>we want the Yo-kai Watch audience
We want the Yo-kai Watch audience
Other urls found in this thread:
I liked the first Yokai Watch and can't wait for the sequel
This is bait right
I don't think Pokemon needs to pull off blatant ripoffs to compete with Youkai Watch, but I can certainly see the resemblance
>caring about modern Nintendo
I don't see it. plus I'm more excited for yw2 localization than sun and moon
>one of the starters is a fire cat
>you get a ghost companion who helps you identify different Yok-... I mean Pokemon and tells you where to go next
>main character has a watch-like device on his/her wrist
>you can find different Pokemon by scanning QR codes on real life objects even though it makes absolutely no fucking sense for Pokemon since most of them aren't ghosts
Rotom Pokedex sounds annoying as shit
You're aware that both the Pokedex and Rotom existed before this game, right?
>>one of the starters is a fire cat
You're aware that we had a fire feline just last gen?
>>main character has a watch-like device on his/her wrist
You mean like gen 6?
>>you can find different Pokemon by scanning QR codes on real life objects even though it makes absolutely no fucking sense for Pokemon since most of them aren't ghosts
You only get Pokedex info you fucking retard.
You YW fucks are the worst, let it die already.
>main character has a watch
Well fuck, that swayed me over.
>handheld gaming
>one of the starters is a fire cat
there were fire cats before Kitten you know. its a pretty generic concept
>you get a ghost companion who helps you identify different Yok-... I mean Pokemon and tells you where to go next
rotoms ghost typing is probably coincidental. I'm pretty sure it was used because it inhabits appliances. whisper doesn't really do any of those things in game that much, he's more or less just a sarcastic companion
>main character has a watch-like device on his/her wrist
so did X/Y protags. its for mega evolution
>you can find different Pokemon by scanning QR codes on real life objects even though it makes absolutely no fucking sense for Pokemon since most of them aren't ghosts
scanning qr codes give medals in YW. idk, the idea could've been inspired by YW but qr codes mostly just help sell medals and make things feel more immersive. could also tie in to pokemon go, though I'm pretty out of the loop with this bit of news
You're forgetting that context is important. XY came out two months after the first Yokai game and the franchise didn't start being relevant until 2014. With SM can definitely feel the pressure the success of Yokai Watch has put on GameFreak.
>You're aware that we had a fire feline just last gen
The fire feline you're talking about was a lion, not a cat.
>Rotom existed before this game, right?
Yes, that's why it feels so random that they're only bringing him back now. It was never an exceptionally popular Pokemon and neither gen 5 nor gen 6 introduced any new Rotom forms.
>You mean like gen 6?
The SM one looks more like a watch. If it's used to "summon" things then Pokemon is officially fucked.
>You only get Pokedex info you fucking retard
I'm not talking about the function but the form. The franchise never broke the 4th wall in that way.
>You're aware that both the Pokedex and Rotom existed before this game, right?
but the combination of them didn't
you can clearly see from the designed that they nicked it, stop shilling
Since when could you scan QR's to get pokémon
Is that a new feature?
Yes, it's a new feature that's being introduced in Pokemon Sun/Moon
Yokai Watch had the same thing going on with QR codes and Yokai medals
It's sad to see a franchise that used to be a trendsetter become a trend follower instead
>Yes, that's why it feels so random that they're only bringing him back now. It was never an exceptionally popular Pokemon and neither gen 5 nor gen 6 introduced any new Rotom forms.
Rotom has always been a mainstay in the anime since 2013, always staying with the guy who CREATED THE POKEDEX. That it sipped into the games somehow is completely normal.
>The SM one looks more like a watch.
It really doesn't. If anything it looks like a Power Ranger or Kamen Rider bracelet.
> The franchise never broke the 4th wall in that way
Creating caves by scanning QR codes didn't?
>Rotom has always been a mainstay in the anime since 2013, always staying with the guy who CREATED THE POKEDEX.
Anime doesn't influence the games, it's the other way around. The person who gives you the Rotom Pokedex in Sun/Moon isn't even Professor Oak anyway
Moreover, how do you explain the fact that the Rotom-D CAN talk (extremely unusual in Pokemon) and looks like the Yokai tablet Whisper is holding? (see OP for reference)
>Creating caves by scanning QR codes didn't?
It hardly breaks the 4th wall in a way finding actual living Pokemon in the objects around you does.
the whisp and black marks are things a dead person or ghost would have, akin to frayed hair and sunken in eyesockets....from being in the grave
>>you can find different Pokemon by scanning QR codes on real life objects even though it makes absolutely no fucking sense for Pokemon since most of them aren't ghosts
didnt Digimon or Monster Ranchers do the same thing decades ago? With bar codes mind, but its in no way a new concept
>Anime doesn't influence the games, it's the other way around.
Pikachu everything says you're wrong.
>how do you explain the fact that the Rotom-D CAN talk
Maybe the fact that that Pokedex got modified especially for Alolai Rotom?
Not mentioning that just like we had a way to see the idea of seeing Pokemon dreams(gen 3 scientist in Devo says he's creating a device) in gen 5, we now see(gen V scientist says he's creating a device to talk with Pokemon) now in gen 7? Using old unused ideas isn't anything new for GF.
>and looks like the Yokai tablet Whisper is holding?
A closed Hoenn Pokedex seen from behind you mean?
>It hardly breaks the 4th wall in a way finding actual living Pokemon in the objects around you does.
Good thing you don't find actual living Pokemon but just information about them. Or do you have a source that says i'm wrong? Because the site proves me right.
Not mentioning that Digimon did it first and that "seeing Pokemon around you" or "the world interacting with you" isn't even new for the series since Pokemon Dream Radar and Gates to Infinity exist.
The thing is they all made sense in their respective franchises.
Scanning bar codes in Digimon made sense since in-universe they're digital beings that can be remade and rewritten almost at will.
In Monster Rancher obtaining monsters from CD/DVD made sense since in-universe you literally summon the monsters from ancient stone discs.
Scanning Pokemon from QR codes however makes absolutely no sense from the lore standpoint, it's clear they only added it to pander to Yokaifags.
They literally went from pandering to genwunners to pandering to Yokai kiddies (who don't give a shit about Pokemon) in a single generation.
>Yokai Watch invented companion/partner characters
ok OP
>Pokemon killer
>"seeing Pokemon around you" or "the world interacting with you" isn't even new for the series since Pokemon Dream Radar and Gates to Infinity exist
Pokemon Dream Radar was meant to simulate the "Pokemon dreams" which was a pretty significant part of gen V. Dream World rings a bell? You could even find the pink dream smoke Musharna is generating.
Gates to Infinity is a spin-off, so it doesn't count.
Where did I say that they "invented it"? I'm only pointing out the design similarities.
Cool, cool. Still doesn't stop it from existing and generating real Pokemon into my game from dreams.
Being a spin-off doesn't mean the idea wasn't used in the series before.
Everything in this thread is a mess, the only thing i can concede is Rotom actually helping the player.
Pokefags get so triggered by Yokai Watch, it's hilarious.
It killed Pokemon in Japan.
Just because Pokemon needs gaijin manchildren to survive doesn't mean Yokai Watch didn't do a number on it.
>you can find different Pokemon by scanning QR codes on real life objects even though it makes absolutely no fucking sense for Pokemon since most of them aren't ghosts
>dat feel when you'll never scan another cd/dvd to release the monster inside
Selling 300k more initially than a remake of a 11 year old game in a single country isn't exactly "doing a number".
He's bullshitting you anyway.
>I-I-It was just a remake!
>yokai watch and pokemon are similar
>It's huge in Japan
>Be in Japan
>Never see kids play it
Its pretty much like Medabots
>short surge in popularity
>its a X killer
>dissolves into nothingness a short while later as Pokemon, Digimon, and Yugioh live on
Do you like, watch kids, or something?
>short surge
Medarot was pretty old before it got a show..
actually, pokemon have been 'data' from the very start
It's blatant from the UI in Gen 5 but you've been able to store and transfer pokemon throughout the pokemon world with your PCbox since Gen 1
Are you saying there are no kids just walking around or sitting around playing games in your country? Probably not cause you live in the US and people'd snag the kid's handheld away.
>live on
It's as well known these days as SMT.
Well, do you see kids play Pokemon?
say what you will about digimon but it has its periodic resurgences between games, animes, cards, and toys
Still surprised they've never tried to go full on lewd with the series considering so many of the digimon designs
>Pokemon was just a ripoff of Shin Megami Tensei this whole time
>yfw Pokemon was the "SMT killer"
SMT was never popular enough to have a 'killer'
>yfw pokemon are actually stands
Pokemon yeah, all the time
It's not something you just drop after a while
It gives you the sense of having to complete it
>It gives you the sense of having to complete it
I believe that's called "autism"
>SMT was never popular enough to have a 'killer'
That's only because you're a baka gaijin who never heard of it until long after it was killed by Pokemon.
Then call most of Japanese kids autistic
Autists don't care
>yfw nothing changes because yokai is a complete failure in the west while successful in the east and pokemon is a huge success in the west while failing in the east
pokemon isnt failing at all in the east.
afaik the latest pokemon game outsold the latest yokai watch.
>The SM one looks more like a watch
You realize gen 4's Poketch is literally a watch right
To be reduced to this...
Are you okay user? I'm just saying that a SUPERCOOL WONDERFUL MEGAYEAH game like YW2 only barely outsold a remake of a 11 year old game INITIALLY in a single country despite having the advantage of being released 5 MONTHS before it.
Not that GF cares about Japan only.