You guys didn't buy into this jewish propaganda and are just being ironic, right?

You guys didn't buy into this jewish propaganda and are just being ironic, right?

wtf does it have to do with jewish, don't SJWs hate jews?

But Zarya is a level-headed, hard-working woman who loves her family and wants to eliminate the robot menace threatening her home.

She's everything SJWs hate.


Who is this qt

what world do you live in


thats right goyim, no jewish tricks here

>best hero in the game
>retards literally refusing to play her because she has pink hair

You guys sure do get triggered over the stupidest shit

Maybe you guys were the SJWs all along

You clearly don't know anything about SJWs if you think they believe in family, hard work, and keeping dangerous hordes of foreigners out of their home instead of making excuses for them for the sake of progressivism.

why do you talk like this

>Sup Forums literally complain about how the youth dress and look today
Just kill me.

Not just today

This game takes place in like 2070 or something

Being I'm not a bigot, OP.

Zarya is actually cool.
Just get her arctic skin and she's perfect.

>not realizing Sup Forums is just nega SJWs

I don't know how to play her ;(

Thats cause you're a fucking white male.
Go play McCree you shitlord

Kys manlet nerd

>Zarya is the racist mother fucker raised with good old Russian values of the group
The pink hair is stupid looking, but she's the exact opposite of the SJW character.

>retarded disney toddler with sparkly eyes syndrome seeing fucking santa at the mall for the first time
holy shit man hilarious what a fucking joke

Are you taking damage?
Is someone else taking damage?

Really the trick is keeping up the bubbles so you don't lose your damage, she's pretty scary if she gets full charge and has the most useful tank ult for a team.