I am a gamer thas has no life
Thats why i chose to have many
I am a gamer thas has no life
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fucking cringe, god i hate this picture
OP here
yeah me too
where's the version where you choose to be many little girls
I wonder if there is a way to not make this sound so cringy
>When I was little, people say you can grow up to be whatever you want
>I wanted to be a Viking
>They told me it wasn't possible
>I decided I could be a basketball player
>But I was crippled from the waist down
>Maybe I could be a cool computer guy
>I never made good grades in school
>I couldn't find a way to cope with it until I fount it, the ultimate means of escapism
>I could be anything I wanted if I just had the money to pay for it
>I can almost do all the things I have never been able to do before
>I could fly. I could build. I could...walk
>It made me feel normal
>I think I found what I finally wanted to be when I grow up
>I wanted to be... A gamer.
I see
Still cringey as fuck.
There's no way to make it not cringey because over glorifying a simple hobby like that shows that the person who wrote it is a fucking one dimensional piece of shit who has nothing going for them.
I..watch TV
but gamer gate and gamer stuff
gamers are the best ! lmao XD
jesus christ
you did a good job to make it look even worse
there's ways but not typing it out like that. there's a reason you don't write papers for college using first person.
I...read books
Eh. I tried.
For general discussion, gaming doesn't sound AS cringy. Any sentiments found in gaming are usually cringy as fuck.
Funny thing about that image: it was made here.
It was used to display how generic the covers were, but some faggot slapped a tri-force in the middle and some text around the edges and the rest of the internet gobbled it up.
I'm a tv watcher not because I don't have a life
but because I choose to vicariously live trough celebrities in reality shows
>Sup Forums created the full image to show how shitty and generic the last generation was
>9gag ruined it
No surprise
I never was good in Compesition & Rhetoric my first year of college, so you got me there.
>post your face when people actually call themselves "gamers"
the guy who edited the original was from 9gag i suppose
i can't, i just can't
When i first saw this picture i thought it was cool how it all fitted but then i realized that all these games are the generic same shit and all the covers are even the same.
Fuck this picture.
A for effort
>when her tinder profile says "I'm a gamer 4 lyfe XDD
Jesus Christ, I cant even read those
"What do you do, user?"
>"I read."
the worst is that they're proud to be one
fucking disgusting, why people are so obsessed with labeling everything
Guyz i am a gamer
Lets go save the princess and become pokemon masters!
"What do you do, user?"
>"I game."
We had to read The Great Gatsby amd I was one of those people who refused to believe shitty connections with colors and themes like the whole "curtains are blue so shit is sad."
Probably why I ended up making C's. I did a fuckton better with character analyses though.
they are thirsty for being different and special
Don't worry, user, it's not the writing style. Nobody could make that shit work.
>all this trash talking
>whilst they post on a gaming related board where people play video games which makes them gamers
This nigga
hahahahaha! what the fuck is that !?
There is a difference between investing time in a hobby and letting that hobby dictate who you are socially
The thing is that I don't make image macros justifying my hobby by implying that fictional lives are worth a god damn.
it's funny, the original image was to point out how stagnated the industry has become, but the message was completely lost on someone who no doubt thought it was "fukin epic xD" and put the text on it
And it's always Nintendo franchises.
Unless it's MOBA's, MMORPG's or Skyrim/Fallout.
that was a cool game
>user actually fell for the "Sup Forums plays videogames" meme
summer-Sup Forums is closer
>tfw one of my dreams is to find a friend to buy one version of the game and ill have the other and we both help each other become masters.
Sounds a little gay.
>summer meme
I really liked it but beyond making cool worlds, Double Fine mostly shits itself with gameplay decisions and whatnot.
most generic videogames a retard can brag about playing are
skyrim , lol,minecraft,zelda mario
What's the point of the triforce?
>one-dimensional piece of shit
Sounds like a great anime character, sell it to japan.
Those RTS segments were insufferable.
They could have beena metal version of M&B: Warband
>Double Fine mostly shits itself with gameplay decisions and whatnot.
the gameplay of brutal legend was all over the place and it didn't work
Triforce was slapped on by the one who edited the original.
That wasn't on the original image.
The faggot editor must have liked LoZ.
All equally shitty.
IMO it was good up until and including the spider boss fight. It went to hell shortly afterwards
when you spend so many hours in worthless entertainment, either you hate yourself or try to give it some meaning
why they think that this is interesting?
i mean its doom, a generic dumb fps but still
>simple hobby
Playing video games isnt a hobby.
I know, famsies. OG poster here.
The brawling was okay-ish but it I never even used block or roll since it was a damn hassle.
RTS was shallow like the brawling.
The OST had god-tier picks and Jack Black got to play the character he was always meant to be though.
Is it even possible to like games but not be the biggest fucking loser in the world.
I wanna make games in my future but in the end it just doesn't matter with all this shit happening in this industry
>Is it even possible to like games but not be the biggest fucking loser in the world.
its rare
i remember the original pic was the OP without the text and it was used to make threads about how all games nowadays use the same stupid pose in their covers
why are facebook pages so bad?
What is this picture? It reminds me of those two little girl mutants that people post here.
Why is gamer a word? If gamer is a thing, why isn't movier? Why not TVer? Why not booker? Cartooner?
yes, don't talk about video games unless someone asks first and be modest about your tastes. you don't think people who talk about movies casually with each other talk about their love for La Haine first
get to know someone else first before you profess your love of Atelier
More of a hobby than netflix, it's interactive.
Because Facebook in general.
They are though. Movie buff and bookies are real terms people identify themselves as.
Being passionate about simply playing video games is never not going to be cringe no matter how you dress it up.
>mfw the only games I'm playing right now are Morrowind and Football manager
The only games that I play nowadays are simulation games (including RTS) and GSGs
>mfw foodies
>It reminds me of those two little girl mutants that people post here.
they are not mutants
they have a rare desease that is called microcephally , basically poor sized brain
also this pic is just funny i don't know what it is exactly though
The sad truth. Playing video games is the ultimate form of escapism so if you do it a lot you're going to come off as a weird pasty guy who does nothing but stare at pixelated asses all day.
Yeah, the industry would be a lot better if it were nothing but loli girls. I'm a gamer because I've chosen to have many waifus.
>Why are different words different?
Welcome to the clusterfuck that is the English language.
You say that and then you open up le funny meme tabs which look worse than those gamer memes.
No one gives a shit about this except Sup Forums. Being ashamed of your hobby is the most beta shit I've ever heard in my life.
They're just games, god damn.
also checked btw
I knew that part but I couldn't remember the name of the disease. Why does me calling them mutants bother you though? Not trying to be mean just curious.
Oh shit thanks senpai.
I can imagine having a love for cooking since you're actually doing things. Foodie just sounds like an excuse so you can eat. Even when twisting it like "I enjoy discovering new tastes!" it's the gayest hobby, even below casual gaming for me.
>yfw when one of those images is from dark souls
no , i just knew the name of the disease
Isn't mutant meant for completely deformed cases though?
like 4 arms and 3 eyes or something?
It's different when your hobby is turned into a culture, and that culture is celebrated by lowest common denominator subhumans. Everybody who participates in that hobby gets associated with the scum and dragged down with it.
We can recognize that they're just games, but the window-lickers who turn them into a lifestyle still make everyone else who enjoys games look bad.
>"gamer" drawing or photo
>gamepad and headset
>>gamepad and headset
i hate headsets
so retarded