Was this the greatest disappointment of all time?

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Undoubtedly yes.

Water stage, realistic physics, blood, and atmospherics, a semi-grounded art style that didn't look like a children's cartoon, so much complexity and depth. Thrown out the window. To today nothing in this industry makes me angrier than the gutting of Spore by EA into a shitty carcass of what it could have been.


The real discussion is what is runner up.

Didn't two of the stages get cut? I'm pretty sure there was more than just water stage that we lost.

Yes, there was a city stage as well which was meant to provide a more gradual shift from tribe to civilization.



People bitch about how "depth" and "complexity" was removed but the reality is they turned what was nothing more than a novel concept into an actual game, something you can play. Did it live up to expectations? No. But those expectations were always a lie, something that sounded better in concept than it would be in execution.

Also, anyone who has ever done software development knows that more money and time does not necessarily mean a better product. In fact, in practice, extending deadlines and increasing budgets usually results in a worse product. It sounds stupid and counter intuitive but it is, nevertheless, a very well documented part of reality.

>something that sounded better in concept than it would be in execution
But what we got WAS basically the concept that was promised, just an insanely stripped down and shitty version of it with one of the worst art styles ever conceived.

And regardless whether the expectations were built on lies (of course they were, you aren't saying anything anyone doesn't know already), that doesn't change how big a disappointment it was in the slightest.

Top 3 biggest dissapointments in video game history

1) Spore
2) Mass Effect 3
3) Guild Wars 2

oh and add 4) Duke Nukem Forever, but everyone expected that to be shit anyway

Anyone know how Thrive is coming along?
For those who don't know, Spore-inspired game that started with a Spore 2 hoax.

>muh ending
ME3 was fine you cuck

Mass Effect 3

Fallout 4

Duke Nukem Forever

Star Fox: zero Assault

No it wasn't. It didn't even have a self-updating quest log like ME1/2 did.

I remember hearing about Alan Wake for years. It was supposed to be a PC exclusive, then it went dead for at least 2 years with no sign. Then all of a sudden it was a dumbed down 360 exclusive.

>blindly eat up BiowEAre shit
>somehow that makes anyone but you the cuck

Yes. And this is what "streamlining" and "accessibility" really means for gaming.


Never mind, people - this opinion can be safely disregarded


how to discard your opinion in 1 milisecond

Do you think some developers of Spore still feel guilty about it?

Ignore those idiots user. I know what you mean.
>tfw spent 300 hours on ME3's multiplayer
It was the best thing to come out of the entire trilogy.

people only ever played this for the species creator

Probably. I don't think it's their fault tho obviously, can't really blame them


I can't wait for the shitstorm.

this won't be a disappointment because we already know you can't fucking do anything except look at planets in this

Looking at this I was definitely expecting something completely different.

same here
it won't be disappointment for us, we learned from Spore and other games with empty promises.
It'll be disappointment for those who didn't learn.

I heard rumors that the game was totally scrapped and redone with a different idea. Not sure if true though.

what empty promises though? they never said it's anything but an even worse Space Engine

Someone post the 'team cute and team realistic' screencap

>Guild Wars 2

Oh no, they made a bad MMO
That's like complaining about a MOBA being bad, if your taste is shit enough to play it in the first place, you don't have any right to complain

1)Half-Life 3
3)Mass Effect 3

No, they made a game that's a Guild Wars 1 sequel in name but not in practice
GW1 was brilliant and we got a pile of shit as a sequel
You don't even fucking know why people are mad about GW2 fuck off

well yeah, no man's sky is a bit special here.
they being vague as possible and show little to nothing
and that's what sealed their doom. Thanks to shitty online articles, unhealthy interest in game and catchy headlines, regular faggot who already preordered game thinks about huge and interesting(!) universe to explore.
when that regular faggot after exploring few planets realize that next will be same just recolored, then shitstorm will start
why do you think they not only carefully select footage to show, but not even let anyone play more than 30 min and record their own footage. Shit is obvious.

I kinda feel sorry for them, should've keep being small indie title instead of blowing up to 60$ price.

And you didn't understand my point. Guess it's pretty silly to expect reading comprehension from MMOfags

Does space engine simulate life and shit? Not trying to defend NMS but curious

You don't have a point, just shit taste.

Further outing yourself as an ignorant retard who spouts shit about things he's got no clue about
Fuck off

>empty promises
Except they didn't promise anything. Just a "walk around look at differently-colored variations of the same half dozen planets" sort of game. Sounds comfy, but nothing more than that.
The only problem is there is a huge number of retards (probably from reddit) who somehow convinced themselves that this is going to be the great space simulator of the decade, when it's clearly just a shitty walk-a-tron.

top kek
>the company didn't market it as an MMO to stand out, so it's not one!

Half-Life 3 is not that disappointing, I stopped caring about it years ago because there's nothing to care about other than it doesn't exist. Spore and ME3 are more disappointing because they've been released and you can experience the dumbing down and pre-release lies first hand, it was even worse if you bought them on or just after release.

it still hurts

>all the fucking faggots going all "it still hurts" and "I'm still mad" when they were probably 9 years old when it came out

It's not a MMO because it's nothing like actual MMOs, which you would know if you weren't >an ignorant retard who spouts shit about things he's got no clue about

>instanced areas and PVP focus somehow makes it not an MMO
Sure thing, faggot


inb4 "fans" whose first mgs was V

Not while you're still alive.

It was originally going to be an open world sandbox investigate-em-up on the PC.
Then Microsoft came along and offered to fund it for the 360, bam, open world was scrapped and a more cinematic emphasis was put on things. Still, I enjoyed it but I couldn't help but feeling that it could have been a bit more every step of the way.

you should look up the word "MMO"

>Duke Nukem Forever

I wish Croteam or Flying Wild Hog had gotten the franchise instead of Gearbox.
Might have represented something other than the worst traits of mid to late 00s consolized FPS design.

GW1 has 8 players in a team, max of 12 in special areas
That is very fucking far from the massive of actual MMOs

I'm not sure new Dook would have been better if you made it a S + M1 simulator instead

Wasn't it also supposed to have disasters or something. Like rockslides and such?

how many people could be in the same district of a city at a time?

You mean the hubs where you gather members to go out in the instanced areas where the gameplay happens, that might as well be text-based group finders? A hundred or so
Nice try at saving your argument, faggot

1] Spore
2] ME3
3] Phantom Pain

I was 15.
And I'm still fucking pissed.

>all the choices only amunted to a number on a spreadsheet
>if anyone died he just gets replaced by a generic
>all the areas from earlier games are much smaller and more linear
>motivation of enemy made zero sense and contradicted its own existence

It was shit

MGSV and ME3 so far are special to me in that they killed my interest in their respective series when they came out. ME3 I've started to get over but MGSV still hurts (I admit I'm an MGS fan so that's mainly why). I was okay with the story, typical MGS although the Venom twist was not expected, but the way it just becomes forced extra-ops in the latter half as if there was a whole chunk of the game that wasn't finished so they had to force rehashed missions on you and the knowledge about all the things that were in the end cut (e.g. Keifer's lines, the conclusion to Eli's story) just ruined it for me.

1) Fallout 4 (completely overshadows the disappointment of fallout 3, I don't even hate that game anymore)
2) Dragon's Dogma (I loved the shit out of it at first therefore it was one of the greatest disappointments once I've figured the game out)

Is Sup Forums ready for Spore 2.0

So you basically admit that you don't understand what a MMO is

>Mining, shooting and flying
I want this meme to end.

>Fallout 4
Only if you had any expectation in the first place.
I wasn't disappointed, I was just surprised at HOW MUCH they managed to fuck everything up.

Fable. Fucking Molyneux, I was hyped for that shit back when it was called Project Ego.

>figured the game out
what do you mean?

If that was bad how does Fable 3 rank?

>Only if you had any expectation in the first place.
That's the point. I knew what to expect from Bethesda so I didn't have my hopes up too much. Turned out they didn't even reach the skyrim quality which is honestly laughable

this game got swathes of 9s and 10s when it came out, and it was a fucking mess that isn't even worthy of being used as a coaster. there was not one salvageable element in the entire thing. at least in past zeldas, flawed as they are, you could go 'oh well twilight princess was a bit rough but the dungeons were great' but this game disappointed on literally every possible front

this game is the reason i didn't buy a 3DS or a WiiU and why i won't be buying an NX. I totally lost faith in nintendo's ability to develop games

Spore doesn't come close

According to your logic, if the next CoD game features a big hub with thousands of players doing nothing but jumping around while searching for a game until they're teleported in the usual arena, it's a MMO?
Protip: You're a fucking retard choke on a dick


>Implying both teams can't switch gameplay styles in between projects

Yes, and a dynamic weather system.

This image is funny because the cell stage was probably the only one that still held up somewhat. At least in cell, the shape, size and placement of bofy parts made a difference. In creature stage a microscopic, ingrown claw coming out of the back was as effective as clawed hands, and a small creature carpeted in grassy, camouflage fur was as stealthy as a bumbling neon pink elephant with a single tuft on its scrotum.

I think we can all agree about spore and me3. But what game is the number 3?

> I hate an entire genre because it makes me look cool on Sup Forums!

try drinking some bleach

What you're essentially saying is "I'm not sure Serious Sam is better than Duke Nukem Forever".

Please take a moment to walk away from your computer and reflect on this.

Don't come back until you realize how much of a fucking idiot you just were.

serious sam represents all of the worst design patterns of oldschool FPS games. circlestrafing, monster closets, no variety. it's better than DNF but i think that any other developer (starbreeze\machinegames, people can fly\flying wild hog, epic games - even modern id) could have made a much more interesting game

Ya that game was still fun for the first 20-30 minutes I dicked around in the first 2 stages. When I got to the 3rd stage I started to get a bad feeling and it never went away...

I wish Will Wright would come back.

>serious sam represents all of the worst design patterns of oldschool FPS games
I can't agree with this at all.

What's he up to now a days? Some robot arena shit iirc.

I don't think he wants to after what happened to one of his dream projects

To the 12-13 yold me yes, first time I've been hyped and most. Kinda traumatic.

Probably being drip-fed money from EA to make sure he doesn't come back to video games and attempt to make another good product without their "help" ever again.

I thought he was doing that consulting shit that's all the rage in the techworld right now

Most dissapointing games

1) Spore

To me, not many
I think, seventy-five orang-outans at E3 I think
Apart from that, not much pain insude of me

Diablo 3
It got better with patches and expansion, but the release was a massive disappointment, and some people despise it even in its current state.

And personally Disciples 3 might be an even bigger disappointment for me because I loved Disciples 2, it was way worse than Diablo 2 -> 3 in terms of quality, and never got better. I will be eternally pissed.


>Asking whether spore is kill
>forgot fable
What did OP mean by this?

can you tag me in your post so I can get a "you", thanks in advance

I havent managed to be hyped for anything after this.

Yea D3 is a big one. Blizzard could never fix the inherent problems in the game but they at least turned it into a somewhat fun "mind numbing loot grind while listening to podcasts game".

I played it without any expectations and had fun for a while. It gets very repetitive in the last stage, but it was very entertaining while it lasted.

There were a lot of bigger disappointments, but my personal one was Gothic 3.

I even pre-ordered it.

It might just be an age thing but I can't honestly see how anyone could have been hype for Fallout 4 after Fallout 3.

not yet but it has better visuals over all and is much bigger.

Unreal 2.
I was actually having fun with it and wondering why it was so badly received, right until the kill-em-all "twist" and the abrupt ending.