Super Hot
Super Hot
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Based fucking DSP telling it like it is.
>we live in an age where DSP is more truthful than game journalists
He's Super spot on
Know what else is hot
He's right.
I thought it was a really good game when I torrented it.
Then you paid about the same as DSP did.
he's not wrong
its a cool game but its way too short for how much it is
Wow DSP is right for once
And he's only months late
your little sister?
(I enjoyed the game, has challenge mode and such so I have 14 hours in it already Katana Only FTW)
e-celeb threads are allowed because they're Sup Forums-culture and they talk about video games.
He's right you know.
DSP has always spoke the truth
You dont know what your getting yourself into m8
>no story resolution
He stopped playing when the game told him to stop, didn't he.
Fuck off kid.
more like super shit
Based fucking DSP.
Superhot is a classic flash-in-the-pan. Nobody cared about it two weeks after launch.
A sequel could make the concept into something more memorable.
>he gets to fuck that
>Hating on Christine
Literally who? The attention whore that looks like a lesbo?
>Doesn't know who Christine Weston Chandler is.
Oh. I forgot about his gender fluidity.
I think the thing is you get the jist of Super Hot after the first like 2 or 3 levels.
Then you're basically done with the game. There is very little extra in terms of adding more content, there's no puzzles to solve, or added gameplay.
You could argue that the core game is enough, but unlike something like Tetris or Lumines where the core gameplay is fun and addictive, Super Hot feels like a schtick, and a gimmick.
It feels like something that would be in a component in a larger game. So when it's on it's own it's super fucking lame. It also has some faggoty 2deep4u story.
It feels like a shit version of FEAR 1
>gender fluidity
I'll have you know that she identifies as a male lesbian tomgirl.
Why is DSP so truthful when it comes to video games?
I thought people completely forgot about Super Hot the next week after it came out.
The only good thing DSP has ever been in
I liked Super Hot concept, but disliked the "retro" aesthetic and the white words on white background. Also 25 bucks.
Refunded it almost immediatly
As-is, Megaman 2 is a 2 hour long, repetitive, basic game with no story resolution and incredibly overpriced at $100. A YUGE ripoff IMO.
She's super hot
Actually MM2 has more patterns and level design you have to learn.
Super Hot is just about moving to the left a bit, the to the right a bit.
I have literally no idea why everyone jumped on that bandwagon.
I've seen him play video games before and I have no idea how he forms correct opinions with his skills
>declared his own video to be viral
>actually though that would jumpstart his channel
>views on other videos obviously haven't followed suite
I give DSP another year.
There is a free version of the game for one, and it tells you everything you'll need to know about the game. So you can decide if you like it from that. It also does enough to improve on that to make it retain the same mechanics, but still be better. The story is about 5 hours long unless you're a hard hitting nigga, and he sure as hell ain't, so he quit about midway. Then there are about an additional hour to 15 hours of content that is challenges and different modes.
Woah, this is amazing
How did I not know this existed
I love how he refers to it as going viral when it obviously hasn't, it just had a clickbait name "Worst game I've ever played!" about a game that happened to have been released recently.
Viral implies people around the Internet are sharing it and talking about it, etc. That's not happening. He got lucky with the YouTube results algorithms + people typing in "Homefront: The Revolution.
Expect more clickbait shit from Phil in the future.
The game literally tells you to shill the game to everyone. People thought it'd be funny to ironically shill the game cuz lol joke!
>game journalist
To be fair his reviews ARE by far the best content he makes, probably he's actually scripts them, so he doesn't go on 20+ minute long tangents or beating around the bush.
How is it possible for one to suck so badly at videogames yet give the most honest, unbiased opinions when it comes to said videogames?
He's in his mid-30s and has been gaming practically his entire life; DSP is an oldboi.
Him being based shouldn't be news to anyone.
The demo was honestly pretty neat and Sup Forums liked it when it first came out, but as le epic WOW youtube man says, the final product was overpriced, and somehow managed to be short and tedious at the same time.
Also, spoilers, the story of the game is about a bunch of people who have uploaded their brains into a computer, trying to get other people to join their network by shilling this game Super Hot. And at the end your brain joins the network, and you're told to shill Super Hot too. And of course it then became a meme to shill Super Hot in real life, as the developers obviously planned.
I thought the story was actually really neat, it was an interesting commentary on the viral nature of things on the internet today. But they ruined any artistic merit it may have had by being such greedy jews about it, and any gameplay merit it may have had by making it such a bad fucking game.
>run now, keep your job
I put ~20 hours into the game playing challenges and whatnot. The beef of the fun is the challenges honestly, the main game is pretty meh. If you didn't play the challenges you didn't really play the game. It's like beating the first cup on mario kart in 50cc then going and saying the game was short and too easy. Yes and duh, now unlock star cup and beat it in 150cc. Likewise if you haven't beat all the red times on hard mode then you haven't really beat the game yet. I think this is when you say 'git gud'?
That being said, it still is a bit much for such a short experience. If you hadn't played Dark Souls, Hotline Miami series, or any multiplayer game (CS:GO, Killing Floor series, Payday series etc) on steam yet then your money is better spent there. Much more bang for your buck.
> Judging games by pricing and length
I hate to say it but I can't fault journalists for not really considering this much of an issue. The nature of the work means they finished the game quickly as possible and even when they don't get free copies it's still a work expense.
I mean I could be anywhere from literally free to play to $60 US, So how do you account for that when it comes to give your final score?
>they finished the game
He is a manchildren but in this pic he is totally correct.
>run now, keep your job
Coming from a man who couldn't keep his.
Dollar an hour or else it's the worst game ever and the devs are greedy jewcucks
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Sounds like Fallout 4 or Overwatch to me.
yeahhh I thoroughly enjoyed Superhot but I have to agree with him; rip off at that price.
I just wish there was somewhere else to buy cheap steam keys or something
>I think this is when you say 'git gud'
I think this is when you say 'nice blog faggot'
Can anyone stop this man?!
i get the feeling the same 2 or 3 faggots are the ones posting about phil. his videos only average like 1k views.
Well, it could also be people who watch the TIHYDP vids. But I'm fairly sure there are few of those (un/)ironic fans
It seems like he's getting into your little sister
but the joker is right, actually
he's a moral nihilist
I want to flash forward to a time when indie games are actually good games and not gimmicky shit
He's not wrong, for once its more of a novelty than anything, plus the story could've been so much more than conspicuous conspiracy craziness.