>that kid who used rare candies on all his Pokemon
>that kid who ran like sonic
>that kid who was weird and self deprecating all the time
>that kid who would daydream about playing a rock song and their classmates loved it
>that kid who deepened his voice when he was called on in class
>that kid that liked blink 182 too much
>that kid that wore band shirts every day
>that fat goth girl
>that kid that died during your time at school
>that kid who always touched his friends
>that kid who had mental health problems because she was raised by a single mom
That kid who used rare candies on all his Pokemon
Other urls found in this thread:
>that kid who ran like sonic
Fuck. You.
All me
> that chad who was trying to save you from being an autist
> those kids who played yugioh before school even when they were upperclassmen and looked completely autismal
> that black kid who was cool to you for no reason, or maybe he though you were going to shoot up the school
>that kid who typed in instead of just website.com because he thought he was more tech-literate
>that kid who you lent a game to and never returned it
>That kid who lied online about his former classmates
>That kid who gets too much excited for shinnies.
Thats me and my only shiny so far is pic related.
>that kid that died during your time at school
That was actually my friend.
That last kid took my Half Life CD! Fuck that kid!
I had a friend who got run over running across the street to his house
>that kid that died during your time at school
>tfw that was me
In all honesty, we're all dead and shitposting for eternity on Sup Forums is our Hell.
You call it hell but you can leave. This is more like your addiction. You can better yourself at any time. Sup Forums is a drug.
Hell is far worse.
>A long time ago, I used to go visit my mother's friend with her.
>Her friend was also a mother of six children. A single mother.
>All her kids were girls around the same age as me.
>He bedroom would always be covered with condom wrappers, and she would have stacks of one dollar bills tied together by a rubber band on her night stand next to her bed.
>One time while visiting and playing board games with one of the girls, they wanted to play a new game.
>The game was apparently where all of us go into a closet together, and the first one to leave loses.
>While inside, I didn't know what they were trying to do to me at the time, but they were basically stripping me naked and trying to do sexual things with me.
>I was 5 years old at the time, and the six girls ranged from also 5, to 10 at the most.
It wasn't till a few years later, when I learned about sex that my mother revealed to me that she was a prostitute to pay for taking care of her children, and they have seen her work before.
>You can leave
You can. But you won't because you're addicted.
Anyone can stop eating fast food. Will you? No.
But hell is still worse.
Sorry you had to die bro.
This thread.
I never liked this thread.
>the kid who talked to himself in the bathroom and everyone heard
>that kid who had braces earlier than anyone else
>that kid who rented the good books from the library
>that kid who flashed his penis at you
>that kid that everyone made fun of, to the point that an anti-timmy force was made as seen on the fairly odd parents
>that Asian kid whose breath always smelled like fish
>that same Asian kid who dressed as a slightly different ninja or power Ranger every year for Halloween
>that kid who showed you a pornographic image hidden in the files of the school computers
>that kid who pulled the fire alarm
>that kid who sold so much for the fundraiser, he got all the cool prizes
>that kid who had the fake Japanese yugioh cards
>that kid who had the metal beyblade that tore up the plastic ones from target
>the kid who had the game shark
>the kid who traded you his mew so you could complete your pokedex
Have you been in hell?
As far in as I'd like to see
sorry to hear about your death, user
This sounds terrifying
nice Reddit formatting, but you won't get any upvotes here
Then why stay?
> that kid who only was popular because he owned all the consoles and vidya
> those sleep overs at weekends where he sold "controller time" for blowjobs
>that kid who wanted to have penis swordfights years after it was appropriate
>that girl I beat up because she challenged me to a fight and I was too young to realize girls were weaker than boys
>Tfw I flying kicked her in the stomach and made her cry not once but twice because she challenged me a second time to save face
> that kid who misaligned QPUs on his way to school and disappeared
> everyone thought he killed himself because he was an autist with no friends
During school years the power level between girls and boys is not that big.
You won with honor. Don't be a whipped pussy. She challenged you and you proved yourself better.
> that kid who bullied you for breaking down an A-press into 3 stages
Was she at least cute?
>that beloved foreign lunch lady / janitor that the teachers made out to be like a grandmother
>she was actually a sour old bitch to us children for no reason
>I realize now that she was an illegal Mexican getting paid under the table by the school
I hope youre burning in hell now, grandma marry
very important question, were you lolis or shotas for his dick
> that kid who got a ps4 for christmas, doomed to never play fun vidya for the rest of the generation
He killed himself 2 months later
>that kid who people thought was pretending to sleep during breaks
That was me and I actually did fall asleep as soon as the bell rang. Playing Morrowind till 4am every day for months fucked my grades of an entire year.
>that kid who bullied you
> that girl who had no friends because she never showered and smelled like shit
> you had a crush on her
What's wrong with using rare candies?
>that kid who always smelled like poop
>that kid who always made weird noises to himself in class
>that kid who tried to be funny by cracking jokes but always failed hard
>that kid who had no internet at home
Funny how all these retards actually had a gameboy with them all day.
It was a territorial dispute over my group's special spot in the shade where we would climb the trees and try to dig ant lions out of the sand. We might not have been all that different but I wasn't bluffing, I had watched dragon Ball z and was eager to mimic the fighting moves I saw on TV.
No she ended up getting fat. she went to my middle and high school and rode my bus. She was always nice to me like a friend after elementary and it was really awkward because Idk if she remembered it.
>that cute girl you have crush on
>get to sit next to her when the classes wete combined
>realise she smells like pig shit cause she lives on a farm
> tfw I snapped one day, beat him up with a shovel and almost killed him in the process
> was expelled for 2 months and had to do a therapy but everyone feared me when I came back to school, never had anyone touch me again
Brute force does actually solve problems.
>that kid who had mental problems
>he didn't get jacked and intimidate the fuck out of him
>he didn't get his group of friends to help him beat the shit out of his bully
>he didn't become the hammer of justice for people he didn't know who were being bullied
your high school life was shit, fampai
This story's actually about you, isn't it Anonymous Poster No.339697834.
>tfw you beat her ass so good that she tries to become your friend.
A group of people I knew a couple grades up beat the shit out of that kid when I told them about it. His mom came to tell my parents about it and my step dad told her to fuck off.
Good times.
>that kid got beat by his dad and took it out on everyone else
faggots probably in prison by know
>unironically being a man's wife's son
>bully suddenly does a 180
>tells me he wants to be friends
>he was actually friendly whenever he had the chance
I don't know what I did but I guess it worked. Have any of you had something similar happen?
>that kid that wore band shirts every day
that's me
except I'm 26
>with honor
You're a yuropoor aren't you
>that kid that wanted my body
>that kid who snatched into my ass and came out his dick
>that kid who had a two headed cock
>that kid who flashed his penis at you
Holy shit, that was me
Anybody here go to Shelby Oaks Elementary in the mid 90s?
>that kid who had a bunch of vidya meaning you usually hung at his place but his parents smoked inside the house
> bully some kids throughout high-school
> they start skipping classes to avoid me, get shit grades, fail courses and eventually drop out of school all together
> 1 one of them can't sustain himself today and is in therapy since back then
They never fought back. Good times.
Even after death, one can't leave Sup Forums.
I'm not exactly in control of that particular situation.
Bullying ceased to exist among the boys of my year once we were old enough to get drunk together (15/16)
Sup Forums did you ever come across your bully years later? How did it go?
Yeah. He tried to sell me weed and he looked homeless.
I loved Crystal when it came out. Fuck I miss my 30's.
He told me on Facebook how miserable I came to be and he is right. Planning to kill myself soon.
I did that too. Reeves High (I was in Pre-K) in 2000 here.
No its just a common thing. I actually knew 2 people who did it and I have a friend with a similar story.
Same with penis sword fights that became a secret hand shake of sorts. We thought we were clever, 2 kids sneaking into a single bathroom that's in the back of the classroom. The teacher never caught on.
>that kid who would rip farts so big the floor shook
If he was Reddit formatting, he would have done two lines instead of one. Are you just being facetious or are you stupid?
>that girl who bullied you
Despite what chinese cartoons tell you, it's not cute or erotic.
Same here.
i guarantee that you are the only person who has ever made him feel strong
he is either very gay or a way bigger fuck up than you user
Honor is the American version, you retarded American.
What's wrong with the rare candies? Just glitch 99 of them and level them all up
That would be with Honour, my leftenant.
>mfw I did almost the same shit but my ADHD diagnosis got me off scot free
I say almost the same because nobody ever really bullied me more than once, my fuse was incredibly short and I attacked like an enraged chimp until they ran away or were unconscious. By the end of elementary everyone avoided me and I had no friends which was actually pretty fucking awesome, I could sit in the corner reading novels all day and nobody ever interrupted me by trying to make small talk
Then in middle school I did the same shit to some nigger who ripped the cover off of my book because I wasn't listening to him, I stabbed him with a mechanical pencil so hard it went almost all the way through his arm. Having a mental handicap is fucking great, aside from the whole crippling depression part, you don't have to take any responsibility in life or for your actions. I'm 28 now and it would be retarded if I wasn't aware of how fucked up this is at this point, but fuck it.
>the cool kid who got in trouble for smearing a powdered donut around his mouth, stood up at the lunch table while making outlandish faces and yelling "I'm Rick James!!"
This was in 5th grade and his older brother taught him all the mature humor that he then passed down to us.
>that kid who would daydream about playing a rock song and their classmates loved it
FUCK you just reminded me of something in the VERY far back of my mind.
In 3rd grade we had to write a story for English class. A very autistic kid who nobody really liked to interact with wrote a story about him performing Rock & Roll All Night by Kiss to the class, half of the story was the lyrics (we had to read them to the class) and at the end of it everyone wanted to be his friend and Ellie asked him out.
>that kid who tried to start a food fight
I'm always surprised to hear about highschool bullies. By then, other things are on those boys minds like boozing, getting laid, and dropping out. Middle school was all about the posturing.
>that kid who would draw pictures of game characters and unironically call them his gf
that was me, and it was amy rose.
I even brought an amy poster to school once.
Strangely did not grow up to be a furry.
Your fanfivs suck dick, Dante
At the end of his story, that is.
>Strangely did not grow up to be a furry.
iktf, I played Sonic the Pervert 1 and 2 on Newgrounds a bunch but through some miracle I didn't become a furry or the next Chris-chan.
>the kid who traded you his mew so you could complete your pokedex
You mean the guy who box cloned his legit event Mew and then traded one to everybody? That was pretty cool. Shame it was already lv100 so I could only teach it new moves by TMs.
I actually called the local Nintendo Hotline about that once, but the guy on the other end was obviously less knowledgeable than I was.
>I have a lv100 Mew, know any ways I could get it to learn Transform or other past moves again? I also heard Pokemon get stronger when you train them normally, but I'm pretty sure this guy was fed Rare Candies, any way to delevel Pokemon?
>guy is clearly shuffling through some guides, then comes up with "uhhh, have you tried breeding for a new one?"
>dude no, that won't work, you can't breed legendaries
>uhhh, sorry I couldn't help you
>that girl that bullied you
I married her and she had 2 of my kids
you're a fucking savage
>that kid who helped the enemy open a door
> that kid who wrote a short story about you in a free writing class
> he had to read it out loud in front of the class
> it was a big parody about all your flaws and faults
> tfw nobody evet wanted to be associated with you for the rest of your school time
You ruined my life, Josh.
Oh jesus christ I just popped a blood vessel.
Seriously fuck that kid. And fuck the kid bullied me.
Is there more to this story?
> had
Did u kill them/her?
Way too many of these were real. I was tee shirt kid even though I knew fuckall about music. It was all entry level stuff like ACDC and nirvana.
>that girl who liked you
Divorced bro
Shes still my next door neighbor so custody of the kids isnt really an issue
I gotta pay for both apartments and fucking college for the kids
thank god for union jobs
I realize now how lucky I am not to have been beaten with a shovel by a victim
>tfw that one girl who was really into sports and you had a crush on.
I heard it makes you level up but doesn't give you as good as stat boosts from leveling normally. That's why i sell all candies i find.
>that time I threatened to crush a juice pouch on the girls at the end of the table because I had a crush on one of them and didn't know how else to express it
>it actually popped, orange juice all over her white dress
>That time I sat next to a different girl I had a crush on and would bully her in a joking sort of way I thought she understood
>she was going along with it out of fear and told her mom and I got in trouble for threatening her
I was probably 10. To this day I still am incapable to expressing my feeling towards women. I don't know why but i will hint and flirt until they think im interested then I try to throw them off the path by either being a Dick or pretending like I don't notice their signs. Ang direct approach causes me to freeze up and go into flight mode. So I just pretend like loneliness doesn't bother me. I'm truly an autist in this sense.