Gearbox... are.... woah.... this is just incredible!
How do they do it fam?
Other urls found in this thread:
Is his office in flavor town?
I'm generally happy anytime Gearbox gets a little closer to shutting its doors. Thanks for Colonial Marines, faggots.
Published by 2K, which means they didn't lose any money. They're starting to get a bad rep with publishers, though. After fucking over Sega and releasing turd after turd.
So a little closer. Not a lot.
There is no fixing it
>ugly, overly busy art design
>ASSFAGGOT moba shit game
>Anthony Burch/Gearbox
that's like asking "How do we fix Wildstar"?
just let it go
let it go
the hardest part is letting go
>ugly, overly busy art design
Make all visual effects 50% smaller, and make them 50% see through.
Add a team deathmatch mode
>Anthony Burch
Did not work on the game
Wow... this is just... badass... Gearbox... for the win...
>it's like Borderlands except your progress is reset every time you play :^)
how many meme's per second does BB push out? Borderlands had to be muted for me to even remotely enjoy it
Wont increase sales ;^)
fuck you, i checked.
I thought Wildstar was dead.
I missed the boat on the assfaggots meme. How does it relate to moba's?
Gearbox have NEVER made a good video game. They should be hung
Half Life: Opposing Force
Might as well considering brain wu is in the game
>People I don't like should be hanged
Calm down there, basement Hitler.
Hanging out with my man Guy all day
>Half Life: Opposing Force
I don't get the meme that this game was amazing or even better than Half-Life.
You gotta have shit taste to believe that.
It was easily the strongest HL1 expansion (counting Decay and Blue Shift) and the idea of playing a member of the clean-up crew was relatively novel
I didn't say it was better than half life
Yeah, but still.
The tone of the game didn't match half-life too much.
Race X felt like they were from a completely different franchise.
>Make all visual effects 50% smaller, and make them 50% see through.
You forgot "completely scrap the cast and replace them with new designs". Who the fuck is going to want that ugly bitch in the OP on their t-shirt? Or any of the other horrible over-designed characters in this game?
>>Anthony Burch
>Did not work on the game
He did. He tweeted about helping with the writing.
On top of them likely raiding his leftover meme repository network folder to flesh out the characters.
it's a healthy gamble that if you have to advertise with words like "badass" and "epic", you're pretty much saying your game is neither
Has there been any other video game company that has fallen so hard, so fast? The original Borderlands wasn't really that bad, it could even be discussed on Sup Forums without being accompanied by mandatory shitposting. Then they just put out one massive disaster after another.
The first Borderlands was a fluke. They changed stuff up at the last minute and it unexpectedly paid off. On top of the thematics being pinched from something else.
God, is that an actual, in-game screenshot? It's fucking hideous
It was pretty good though
>Has there been any other video game company that has fallen so hard, so fast
Factor 5, Free Radical and Rare
All much better companies that fell much farther
I'll leave this here
It's mostly rambling, but the game is just so fucking bad that it's very hard to articulate it
You didnt get the game? What are you poor?
Did they seriously make ugly sjw looking characters and thought it would sell?
If the entire cast had cute waifu tier shit, it would have found a niche and did decently
Let the game die, OW for one is on its own level compared to this game.. it's like comparing a demigod to an ugly hobo peasant. I'm not sure about other games because I mostly play FPS but OW is very good compared to this
That art design is... really bad.
Gearbox is a studio i genuinely hope shuts down.
>OW for one is on its own level compared to this game
You're right, it's bland and casual af.
Guys. Stop promoting Battleborn, you make me want to play it.
ayy lmao ??? xDD idk
Yet here you are on Sup Forums
What's with the prices?
I think it's better than half life.
The stuff of battleborn is kinda cringey, whilst here I'm genuinely laughting / entertained.
To be fair they put alot of work into the console version
I liked opposing force more too, but it's worth remembering that those were the "old days" when gaming and studios were different.
Brothers in Arms Road to Hill 30, Earned in Blood, Hells Highway, Halo PC, Borderlands 1
Out of those, I only played halo. Was never into borderlands games due to its artstyle which I dislike.
BiA series are my favorite WW2 shooters ever. It's one of the only times I actually liked the characters in an FPS
So they've only been a literal shit factory for 15 years. Somebody give them a medal.
You think it will go 50% on summer sales?
It'll probably go 50% outside of the sale.
what the fuck was that
I've never seen such a bug
how is this possible? I've seen tons of graphics glitches in games but I've never seen anything like this before
>It's one of the only times I actually liked the characters in an FPS
Never played wolfenstein 3d? It had hitler
Looks like the skybox is fucked, so it's duplicating what it sees to fill in the space. Unreal does it lots.
Underrated post. Pastebin was a good read.
>Did not work on the game
He's just uncredited.
No. He did not work in the game. He do not work for Gearbox, and haven't for like 2 years now.
He's at rocket jump.
this must be the ugliest game I've seen in years
The art style is better than on borderlands games though.. but maybe not good enough
He specifically stated he was helping with the writing. It's in one of his tweets. I don't want to catch the gay so I won't go hunt it down for you, but I'm sure someone has an archive link to it.
Battleborn is a great game, but isn't for kids.
Overwatch is a kids game, with nothing but a little bit like TF 1.5 PvP and a F2P Cash Shop.
Guess which sold better.
The most gamers are kids and the adults have to learn/work and don't have time to play.
The saddest thing about this game failing is that we won't get any good Deande r34.
>n64 level of fog
wow they picked some literally who reviewers
Borderlands will keep them up. It's huge.
Well, they had to find someone who didn't shit on it for its awful design, awful gunplay, and awful writing.
OW is more game, BB is a experiment with SJW chars, not a game.
It is a game.
I bought it. Gaving fun with it but its a shane the community is almost dead.
this must be the work of enemy stand!
>battleborn status.webm
A very bad one
gearbox hasn't made a good game since halo CE
borderlands was really terrible
How can they have a bad rep when they add in their contracts that it's legally actionable to go to court if you say anything bad about them?
>loot hunting and character progression among the most liked aspects of BL for the few fags who actually like it
Bravo, Randy.
Borderlands 1 was a decent proof of concept but they killed any hope for the franchise with bordermemes 2
>Make Benedict the only attractive male
>Voice is a huge boner killer
>Make Phoebe the only attractive chick
>Only 4 r34's with one of them being futa
This game is doomed
You characters gain match levels, but they also gain levels outside the match to unlock new taunts, skins and helix. You also got meta system to organize item layouts / pick items for certain fights.
So I'm not seeing the point you're trying to make.
>roblox highschool
What the fuck
>liked BL1 had potential
>zombie dlc was goat
>BL2 comes out
>worse guns,worse characters,worse dlc,MEMES
>implying shitposters actually have a valid argument
who enjoys the game will play, the rest is frustrated shitposting on a imageboard...
and i dont even play battleborn..
but I have the game, I tried to defend it to my friends who were pro OW.. at one point I grew bored of it, and when my friends were "well should I get BB?", I had to be honest to them, BB was big pile of turd.
Don't forget, Gearbox & Co. ripped the visual concept, for Borderlands, from the artist behind the animated film Codehunters.