>Beat Demon's Souls.
>Beat Dark Souls Prepare to Die.

>Can't get fucking beat first colossus without falling down.
>Character flails like a retard.
>Can't stab colossus on head and do any damage for no goddamn reason.

DeS and DaS aren't even that hard.

Are you playing the PS3 version? The constant 30 fps gives issues holding on to colossi for some reason.

Soulsfags everyone.

Just watch your grip gauge. Find a safe spot to recover stamina when it runs low. Also try gitting gud, you salty cunt.

The controls are designed to make you feel how immense and powerful the bosses are. Stop being a retard.

Ill share with you what Sup Forums shared with me when I first played this game and whined like a faggot

git gud

>Are you playing the PS3 version? The constant 30 fps gives issues holding on to colossi for some reason.

How to make PS3 lag?

>shadow of colossus
wtf are you talking about. only 3 of all colossi has attack against you. just use your brain you retard

You got the HD collection.

I had the same problem, but got usually stuck on the thrid Colossus. You have bad luck. There are certain spots on some of the colossi that can bring your character into an endless loop of struggling to get a grip, sometimes the colossi will shake their heads until you are out of stamina. Some spots will even throw you off for no good reason.

And you are probably playing the ps3 version.

I'd just emulate it to be honest. I have a CPU from 2008 and was able to run it fine.

I bet you don't know how to control Agro either, you fucking casual.

Pretty sure fully 15 of the colossi can attack you somehow.

LMAO I finished this game when I was 11, git gud.

The only time I ever had such issue was on the second last Colossus.

i mean making it dangerous to fight against the colossi.
the only colossi which was legit thread against me was scorpion one.
game is easy but the game's main focus is being artistic so it is ok. i highly doubt that the last guardian would be dark souls tier of hard

I understand how the grip meter works now thanks.

>Plunge sword into head.
>Does literally fuck all damage.


Hold the button

Surely those large glowing weakspots aren't where you should put your knife instead.

Neo Sup Forums

This has to be bait

Thanks, finally got it.

Huge spot is on head, the area where I was attacking it.


The effort vs reward gameplay system in this game is incredibly good.

I legitmately feel oike I'm hanging on for dear life and feel rewarded when I finally kill it

I started playing this yertday


hold the button you fucking retard.
don't you see white circle in the stamina meter.
my god soulsfag are literally braindead casuals

>Game becomes popular.


>beat game on hard difficulty
>Got all fruit/lizards
>no guides

You don't know hard until you try and climb that tower

>You don't know hard until you try and climb that tower
there isnt any difficulty in climbing the tower, its just "did i get enough lizards?"
unless you're playing on ps2 and trying to diagonal jump
which is also not hard either

Maxed out everything and still gave me a hard time. And yes PS2