Juri for SFV when? What do you think her V-skill and V-trigger will be?

Juri for SFV when? What do you think her V-skill and V-trigger will be?

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When? Probably after best character.

I can see her V-skill being the counter move she had and her V-trigger could be Feng Shui Engine assuming she still has it story-wise.

now post more abs

Except Juri was actually confirmed already and Sagat would be more likely to come in before Sakura if he even does get in. This seems more like an excuse to post Sakura.

>those armpits
More pls

They should fix the game first

Thoughts on Story Mode outfit? Think they'll have her original outfit as an alternative?

End of August unless there's another delay


Nobody actually plays Juri, they just like her because she's a lesbian evil Chun

She's like, my third go to character, after Cody and Dan.

>Nobody actually plays Juri

Infiltration laughs at you. Its enough that she's attractive, but she's also high tier.


fengshui mode as vtrigger is pretty much a given

Season 2 will be Sagat, Oro, Sakura, C. Viper, and 2 new characters


>and her V-trigger could be Feng Shui Engine assuming she still has it story-wise.
This was what I was thinking.

>No Dan
I need my man tho...seriously, he's like the only character i'm gud with.

>having a counter available by pressing 2 buttons
sounds bad

>C. Viper
Yuck. Could do without her and would rather have Dudley, Elena, Poison, Maki, or even Ingrid.

2 new characters sounds good though.

Oh, and Akuma. Derp.


Ryu, Bison, and Nash already have them.

I want Juri to beat me up!

I picked her in USFV since she's easy for newcomers.

What did Juri play like in Ultra? I just want a general idea of what to expect in August

only if you completely ignore fireball charges which limits your damage output. She's easy only in the way that she has only quarter circle inputs but that doesn't make her a good character for a beginner

She had a unique fireball mechanic that will probably be changed because Capcom wants to reduce execution barriers

>you will never lick Juri's armpits
>you will never sniff her stuffy ass while she rubs your cock with her feet

EX Wheel

Then I'm a quick learner. Can't wait for her, work on her again and ditch Cammy.

Where is Juri most ticklish?

Take a wild guess

back of the neck?

I'd think her feet would be numb to anything by now.

>but her feet user
no, no, she tickles OTHER people with her feet


Please provide a thorough description of how she preforms said tickling.


A little something like this


Oh i think we all know what her
Will be doing.
Aco here i come


So Feng Shui Engine?


Is Juri good for a beginner??

I wonder if its gonna get the clit-bump treatment, sure hope we get some feet

>tfw her super is gonna be ARA ARA ARA ARA Fuharenjin

I heard we are gonna get Ibuki in a week, can anyone confirm?


Fuck Juri
Hakan and her wife when?

His wife*

>hakans wife
>brownfu goddess

H-holy shit user, does she have more art??!??!


I say she is. There are more worse like Zangief




what the fuck is this shit nigga
sadpanda or bust


>she looks cool and menacing in SFIV
>give her some ridiculous outfit and make her look like one of the Dorombo Gang members in SFV


Even Hakan and best girl Makoto couldn't entice me to start playing sf5 again

the fuck is wrong with capcom PR ?

Like, i was willing to forgive them for alex, and they showed they were more on the ball with Guile being shown in the middle of the month with a release date

But then Ibuki suffer the same bullshit, even worse now the character isn't even released at the last minute it's not released at all

I don't care WHEN the character release just don't leave me hanging for a May update that was never to be