Virtual Boy 2.0
When will the VR meme die?
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They're finally following through with that Nintendo On video they made ten years ago
Threadly reminder that the nx will just be the Nvida shield 2.
This. Nintendo is going to try and put their brand behind Nvidia's streaming service and be a Netflix for games.
Hope it bombs.
Another Nintendo console destined to bomb?
Jesus fuck no please
I'm waiting for the day Nintendo finally caves in and abandons hardware and becomes a third party publisher, like a mom waiting for her kid to come home late at the front door with her arms crossed.
it's the logical next step op, don't be retarded. The real question is, when is this "I don't like thing, so it must be a meme" MEME gonna keep on going?
>another Nintendo gimmick peripheral
>Sup Forums memed VR because waifu sex
>some normies fall for the meme thinking it was about videogames
>now companies think that shit is actually a good thing and that people really want it
>companies have gigantic loses
>Sup Forums brings the next videogame market crash
It was about time
Well there goes "Nintendium".
When will "VR is the future guys, everyone wants an ugly headset on their face for something that's not masturbating wildly to pretend sex" meme die?
>Nintendo started VR with Virtual Boy
>Nintendo is going to take back the lead
History repeats itself like always
>Nintendo is producing quality games no one wants
>People want VR
>VR gaming is full of shitty shovelware
>Nintendo makes actually good VR games
>Dominates VR
>Best-selling console except for maybe the Wii
Calling it
This pretty much. VR's only shot is if companies like Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft get on board with their own competing products, because then actual games will get made for them.
It'll be the next waggleware.
>When will the VR meme die?
But user, we are only just getting started.
Are you serious? It's a VR machine?
What kind of Nintendo games would even work with VR besides Wii Sports shit?
Metroid Prime
when you stop using meme as an excuse to ignore natural progress.
Strapping a monitor on your face is not natural progress, it's a gimmick.
Nintendo hardware is a whole generation behind.
>muh Nintendo hardware generation behind meme
All consoles are a decade or so behind in hardware, you stupid fucking consolecuck.
Eternal Darkness
Fatal Frame
the Sup Forums is big and important meme
>"We'll never do VR! It's not good!"
>Sony has massive success with PSVR preorders
>"W-wait...! Don't forget us...! We're still h-hip...!"
>they made
Are you a retard?
Not only was that fan-made it's incredibly obvious it was fan-made the second they show "gameplay"
Ah of course Nintendo couldn't resist the call of gimmick.
>phoneposter is shitposter
Wow who would have thought
>Nintendo: we'll never do VR
do you think someone would just go onto the internet and make things up?
>Nintendo hasn't revealed the NX yet because they still haven't decided what the fuck it's going to be
I fucking knew it
They always start work on the next console immediately after the last one is released.
They've been working on the NX for 4-5 years, I think they knew what they were going to do with it.
The problem is they suddenly saw VR doing well and wanted in on that.
Star Fox
Not that guy, but before Iwata death, Reggie and Miyamoto have stated that Nintendo isn't interested on jumping the VR hype.
But I think Kimishima vetoed these 2 people statement and decided that VR is necessary.
Nintendo is REALLY desperate to get kids interested into Nintendo again. It's kind of sad.
wouldn't even be surprised desu, actually i would be surprised if this didn't happen.
Its NoA doing their usual family friendly bullshit.
the thing about VR right now is that its VERY demanding on any piece of current tech there is. There are a ton of Red flags going up making me think that the NX will probably be strong enough that it'll slightly be weaker then a high grade PC but given their track record I'am pretty doubtful since they like selling their consoles affordable
Fuck what are you doing Nintendo ? everyone is fucking confused about you.
Won't the NX be very expensive then?
>PSVR is $599
>Oculus and Vive are even more expensive
>Most of the market has a PS4 and the rest don't care
PSVR is 399 retard.
Consider the following:
>Vive and Oculus are out already
>PSVR already has impressive pre-order rates
>NX launches next year
>It will probably be expensive as fuck because it will need power (PSVR needs the included set top box to run too)
the headgear will probably be optional its only VR support they gotta configure and program head tracking and all that complicated stuff
>a system that was never intended to be released in 2016 was "postponed"
Slay thyself.
In my country it isn't.
Nintendo announced it's going to be released in March 2017.
If they're not even going to produce it UNTIL early 2017, how will they have it in production in time for that release date?
Use your brain.
>it's an "underaged NeoFAGs talk about a baseless rumor like it's fact, and pretend all other previous rumors are known facts too" thread
virtual reality is a gimmick now?
Since when? this shit has been expected since the fucking 80s. How fucking old are you?
Key fucking phrase, rumor baby.
Is this even conclusive evidence?
Fuck no. More baseless schlock.
I hate how all VR discussion is stifled due to people saying, "lol, dummy fell for the VR meme, screen strapped to your face, gimmick, purchase justification, it's shit because it's not popular."
That's all, I won't try to start anything, I just wish things were different. Subscribe for more.
If you want to talk about VR, feel free to make another thread about it, I would much rather talk about the merits and flaws of that than endlessly explain the difference between rumor and fact.
I won't even try to make threads about it on Sup Forums.
check late-night on /vg/ though, trying to start a thread there once a day to establish a general. Reddit has a stranglehold on all VR discussion and Sup Forums doesn't make it easy.
the funny part is stuff like the scorpio is "just a rumor" to these sonycucks
I hope the rumour is true. I want to NX to be gimped by old Nvidia smartphone cpu.