeal of Jon is. his videos kinda suck now, and I have the sneaking suspicion that he's much funnier when he collaborates with the right person.
and his Game Grumps episodes arent anything special, i dunno. i guess he's better than Ross
For reference, here's another man with the same shtick and about 100x the skill
Are you kidding me? He is an amazing rapper and musician. Have you heard the way he so creatively fuses the tunes of the games he plays with the repeated phrase "suck my dick"? Genius.
I watched a couple of episodes and everyone had Danny like 8 minutes in go "Next time" like 5-7 times, like he is in some super fucking hurry to film another episode. And some of them he wines about how bad the game is and just wants to stop recording like 10 min in. Why does he have to full Jew a fucking LP, it's not hard just fucking talk. This is why Two Best Friends are much better because they don't fucking rush episodes. But that aside what the fuck is Danny's issue?
>watching them play DS3 for shits and giggles
>Arin picks up the Giant Seed
>literally minutes later gets invaded
>spends the whole invasion complaining how the invader keeps running behind enemies
Does he do this shit on purpose?
>Suck suck suck my dick, suck my fucking weiner, suck suck suck my dick, suck my fucking cock
You just read that singing to Super Mario World's overworld theme
Dan is Arin's Yes-man, and can't conjure anything to say when he runs out of stories or Arin doesn't give him something to work with before recording.
Watch this everyone. Apparently e-celebs are becoming even more popular than ever before, even beating the popularity of other celebs.
Who's this nobody? Stop posting videos of your autistic friend, user.
>Those Zaibatsu faggots make around the same amount as gay grumps
>Have fewer people to split it between
>Spend less money than GG on improving the quality of their videos and podcasts
>Pat spent 350 dollars on Overwatch in one week
>Matt bought 800 dollars worth of dolls in a week including Tracers 250 dollar overwatch figure
>Got audited by the Canadian revenue agency that same week.
Hope these faggots kill themselves from debt woes.
>Everyone's just so happy and I can't think of a way to annoy the shit out of them right now
>Jew the LP
He is a fucking Jew, besides only thing grew about Danny is his random fuck women stories, since Arin is a one pussy for life man.
>not having friends
Fuck off normalfag
>implying he actually believes this and isn't being sarcastic
Go to sleep kids
Oh no, he actually does. Like not even being facetious. He's talked about all the practice he has put into it and he legitimately thinks he's got a good flow.
So he went from destitute to minimum wage.
Arin and Danny, go to fucking sleep you 12 min long LP shits, no one likes you.
>Got audited by the Canadian revenue agency that same week.
Fucking Proof faggot, or fuck off
>show was originally about two friends playing games from their childhood
>became a business
>one guy got burnt out and went back to doing his original content
>other guy is a washed up lazy hack who has nothing to go back to
>ropes in a guy who has nothing to do with video games
>show goes from people playing games from their childhood to playing whatever bargain bin shit their autistic fans mail them
>show is now littered with ads and merchandise
>multiple different shows with multiple different uploads a day for maximum view count
>Arin has officially embarrassed himself multiple times and lost all credibility he once had
Arin literally hit rock bottom. He released a new animation which bombed horribly and showed he can't animate anything funny anymore and after GG his Sequelitus crashed and burned showing he has no solid grasp of game design whatsoever.
Only way for them to salvage this trainwreck is to play games they want to play or games that mean a lot to them. That first week with Danny was alright because it was nothing but Danny's childhood games
Watching them play shit like Dark Souls makes me want to vomit
Dicky isn't stuck doing shitty video game parodies.
Fuck yes thank you for knowing about lil dicky. Good tastes user.
I cringe whenever I see people going ''b-but church could solve world's hunger 7 times'', these people are far more worthless and still make shiyloads of money
They announced that shit on their podcast 3 or 4 weeks ago.
Literally said "Matt can't make it because Tax. It's serious"
Episode 143 of their podcast
1 minute into the podcast.