How's everyone finding Marrakesh?

How's everyone finding Marrakesh?

Best map? Worst?

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shameless self-bump

Okay Sup Forums, you go shitpost about overwatch.

Fuck i hate summer.

Hi user sorry that your fav game is a flop


I love it, but I'm waiting for my new GPU to play it thoroughly, I realized I'm ruining the experience by playing it in low res.

Im liking it, love throwing soda cans at peoples heads.


Fucking love it so far.

Biggest source of enjoyment are the two separate environments that the targets occupy, makes finding optimized routes between the two a good bit of fun.

Biggest disappointment is the riot being unused by anything. Huge missed opportunity. I tried sniping the guy shouting on the soapbox in order to stir the crowd but they just do the normal crowd fear thing. It would have been absolutely great if they could have put that in. I get the feeling they were trying to do something like that but couldn't make it in time for the march cutoff. Ultimately a good call imo, i'd rather they stick to an ep a month for me to play than start a trend of interminable delays, but it's still too bad.

So you guys think that it's going to take all the way until the end of June for the next ep?

I was going to make meaningful posts, but you're such a little bitch that I won't now.

when the fuck is there going to be a physical release for this

when all the episodes come i think they said

>playing Cancerâ„¢ incarnate

Theres some pretty hot white npc females walking round for sure

Easily the best thus far. It's literally amazing how the levels have gotten better and better, contrary to the original belief that they'd get worse.

I honestly thought this would be a turd.
That woman on a roof top who is on the the phone saying "sorry for dropping you in this turd" best game line ever

Won't have a chance to play these for sometime. Anyone have an enjoyable walkthrough/let's play?

Giant Bomb's Hitman videos

>Dan keeps trying to get Brad to break everyone's neck whenever he has to knock someone out
>"You stabbed her in the neck with a fucking circumcision knife"

AuzzieGamer has videos up for the two tutorial stages and Paris.

Though I'm not sure why'd you want to spoil it for yourself before playing it, even if you can't get it for awhile, but to each their own.

Well quite honestly I'm really bad at Hitman games and for some reason lose interest in playing them fairly quickly. Watching them however, is really entertaining.

it's pretty good. I still love Sapienza more i think

I think it's really great but the lack of escape options combined with the fact that you can't do anything with the riot put it behind both Sapienza and Paris for me.

He's back? I remember ages ago when he used to do Assassin's Creed multiplayer videos before disappearing.

pussy boy

I enjoy the fact that everyone has the whitest american accents possible when talking about shisha and kebabs.