I never played any dreamcast game aside from sonic and parasite eve (i think)...

I never played any dreamcast game aside from sonic and parasite eve (i think). Is there any game worth checking out trough a power of emulation? Like really good shit that is not accessible otherwise?

Parasite Eve was a PS1 game.

I own a Dreamcast and don't really know what's left to play on it.

Shenmue's exclusive, but I don't like it.

What type of games do you like? Dreamcast has some great arcade ports, with a few excellent RPGs along with some weird ass games.

Tell me about the RPGs.

well i play all kind of shit so it doesnt really matter just as long it has aged well.
>Parasite Eve was a PS1 game.
but i played some game with a girl with blue hair running around RE style...

Grandia 2 is great but there is a steam version now.

Skies of Arcadia is considered a classic by most but I felt the random battles were really slow, combat system itself was dated at release too personally. You can also emulate the Gamecube version which fixed random battles.

Phantasy Star Online servers/game client still exisst on PC.

>Grandia 2 is great but there is a steam version now.
OK, then I'll consider that.

>Skies of Arcadia is considered a classic by most but I felt the random battles were really slow, combat system itself was dated at release too personally. You can also emulate the Gamecube version which fixed random battles.
Is the Gamecube version generally superior?

>Phantasy Star Online servers/game client still exisst on PC.
Well I don't have anything to plug into my modem so I couldn't play that on Dreamcast if I wanted to.

Code Veronica?

Chu Chu Rocket

Shenmue 2 (way better as a game versus Shenmue 1, can play the game in Japanese with English subtitles)

Marvel vs Capcom 2
Cosmic Smash

Versions 3 and 4 of PSO are way better and have almost the entire content of episode 1. And you can't play the things they don't have on GC anymore, either.

That said, it's still the same repetitive grindy thing no matter what version you play, so it's best to just avoid it.

And I'm still left without anything to play about my Dreamcast.

OK, how about Resident Evil? I've never played any games in that series, would it be a good idea to play the REmake then 2 and 3 on Dreamcast?

The gamecube version is considered to be the definitive version, load times are a lot faster as well.

For Phantasy Star, the game is playable on any toaster PC. You download the client on pc and map controls to your keyboard. Don't know what private servers are up right now.

Power Stone 2 and Crazy Taxi.

Dreamcast has some really good shmups if you're into that. Check out Mars Matrix, Gunbird 2, and more recently, Dux.

Dreacmast versions are good for RE2 and RE3 technically and feature wise. The controller though is really uncomfortable for those games.

Blue Stinger
Sword of the Berserk
Red Dog: Superior Firepower
Gundam Side Story
Dynamite Cop
Airforce delta/Deadly skies
Zero Gunner
Zombie Revenge
Hydro Thunder
L.O.L.: Lack Of Love
Project Justice
Spawn: In the Demon's Hand
Tech Romancer
Airforce Delta
Cannon Spike
Elemental Gimmick Gear
Grandia II
Slave Zero
Record of Lodoss War
Nomad Soul

^List of titles that sounded vaguely interesting to me or I already own. Could be better versions on other platforms.

Ask someone else for fighting/racing/platformers.

What's the best platform for 2, 3 and CV then?

With some controller mapping tinkering, RE2 and RE3 are the best on PC. All the extra features from the Dreamcast versions and improved textures/best quality FMV stuff.

CV HD on 360/ps3 is probably the best version of that game.

Is the PS3 version of REmake good?

Mars Matrix is so hardddd though

The only difference between REmake on last gen consoles and the PS4/Xbone is the resolution. Otherwise they run and play exactly the same.

And honestly, RE2 and RE3 are great on any platform. Visual or performances differences will mean smoother character models, and the door opening scenes can be skipped on PC.

Bonus features and extra costumes are nice, but they don't change the game that much. If you have a PS3, you can get RE2 and RE3 for 12 bucks total, and a dualshock controller works incredibly well for Resident Evil.

If you're going to play that on PS3, you should just get all the games and also play them on PS3. I don't know if RE4 is on PSN, but I have it on the 360. Resident Evil Zero might also be on PS3.

Shenmue 1 and 2, grab the undubbed version of Shenmue 1 in shenmue dojo (just google shenmue undub) if you prefer japanese voices over english.

I'm actually planning on getting a dreamcast just for Shenmue even though I've already finished emulating it.

REZ, Jet Set Radio (Get the European version)