Decent game, or indie trash?

Decent game, or indie trash?

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bump. want to know if Sup Forums feels this game is faithful or a bastardization

It's damn great game.

I played the entire Shantae trilogy through for the first time last November, and enjoyed the ride tremendously. The gameplay is OK, characters cute, writing fun, and OST has some memorable tunes.

I'd recommend starting with the original GBC Shantae. Use the BGB emulator for it; VBA has issues running the game. Then play Risky's Revenge, which is literally like a prologue for Pirate's Curse

GOOD game.

Really, it's among the best indie games out there. That might not be saying much, but it's easily worth the time to play it.

>faithful or a bastardization
...of what? It's an original title of pretty new IP, released just recently

Too much useless talking and dialog. I beat Risky's Revenge hoping a good part would come, but it didn't. I have Pirate's Curse and played it for an hour and it's the same shit. Just boring.

If you want a good indie platformer play Freedom Planet.

>Too much useless talking and dialog
Its weird that a lot of people have less patience for dialog boxes in 2016. I think I'm getting to that point too. But I'm still gonna give Pirate's curse and Half Genie Hero a shot.

it is really good

first actual good game in the shantae series

I thought it was ok, gave me some nostalgia from the DS era. Especially the dialogue had this weird sense of humor. Level design or whatever got pretty shit towards the end though.

Rabi-Ribi is a very similar game but a lot better in almost every aspect though

It's probably the most polished of the series to date. There are better games, but it's nice for what it is. I'd recommend it to someone who was out of Metroidvanias and wanted more.

>If you want a good indie platformer play Freedom Planet.
They're radically different games. FP is a Sonic clone, Shantae is a pseudo-Metroidvania.
>Too much useless talking and dialog
And you say that whilst suggesting FP? Really?

Decent trash.

Just take with a pinch of salt.
Risky's revenge is straight garbage not even worth your time for several reasons. Just to name a few
>Nonsensical overworld extremely boring
>Nonsensical backtracking expecting you to travel through the entire map to get a powerup and then come back to where you were.
>2 dungeons
>Uninspired and cheap bosses.
>Trinkets in dungeons for which you'll have to come back later in the game even though you have nothing left to do in the dungeon after that.

Pirate's curse is fine though. But you should skip Risky's revenge.

it's just dumbing down of society. you can thank hollywood for that.

people are indoctrinated to be impatient, to hate reading and to demand instant gratification, something reading doesn't give.


I don't understand the extreme hostility towards RR. In my opinion, its only flaw was it short length.

Jump from S1 to PC would also feel quite extreme without RR

I listed there why I really hated RR. It was a real chore to explore the overworld because of the poor level design, and the backtracking was poorly thought.

A good backtracking means that there are at least 2 or more ways to get back to a specific part of the map. A backtracking forcing you to get back in an area you've already explored with only little trinkets left is bad backtracking, an area need a good unexplored chunk of the map to reward the player for coming back, if it is for only 2 rooms and a trinket, it is moronic.

Just look at Super metroid map. You have for every area excepting maybe Norfair, two or three paths. The one you have to go to get into the region the first time, and the one you use to get back to a part you've already partly explored and that you can explore a bit more with the powerups you've just gained.

RR dared to put a trinket next to the mermaid transformation upgrade, in a dungeon, beyond a wall requiring the next uprgrade that was in the complete opposite of the map in the overworld. That's pure disrespect.

Great game

It's okay, especially if you can get it for like 8 bucks or so. I bought it at relaese and think I paid too much. Way Forward aren't really good at Metroidvania level design, imo.

It's a good game. I just used a guide to find the heart pieces and magic guys though. not worth the effort. I'm gonna buy 1/2 genie for the vita physically.

Shantae> PC > RR

Little reminder that based god Jake Kaufman is behind Pirate's curse soundtrack and Half-Genie hero. He sometimes overdo what he compose for Wayforward (his title theme for 1/2 genie hero is ludicrously good and movie-tier, but it has nothing to do with this funny lighthearted series, it just doesn't match). But his work on Shovel Knight is outstanding and the early previews of 1/2 genie hero sound good so far.
Grooviest desert theme you'll ever find.

It released like 15 years ago bro

>being this much of a samefag
>wanting Sup Forums's approval on anything

You are one sad user OP.

>guy bumps his topic (but is too retarded to know you can't do that)

Dude, what?