This is a leaked screenshot of Liberty City in the GTA V engine
This is a leaked screenshot of Liberty City in the GTA V engine
The same area in GTA IV
They fucking did it, the absolute madmen
Looks like shit
>New York is a black hole that sucks up every color except gray
when will this libcuck meme die?
>average speedtree trees
>color grading making it look like shit
>sharpen filter
>mediocre water
>mediocre lighting and shadows
And this means what exactly?
could be a remake of GTA IV
could be GTA V DLC
could be GTA VI
could be nothing
must likely nothing
>could be nothing
rockstar humble bundle confirmed.
I'd buy it
What if it was a GTA III remake
this tbqhdesusanpanda
A GTA III remake using GTA IVs liberty city updated to GTA Vs version of the rage engine
I'm gonna be honest here, that sounds like it would be complete and utter shit.
Came here to say this.
So it's a Gta game
Here is the same area with Simple ENB
>they somehow managed to have even less color than than iv
That's quite an accomplishment.
That would be much better honestly.
It makes sense, if they were going for a GTA 3 remake, instead of completely rebuilding the map from the ground up they just use the IV's one which is more or less good enough with a few improvements.
why would they remake gta3? why would they EVER do that?
Milk the engine without actually running the series into the ground now that they are figuratively, literally and utterly creatively bankrupt.