You will never be able to afford a gaming pc

>you will never be able to afford a gaming pc

Get a PS4 then.

That has more expensive games.
And a monthly fee for online

... never mind

My friend is going to buy his first one but he is going to buy it piecemeal and get a 1070. Happy for him.

>That has more expensive games.
>he doesn't shop in the bargain bin or just borrow friends games

How can't you make $1k? You could work the shittiest job in America and make that in 1 month e z.

>stop buying consoles and their trash games
>use that money for your pc

>buying physical copies of console games

>he doesn't shop in the bargain bin

I'm not a poorfag, so no. I don't.

>borrow friends games

Hello friend, I see you have a game I want but can't afford. Do you mind if I borrow it due to my lack of money or income? Please still respect me, despite being such a failure I can't even purchase my own video games.

And a 6600k ;)

He just ordered an asrock mobo (inb4 >asrock)


Get a job.

>he doesn't sell his virginity to old guys

lmao @ your life

Actually, there are shitty jobs that only pay about 400 after taxes.

Never take a part time position folks. Shit sucks.

I'm typing on one right now

A cheap pentium is like $50, and I saw an r7 360 on sale for like $60 awhile back. Sometimes you just gotta settle for medium settings

>giving your rights to a DRM program that can take away all your games

>that can take away all your games

Yeah, that happens all the time!

That's the point of a console
You can sell the games

If for any reason my games ever stop working I can just pirate them.

$400 every two weeks part time maybe

Why yes it does

If your friends are such assholes they won't lend you a game if you can't afford it without being bitter about it they're horrible people

>buying a new drm system every few years for a handful of "exclusives"

lol like how is being poor even a thing just get more money fuck lol

I have both a PS4 and PC and I'm broke as shit. I don't see how this is an issue for anyone.

It is literally that simple. Anyone who doesn't is just lazy.

>you will never be able to save up money because you're LITERALLLY RETAAAAARRRRDDDDED

pirating game on a ps4? wut, tell me your secrets.

US min wage is $7.25 an hour, and taxes are around $20 at that level

There is no way you're only working 7 8 hour shifts in a month and still considering that a job.

If you can afford a console, you can afford a gaming PC. Espcially with the new 200€ price range.

People generally underestimate the range of suitable equipment when it comes to PC. A standard mistake by people building their first PC is completely overdoing it.

Even old i3 processors are capable of 60+fps in games like GTAV

Not to mention that once you've got the basics down, you can gradually upgrade.

When Xbox Live One/360 is shut down in 10-20 years you will not own any of your games anymore. If original Xbox live had a game store those would be gone already.

Just take a loan like I did.

>no job
>no money
>no gaming computer

this is some feelsbadmanshit right here

just get a job and work for literally two months
one if you're okay with living like a hobo

>When Xbox Live One/360 is shut down in 10-20 years

He thinks I own a fucking console

Pffft hahahaha

>bought a gaming PC
>spend all day shitposting on Sup Forums


I can't afford it either and my laptop is starting to overheat all the time when I play games on it.
When I get home from school this summer I'm going to sell a bunch of my old stuff and start building a rig.
My budget will be $500 to $800 depending on how much money I get from selling stuff on ebay.
Blog end

the real feelsbadmanshit is when y ou realize games aren't much more fun at 60fps 1080p and you'd be better off playing a master system emulator


There's your problem.

>he still lives with mommy

This. I built my first gaming PC with my dad when I was in high school after saving for one since middle school. Do you really expect to get something for doing noth....wait this is Sup Forums.

Coming from where you are, the job opens up rest. But you knew that already.

>hes a wagecuck

>tfw too stupid to figure out which parts to buy if I wanted a gayman pc for cheap

Maybe I should go on Sup Forums once in awhile

why don't they just buy more money lol

xD ikr wtf jus ask for some lol

>get a job
>too tired to play videogames
>become a neet
>no money to buy videogames

life is shit tbqhwy