>tfw you have to pee in the middle of pooping >release piss into toilet while sitting down and all the shit water splashes up onto your ass hole >forever discomfort for the rest of the shitting session
Robert Myers
OP, as a master artist with 100.000 hours in paint i can tell you that you made some mistakes with the anatomy of your wojak.
Eli Clark
stop posting this
Juan Rodriguez
>Having to take a shit while fapping >Same muscles that control the sphincter control ejaculation >Trying to cum while holding in a shit >Those uncontrollable farts that escape while cumming One of these days I am going to shit myself, Sup Forums I can feel it.
Anthony Perry
Jeremiah Price
what a great thread
thank you OP
Lincoln Perez
i am the janitor and i appove of this thread
Michael Thompson
Can you retards just not post/bump in the one thread conjured up by a literal 12 y.o.?
Caleb Cox
Is that where consoleplebs think shit comes out of?
Eli Rogers
why is there shit coming out of his upper thigh? has he sprung a leak?
Joseph Kelly
Still the best thread today
Jaxson Harris
>tfw you can't afford TP because you spent all your TP money on Overwatch crates and Steam trading cards for crafting badges ;w; Will ERP for TP money...
Eli Gonzalez
/wg/ here.
Excellent thread. I'm bringing all the boys over to join in on this sick thread.
Samuel Nguyen
>on train ride >stop at station >need to pee really badly >go to piss >need to shit also, so can't piss >toilet is extremely dirty
Who else has been in this chair?
Jaxson Howard
Someone is mad that they can't have 60fps. Gtfo poor fag. Use your art skills to pay for a good rig.
Christopher Murphy
Gabriel Sanders
Thanks OP for the great thread. You really brought up some great points to discuss on the topic of video games.
I shit myself for the first time in my life just last month. It could happen to you, too.
Dylan Miller
1st time in your adult life*
Julian Baker
That why you put some toilet paper down
Mason Mitchell
P-please respond, potential goshujinsamas...
Robert Long
Does anyone else wipe their asshole until blood starts to appear on toilet paper?
Lucas Long
sometimes ye
Aaron Cooper
Use baby tissues
Camden Rivera
Chase Scott
>mfw it's a clean wipe
Brody Wood
Jaxon Harris
>wet feeling shit >its a no wipe special >hard tear your asshole open shit >have to wipe 15 times
Daniel Barnes
Logan Mitchell
Kayden Lewis
Why is poop coming from the side of his ankle? Is that a medical condition?
Tyler Collins
>mfw I literally only come to Sup Forums for threads like these lately
Jason Morgan
Mine was the embodiment of filth with massive shits clogging up the toilet. I just took a dump in the trashcan right next to it.
Brandon Butler
>shit out 4 pea sized poops >have to wipe 20 times
Owen Walker
You've gone too far this time the meme is destroying wojack
Nathaniel Cook
Chase Parker
Because he's full of shit
Nathan Wood
>Feels like a clean shit >Everything is coming out smoothly until >OHSHITBUGWHATTHEFUCK >Bug makes you clench and pinch your loaf early >Spend the next 5 minutes wiping your shame off
Jack Wright
Brayden Wood
>someone was giggling why typing this out This is why Rome fell
Evan Mitchell
>take a massive, ungodly shit right before a shower >get 100% clean >have shit again 45 minutes after getting out of the shower right before bed FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Jack Richardson
Colton Scott
i just skip shitting after the shower because i feel so dirty otherwise
Dominic Butler
>tfw I only shit once every 3 days
Brayden Myers
>he uses TP
fucking cavemen
Cooper Watson
>wipe your ass clean. >walk around for an hour or so or generally be active >suddenly it feels like you have melted chocolate settling in your asshole >asshole starts to feel real itchy >dont want to scratch your butt because that will create skidmarks
Jaxson Fisher
Scrape it
Adrian Johnson
Would you let her poop on you?
Hudson Turner
>not using toilet roll to scratch it
Dylan Ward
>take a normal shit, everything's going smooth as silk >on the last loaf, it breaks off prematurely leaving a melted hershey's kiss in my asshole >have to scoop it out and then wipe 80 times