what is the most well optimized game of all time Sup Forums?
What is the most well optimized game of all time Sup Forums?
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Just cause 2, or that one game that runs the size of a jpg
oh god
Rollercoaster Tycoon
To this day I still don't understand how it looks and plays so well on literal toasters.
probably World of Warcraft
It was a very well programmed game to begin
and after 10+ years of updates and expansions and only one platform it's probably the most polished and the most optimized video game ever
original starcraft
Don't agree? Tongue my nuts.
Rahman: Raving Rabbids
batman: arkham knight
Shit runs on ultrasound machines.
An FPS in 96 Kilobytes.
it runs so well because its engine is literally a modifed WC3 engine, which was made in like 02.
Doom. It can actually run on ATMs.
Is there anything Doom can't run on?
a Wii-U
This is more a testament to it's portability, not necessarilly it's optimization as the weird machines it's been run on have considerable power compared to PCs of the time. And while it is well optimized I still remember not being able to run it well on my mom's toaster.
People have got it running on a printer LCD display and an ATM, m8
DMC4 is magic.
You could probably run it on a calculator.
DMC4 runs incredible well because its engine is incredibly suited for the kind of game DMC4 is.
Almost everything in DMC4 is pre-baked, no physics, no dynamic lighting shit, its a very simple game in terms of tech. Which is what allowed it to run at 60 fps and look great on 360 and PS3, shadows actually looked fucking awful in DMC4 on consoles, but it was only noticeable in the jungle.
Now compare vanilla DMC4 with DMC4SE. In which they introduced minor new additions like new coat physics, and suddenly the performance takes a swan-dive. It still runs good, but it really makes you appreciate how incredibly clever the designers and programmers were. RE5 was also very good at hiding it's visual short-comings and looks pretty great still.
Is this some sort of meme I missed?
DMC4 is REALLY well optimized.
DMC3 is one of the worst PC versions ever.
DMC4 is one of the best.
Batman Arkham Knight (PC)
Half-Life 2
Yes, printers and ATMs with more processing power than most people's home computers in 1993.
It sounds goofy as fuck to bring this up, but GunZ the Duel can run pretty well on just about any toaster.
Someone post that picture of GunZ on the lowest settings.
Then I guess I got the one and only corrupted version because I had to jump through a billion hoops to get it to run propperly.
first post, best post
It's my picture anyways
GunZ with purpose designed fuckery for maximum lightweight.
>We want the Alone in the Dark audience
The problem with it, was that it didn't run WELL on ANYTHING as well
I guess? I mean, I wasn't into the whole FPS debacle back when I played GunZ. I just knew that sub 20 FPS was bad, but I've never had a solid rig to see if GunZ was even capable of 60 FPS and not just hard capped at 30.
The Sims 1
MGS1 is the only thing I can think of
i liked your joke, user
The Division
Cant believe that shit can actually run on consoles at 30fps
Serious Sam 3
Doom 2016. No, seriously. Have you seen how good it looks, running at 60 FPS on consoles?
I always had the impression that Half-Life 1, HL 2 and all the other Valve games were amazingly well optimized. At the time I always had shitty pcs and was able to run them at some resolution.
I have the impression Overwatch might also be well optimized, but I haven't tried it yet in a very shitty pc.
To this day i have no idea how Just Cause 2 did it, Even when multiplayer hit i never got a single speck of lag, never a dull frame, Didnt matter if i prepared C4 onto every single fuel tank on the island and detonated, It was so good.
Source was always decent in terms of optimization, but not for shit like TF2 where they overloaded the engine with so much shit it really is hard to say its optimized anymore.
I would assume WoW is extremely well optimized, I'm assuming it can still run on toasters even to this day decently well otherwise it'd alienate the players.
Rollercoaster Tycoon probably. The thing was 99% written in assembly code which is just absurd.
>I have the impression Overwatch might also be well optimized, but I haven't tried it yet in a very shitty pc.
I got an ancient toaster running a stock q6600, a gtx460 and iirc 4gb of ram, it runs at barely 30 fps
>assembly code
I still don't understand how they managed, Assembly is such a nightmare, even for simple debugging.
>not just hard capped at 30
Why the fuck would it be?
Try reading the conversation before butting in. Not him, just to clarify.
Alien Isolation.
And it's general difficulty is greatly exaggerated. Assembly is extremely difficult to do certain things in, especially regarding things that ideally would be based around complex type abstractions. If you're just creating something out of simple functions that transform data structures in regular and well defined ways than it isn't that much more difficult than using C, especially with modern assemblers, and especially when you can make use of macros.
Because 60 FPS was a wet dream back when GunZ came out, and several weapon mechanics are frame dependent. Plus, a lot of shit regarding k-style is/was frame specific, which would be thrown out the window and would be nowhere near as prolific as it was/is if everyone was playing at a variety of frame rates depending on the cluster fuck.
So, as someone who can say that GunZ's frame rate is stable unless absolute crazy shit is happening, I'm going to just put the IDEA on the table that, just maybe, a hard cap was put on FPS to make sure things always worked as intended.
Calm your tits.
That's true, but RCT is full of complex abstractions.
I guess I just don't see the point for digging in to assembly code, except for tweaking stuff. Modern compilers can do a lot of that grunt work for you.
I remember when this game first came out and quickly became shit because of that k-style bug.
the feel when i got headshots on all those faggets and then they proceeded to use hacks to get revenge.
Well don't pirate it.
>running around with dual pistols
>some guy who just started kstyling dashes at me
>backpedal and unload into his head only missing one or two shots
fucking kstyle was a mistake excuse me for using guns in gunz instead of teleporting around with a katana
Hitman Blood Money.
The game still looks considerably good even nowadays and I was able to run it @30 fps on a 1GHz netbook without a GPU.
>tfw have PTSD from the obvious sounds when someone has an auto attack hack on
>The sound of rolling thunder approaching rapidly from people with the Charge Attack Machinegun hack 100% triggers me
Those were the fucking days.
not your blog frogfucker
kill yourself
But then how else would I get to play it?
because of ubisoft, not anymore
>Dual pistols
>Barring single pistols, the most accurate type of gun in the game
>Worst damage, worst damage type
>Dual magnums
>Barring double shotguns and K-style fuckery, most damaging type of gun in the game
>Third most accurate type of gun in the game, which actually is a world of fucking difference. Plus, all of the higher leveled magnums, including cash shop magnums, purposely are given bad accuracy
GunZ's balance was FUCKED
ATM's run winXP so that's not that surprising
Binary Domain
that's cause atms are literally windows
Who the fuck would put Windows on an ATM (esp. XP) what with all the security holes and "telemetry" on that OS?
the same people that decided it's a good idea to put rfid on credit cards
pretty sure it uses old windows ce, and isn't actually connected to the internet, though
plus there's no regular keyboard or mouse connected to it, and you can't really log into it remotely either (I hope) so you can't really do much
This. People said the GTX 970 wouldn't handle 1080p+
Yet it does Alien Isolation at 4K max graphics at 144FPS+.
>tfw playing Alien at 60 fps/1080p on ultra with custom config file to enable hidden options on fucking GTX 750 Ti 2GB and pentium G3258
Like, how.
I can send you my own XML file, it have way higher LoD options and more shadow res options.
2048 res? weak....
oh hd mods... 4096? weak....
16384? Now we're talking.
>Alien : Isolation
>Arkham Asylum / City
>Dark Souls 2
Ran amazingly well on my previous toaster that had a core2duo and some ancient ATi card.
I wish all games were this well optimized.
I wouldn't push my luck this far since I got framedrops during explosions. Besides my only real disappointment is the AA filter, otherwise the game looks great.
MGSV runs like a dream in 1440p
WoW is damn near perfect. The only issues I ever encountered were caused by faulty addons. Also TESO is surprisingly well optimized. The game itself wasn't that fun but it ran great considering my specs.
Most ATM use windows embedded
You can use Nvidia Inspector if you want a different AA method user. :3
>people stating original DOOM is the most optimized game of all time
>it barely ran on 16-bit
>console ports like SEGA 32X and SNES were beyond recognizable when playing through it
>demons from afar were not even fully detailed, shit music bitrate, horrible lighting because of '93 hardware limitations
It finally became playable by the time PSX/N64 came out and even then PSX's version is missing levels and there are limited demon spawnings equivalent to D44M. Fuck all of you doom babbies born after 80s.
Sage and hidden.
Doom managed to run on low end PCs for it's time.
Consoles where slower than toasters at that time.
Go figure.
>what is Windows CE
Educate yourself.
There is a tremendous amount of optimization work behind the original Quake engine. The engine was extremely ambitious in term of features at the time and they managed to make it run solely on an unremarkable Pentium CPU. The N64 CPU alone was roughly equivalent in term of processing power and had a fully dedicated GPU yet most games failed to match Quake's visual fidelity.
See the Graphics Programming Black Book.
The only sensible post amongst a pile of feces of 70-80 shitters.
any open source engine by id
I'm playing it right now and it's got a lot of hickups.
SSHD ran way better for me
This. Game would run just fine on toasters despite hundreds of guests walking around your park. Look at any more recent games that use independent agents like that. Tropicos, Sim City 2013 or even Cities Skylines. They all run worse on far more powerful hardware. RCT recommended specs are 200 Mhz Pentium and 32 MB of RAM. Minimum specs are half of that.