When did you grow up and start playing game genres not made for children?
When did you grow up and start playing game genres not made for children?
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Why is that list upside down?
What rhythm games are difficult? Might take a bit to perfect a song but that's the extent of that as far as I've played rhythm games.
>Top kek
>Excluding genres
You've still got a way to go til you're "grown up"
spotted the dota babbies.
the extent of rhythm games isn't guitar hero or miku crap. IIDX and other similar games have a huge skill ceiling.
>video games
>not made for children
>he doesn't know about bemani games
That can refer to anything from CoD, which is for babbies, to shit like quake 3, which has a retardedly high skill ceiling.
>harder than platformers or Action RPGs
Ys or Super Meat Boy are way harder than shit like Isaac or Rogue legacy.
>Platformers in average shit tier
are you retarded?
Oh fuck you guys. I had Platformers and Action RPG's in "Difficult tier" specifically because games like Dustforce and Ys are a thing, but you little bitches cried to lower it because most platformers and action RPG's are casual as fuck, now you're crying again. WELL YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT.
And fuck off, Isaac and Rogue legacy are not roguelikes, so if your plan was to trigger me, you mildly succeeded.
Or you know, Sup Forums isn't one person.
I love both Ys and Dustforce so ofcourse I would say this.
did you forget about old school platformers like Ghosts n Goblins?
No, as I said, I originally had both platformers and action RPG's in Difficult Tier. I lowered it due to rampant bitching about them being too high because apparently people think platformers = mario.
>shmups harder than fighting games and Brood War
Are you just a shut-in with a superiority complex that only plays single player games, or are you trying to trigger people?
Shmups are universally agreed upon to be the hardest game genre, and it's completely true.
If that triggers you then tough shit I'm afraid.
The skill ceiling for shmups is leagues ahead of anything else.
I can budge on other things, but shmups reign supreme when it comes to the skill and finesse required to play them. It's not even close.
Idk about fighting games but he's absolutely right about Brood War. The amount of shit you have to mentally juggle in BW is unreal.
>high tier
Games I like
>medium tier
Games I think are okay
>low tier
Games I don't like
Fight me
by hard do you mean difficult to complete? difficult to play? difficult to learn? difficult to master? difficult to play competitively?
This takes some practice to get right.
I don't like fighting or rhythm games at all. I do admittedly like shmups though, but it's not my favorite genre. If I was bias I'd put platformers up top.
This list is as objective as possible.
RTS's have a hard initial learning curve, but once you've got build orders down and know which builds counter which opening the skill required after that isn't all that high.
I mean master yes, although every single thing you mentioned in that post would have shmup be top.
Casuals drop shmups early on before they can even 1cc even the easiest of shmups on normal mode.
Autists grind on stream for 7 years daily trying to beat some nip world record and still haven't managed it (and the theoretical max score you can get isn't even close to being reached).
Shmups require the most skill no matter which side of the spectrum you look at them from.
And people have been playing Brood War for 18 years now trying to master it as a living, people like Flash, Bisu, and Jaedong were legends because of how good they were at the game. If you want to talk about skill ceiling, microing one control group of mutalisks takes up so much focus that only a few players can do anything else at the same time, and microing two control groups is nearly unheard of outside of a few plays that were raved about for years, and those two control groups wouldn't even take up 1/4th of your army's supply. Shmups simply do not compare to the physical and mental skill required to play top-level Brood War.
>Shmups are universally agreed upon to be the hardest game genre
Stopped here. They are difficult, sure, but once you memorize it... that's it. I would put them under fighting and RTS, but with rhythm (since it is the same thing with a different coat of paint)
Do not speak about things you do not know about, it is cringe worthy to read.
I know of Flash, Bisu and Jaedong because I was big on the Brood War scene way back when.
World record tier shmup play shits on it in terms of skill required, and that's before even taking into account super grazing random, difficult as fuck patterns under immense pressure.
Fighting and RTS are childs play compared to shmups.
>J-just memo it.
I never thought somebody would parrot Sup Forums memes like they were actually fact.
>once you've got build orders down and know which builds counter which opening the skill required after that isn't all that high.
I don't know what RTS's you're talking about but that isn't even remotely true about Brood War
When I was 7 I played GTA Vice City
>Fighting games
>Very Difficult
Drop it down to casual. If niggers have the capacity to get good at fighters, then you know they don't require much thought/skill.
Rest looks fine.
> ill say that the thing I dont like doesnt need skill, that way every one who disagrees is a casual and I will always be correct >:-)
You could have just admitted to being a shut-in with a superiority complex the first time around around and saved everybody's time.
Yes it is though. It's especially so with games like Brood War.
>Mfw these retards think I am ignorant to how RTS's work
>Mfw I've probably had more experience with RTS than them when I used to play them religiously back in the day
Brood War was literally the RTS I put a few years in. It is kiddie tier compared to shmups, it literally isn't even remotely close.
I'm not as well versed on fighting games, but I'll give the fighting players the benefit of the doubt that they're somewhat difficult. For now anyway.
From what I've seen from their competitive scene they don't look too demanding.
I was 10 when I got DoW Dark Crusade.