Dead Rising 4
Age of Empires 4
Lost Odyssey 2
Forza Horizon 3
Halo Wars 2
Crackdown 3
Sea of Thieves
General RAAM in Killer Instinct
Gears 4
Xbox hardware
Enjoy E3 everyone
Dead Rising 4
Age of Empires 4
Lost Odyssey 2
Forza Horizon 3
Halo Wars 2
Crackdown 3
Sea of Thieves
General RAAM in Killer Instinct
Gears 4
Xbox hardware
Enjoy E3 everyone
I want to believe.
I wonder who a good dev would be to make a battletoad game. Also i hope to see more cross play games.
The same guy who datamined the API's on leddit said he's spotted Phantom Dust, a new Conker title and a few codenamed titles he believes are new IP's well.
Also Forza Horizon 3 is in Australia and may include Bikes.
>I want to believe.
they HAVE to show atleast Gears 4, Raam in KI, Halo Wars 2, crackdown and Scalebound because they are already announced
I wonder how theyre gonna jam all this in 90 minutes
They easily can. I was bored out of my mind last year because half of it was devoted to indies, so I imagine they won't need them to pad out the show this year
I just care about phantom dust and crackdown 3 tbhso as long as those are there it doesn't matter what else they show
Hear that? That's the sound of thousands of gamestop employees quitting at the same time.
I would not want to work at a place where there was a running troll gag that then became real.
Probably will cut back on the 3rd party compared to previous years to fit the 1st party and 3rd party moneyhats in.
>no recore
I know it's hackfune but Joseph Staten is supposed to be attached so I'm somewhat optimistic in terms of setting and story
>Forza Horizon 3 is in Australia
I'm not okay with this. I'd much prefer it to be set in an around Tokyo. Sprawling neon lit city, little cozy backstreets and towns, hill climbs and drift events in the mountains.
Yeah but racetracks on the backs of giant spiders tho
>not liking the vast outback
>not liking the beautiful coast
Don't talk to me or my country ever again.
Shut up shitposter
>Age of Empires 4
Don't play with my feelings like that OP
also they wouldn't release both AoE 4 and Halo Wars 2 at the same time
>Vast outback
I'm sorry, but I don't find the idea of racing down one massive straight road through a desolate wasteland very appealing at all.
>not liking the vast outback
one road that goes on for 200 miles doesnt really make for exciting gameplay
Exactly, HW2 this year to meet the yearly halo quota and AoE4 next year.
Though between that and total Warhammer, how big is creative assembly?
Honestly, I'd rather have Halo Wars 2 and I was super happy when they announced it last year. The question still remains however: Are they gonna add native m+k support for the Xbone? It's being co-developed for the PC and Xbone, so it's either gonna be a proper RTS with m+k support for everyone, or some dumb downed shit for use with a controller.
>Dead Rising 4
Please be real, but for god's sake, go back to how DR2's story felt.
If this is legit then I'd have to guess DR4, Battletoads, AoE4, LO2, Conker, and PD are just teasers while the rest are for this year/next spring and do have gameplay footage
No Cuphead or Recore is kinda sad though
I know for a fact that Lost Odyssey 2 isn't happening.
I've heard good things about AoE 4 recently, though.
And don't fucking hold it hostage
And how do we know it isn't just bullshit?
>dead rising 4
3 was on Bone and PC. Unless you are a sony only fanboy, it shouldn't be an issue.
Or do you think SFV is held hostage as well?
Cuphead and record were confirmed to be there by shinobi on neogaf. Op posted a list by someone digging through Xbox live api before Ms locked it down. There were more titles found but they never found out what they were
>you bought a PS4 instead of a bone
fuck me
All shit except DR4 maybe
Do you know how long it was for the xbone only ?
Also the PC port was ass and you were honestly better off with the xbone version since at least you had access to the super turbo hd dlc
This. And gib endless mode pls
So timed exclusives are "hostages", then what real exclusives are supposed to be?
Timed exclusives are bad only when Xbox owns them?
That's far from the point though. NOW the game is not being held hostage.
Is it finally OK to admit the Xbone is pretty good? It feels like the stigma surrounding it has died off a lot over the past couple of years.
>So timed exclusives are "hostages", then what real exclusives are supposed to be?
>Timed exclusives are bad only when Xbox owns them?
I literally never said that but okay
all exclusives are bad, there's literally no reason to have them besides selling systems
Don't care
I'm amused that it's happening but have no desire to play it
Haven't played the first
Will play the fuck out of it on PC
Don't care
Very interested
>Crackdown 3
Don't care
>Sea of Thieves
I want it
I want it so fucking badly
Don't care
>Gears 4
Don't care
If a new Banjo gets made then maybe I'll buy an Xbone, I figure that plus the Master Chief Collection, Sea of Thieves, Scalebound, Recore, Sunset Overdrive, and Forza would make it worth it.
Oh. You are one of those people. Nevermind.
they dropped xbone hard and are pushing windows 10 as the next xbox so don't count on it
>Dead Rising 4
Somewhat interested in how they do this but not desperate for it.
>Age of Empires 4
>Lost Odyssey 2
>Forza Horizon 3
>Halo Wars 2
>Crackdown 3
>Sea of Thieves
No thanks
>General RAAM in Killer Instinct
Don't play fighting
>Gears 4
Seems pretty good tbqh
those people that want other people to play video games ?
Creative assembly is making the microsoft RTS games now? Aren't they only experienced with total war?
Don't be hopeful; Spencer implied on Twitter a while back that ReCore might be released as a F2P game.
spotted the butthurt sonypony
They're pushing both at the same time or the scorpio wouldn't exist.
MS will have pc users making mods/custom content for us xbox master race and they get some of the games in return. It's a good exchange
u wot m8
He said they something to the effect of that they were "in the process of re-examining and evaluating its payment model" when someone asked him about it a couple of months back (We had a few threads about it at the time; from memory it was either just before or just after Christmas). It might be a whole lot of nothing, but it really doesn't sound good.
>mfw if age of empires 4 is real and is a win10 exclusive
Pretty meh pham.
Why are people so obsessed with battletoads? Those games sucked.
Dead Rising 4 would be a goddamn travesty.
3 ran like fucking ass.
Same guy on gaf who leaked details said its a full price game and open world. No f2p
Well, assuming it's true, that's a relief!
I think people really dig the design and the modern take MS would do in making it a game.
Or maybe it's just the gamestop calls
>Or maybe it's just the gamestop calls
That's literally it and the avgn episode
that's it.
Wow, thanks for vindicating my decision not to get hyped.
I b-believe in Phil S-Spencer you guys
>shit taste
You also mean "validating"
Both are acceptable.
T. False flag poster
Xbox is pretty good
Xbone however, is like Vista, it was fixed in the end, but regarded as a mess
Everything will be on pc sooner or later so I'm fine.
You're forgetting Red Dead Revengeance, Left 4 dead 2 Episode 1 and Pay2day 3
>Age of Empires 4
couldn't (OP) make more quality bait?
>Lost Odyssey 2
If this is true I would a Xbone
Don't you put that hate on me, Ricky Bobby!
What are the chances Battletoads comes with a free Wii strap?
Capcom Vancover dropped their engine for UE4 for DR4.
1 team for Warhammer
Next historical TW team (last game Attila)
One more Total War title in the concept stage
DLC team (last worked on Attila, now Warhammer)
TW Arena team
Halo Wars 2 team (last worked on Alien Isolation)