Is the game making sure that if you are going in quick play solo, you'll always have a win ratio of .5?

Is the game making sure that if you are going in quick play solo, you'll always have a win ratio of .5?

I had a streak of wins one time, I think 5, and then the game said, "Re-instancing to a more balanced game". Something like that.


She'll never be your Swiss Miss.

That's how an MMR system usually works, yes.

You'll win games until you hit your skill level, then from that point you win 50/50 until you get better

blizzard tries so hard to ban this stuff, MFW it's just piss in the wind.

There seems to be a MM system, yeah

They're not trying to ban OP's image.

>Is the game making sure that if you are going in quick play solo, you'll always have a win ratio of .5?

>create game completely littered with waifus
>get tons and tons of free marketing in the form of lewds and porn

>try to ban it

Are they fucking retarded? I thought it was a clever part of their marketing strategy to make the girls in the game as waifutastic as possible so that people beat off to them and buy the game.

There is some system I'm sure because one time lose badly a dozen matches in a row no matter if I quit and search again and other times I steam roll different enemies for a while.

Marketing phase is done user, they released the game - now its time to make the game seem family friendly and professional/competitive.

Only trying to ban SFM porn made with the game's assets. Fair use protects all 2D works, even if fags paywall them

The overwatch lewd/porn scene is getting fucking massive though, it's still excellent marketing for drawing even more people in.

Maybe it's just something they said to appeal to the family friendly userbase as well, maybe they don't actually plan to act on it.

I finally hit my MMR rank I guess? Winning 50/50 and the teams we are playing are god damn ridiculous every match

>they know they can't ban it
>announce it anyways
>free publicity

Also waifufags and SJW/Parents are happy, even so nothing happened.
Its fucking genius.

>Only trying to ban SFM porn made with the game's assets
Last I checked Blizzard didn't make nude 3d models.

Ofc its just token effort - as you say, to seem family friendly and professional.
Also they probably cant afford not to do it after taking down Nostalrius for the exact same thing - using blizzard assets.

Not even blizzard is so delusional as to try and stop porn, and personally I wouldn't be surprised if they leaked the models early on purpose.


>maybe they don't actually plan to act on it.
They probably wouldn't've if shitaku didn't force there hand.

>somehow has a patreon

If you were a diligent fapper then the last you checked there were plenty of SFM porn made with the unchanged, clothed models too.

>it's still excellent marketing for drawing even more people in.
weird porn is more likely to alienate people than draw them in.

Plus they want the most common topics and searches to be about the game, not porn made from their assets.



editing them is still using them.
SO many just attach a penis to the front of some chick and call it a day

yeah buddy, gotta stick it to the sjw's

Maybe this memeing retard should focus on improving their art instead of pandering to underage antiSJWs to get attention despite being shit.

does anyone have the picture of mercy patching up 76? it's a really good one.


>Thanks doc

I think this is it but i only saved the edit.

this is how all modern multiplayer games work

anyone have the unedited one?

If you're average you'll have a winrate of 50%, unless you pad your stats by playing something OP or you're autistically good at. This applies to every online game ever.

>be 20
>meet fucking 64s+
What the fuck, take a break people.


is this some special autistic blizzshill humour?

Its not meant to be funny

I ran into a guy with a star, meaning +100.

Some people have no life.

Bernie Sanders* approves

* aka GabeN

Depends on matchmaking.

Overwatch has such cinematic potential

Not if Blizz's cease and desist orders have anything to say

Why haven't you overwatch faggots been moved to /vg/ yet?

also i ship 76 and mercy hard

I'm fairly sure it does, I'm ahead in wins but when I solo queue I get put into literal potato teams against people that are 20 levels higher than I am.

Because Sup Forums is a video games board.

>skinny Mei

Good lord why.

Disgusting, looks like generic westaboo trash. Give me the thicc.

>level 27
>see images of people at least double that
I thought I was playing a lot

>This is just like one of my shitty japanese animes
Fucking cheesy as shit

Just let it run its course. When a big name game comes out its going to clog up most of Sup Forums.

She only adds the "for a price" when you're wearing the Devil/Imp costumes.

This comic has her in her default costume.

>I'm ahead in wins but when I solo queue I get put into literal potato teams against people that are 20 levels higher than I am.
Yep that's exactly the same story for me.

A lot of people play only in stacks so they get more exp, AND they have no life.

it also has her slap on a bill so its maybe a joke about american healthcare as well as about the game

Pretty sure that's not what she actually says

Ich Liebe Kapitalismus



That much is obvious.

But it is inaccurate and going out of your way to draw Mercy in the incorrect costume would serve no purpose towards the joke which demonstrates that the person who made this is a dumb memer who doesn't play the game, most likely a woman.

> the person who made this is a dumb memer who doesn't play the game, most likely a woman.

Do you also get pissed when tracer is shown without her accelerator in porn?

THIS! Why do women think they're welcome in OUR hobby?? It fucking sickens me. Why do they always feel the need to bring up the fact that they're women? I mean I do it too by assuming things I don't like are the fault of women, but I won't let that stop me from clenching my fists and screaming into the sky about how much I fucking hate fucking women fucking women fucking why bros why won't they date me why why why I'm a nice guy why can't they just form a harem and all love me for no reason like in my japanese animes written by and for beta shutins?

Oh my lord.

I have a 90%~ winrate with Reinhardt. Just be gud

Why do people think Mei is fat anyway? She has a skinny girl face and is wearing huge clothes. Bitch is probably /fit/ af.

Literal autism

>stupid people do stupid things.
>stupid people support stupid things.
Somehow you are surprised.

>big ass, xl clothing, thinks she's skinny
What did user mean by this?

look at her legs.

they are fat girl legs.

idk pham her ass and legs aren't particularly fat or chubby. They're short girl legs.

The ripped character models reveal she's short and slightly chubby. I want to say "thick" but BBWfags have turned "thick" into obese.

She's plump.

>being this autistic

Yeah I figured she's just got a short girl body. I don't know why people are jumping out of their pants over her being some kind of fat acceptance thing.

>Level 40 bracket
>Guy joins our team level 94
>He picks Reinhardt
>Sucks ass

I'll just wait for ranked to get good players I guess.

If i have less than 50% will i ever get better teams?

>tfw ranked will just make us even madder at shitty teammates

Because you're a fucking idiot who actually worries that a handful of people on a website you don't go to might theoretically have an opinion that you don't agree with.

Nobody is screaming FAT PRIDE and waving flags with Mei around, there's just some people who are happy that there are a mix or female characters beyond 10/10 swimsuit model in spandex.
And before everyone gets triggered, I didn't say 10/10 swimsuit models are bad (I love them) but the point is there are designs OTHER than those AS WELL.

So everyone gets to be happy. Aside from antiSJWs, who are never happy.

Yes. Sometimes if you're winning too much it'll just toss you against the premade rank 70+ autists and make your party a bunch of 15-20 retards.

go back to tumblr

Great points, changed my worldview

She isn't fat, look at the ripped models and the concept art neither of them show her as fat

I don't use tumblr, I also don't obsess over what people may or may not be saying there. Seems like tumblr's opinion on things matter more to you, maybe you should check it out.


Just because all her fat is stored in her arms doesn't refute the idea.
She's a whale, brother.

Look at that piggy

She is plump/chubby/thick as far as an attractive 2D drawing can be, those proportions are unreal on many levels, bee-like waist with thick flabby arms does not happen in reality.

The model is conclusive - she is wearing tight pants and she is thick as fuck down there, the rest hidden by clothing.

I think its all good, dunno where all this outrage comes from.
My biggest problem is the lack of cute men in the game, generic rugged fuckfaces are boring as shit.

no he means that it intentionally puts you in teams with bad players against teams of relatively good players to all but ensure that you will not win more than maybe 60% of your matches. i think most people average about 50-55% because of this algorithm. it's literally not about skill, it's about the system rigging itself to make sure everyone feels like they have a chance to win at least half the time.

>pay me for a crappy nude drawing
i will literally never understand why people do this

I always solo queue and I always have at least 2 losses then 1 win. I can't even get my ratio up to 1.

But he's right

i refuse to play ranked until mccree, lucio, and widowmaker get fixed. those 3 characters alone break the entire fucking meta because the success almost always relies on having those characters on your team because they are so grossly overpowered in their own ways.

>bee-like waist with thick flabby arms does not happen in reality.

my first gf was like that, though her breasts weren't as large

mcree and widow i understand, but what about lucio needs fixed?

The game intentionally stacks odds against you if your win rate is too high. It's basically blue shelling you for not being shit.

I fucking hate Ilios

Worst map

Volskaya and Numbani for life

Not him but probably his aura straight. Too much healing for doing nothing. Speed is op too and almost always must have. Some team run two Lucio for both auras. And you can't really kill that fucker, hes too fast.
Maybe make so people can only have only one aura active at them at time.

Ilios is great you nigger

The only bad map is Egypt

you serious? his mobility, pushback, aoe heal/speed boost, and relatively high damage output make him far and above the best support character out of the three that can currently heal. not to mention his ult completely negates almost every other ult in the game. i actually prefer playing mercy over lucio because at least she has some semblance of a skill floor in terms of decision-making. lucio is so fucking easy and so useful that he's practically a necessary pick in every competitive match.

Quick guys
>Best Map
>Worst Map

I have 500 games and i've won 280 of them. That's not high. Right now I have a 10-losing streak.

>best map
>Worst Map

Outliers can exist but I doubt it was anything close to that drawing.

Hitomi also exists and she had a flat belly with her almost repulsve JJ tits.
but if a female fits
>thick arms
>thick legs/ass
>huge fat tits
its reasonable to expect a high fat% and overall thick fat distribution too.

In the case of Mei the only thing stands against this is
>that bee-waisted drawing
>her face not being fat

But I'd like to see a game make a female character have a solid gut and fat on her face while still pushing her as a very attractive cutie.