>It's a "useless Widowmaker on attack" episode.
It's a "useless Widowmaker on attack" episode
Other urls found in this thread:
Widowmaker is cute so it's okay.
>he's a "widowmaker clearly doesn't realize she has a grappling hook" episode
Stop sniping from the ground people.
>It's a flightless Pharah episode
Nigga the ground is the last place they'll expect you to be, it's perfect
>It's a "useless Widowmaker and a Hanzo on attack" episode.
>not knowing how to play assault-sniper widowmaker
>team can't do shit because turret and bastion
>I pick widowmaker and kill both
>we finally get through the door
>"fucking retard dont snipe"
It's like most people have no idea what's going on, I love it. I enjoy getting mad and it's almost as good as Sup Forums.
That's every episode tho.
It's funny watching people freak out when you surprise them and pop up right in their face as Widowmaker. Had pretty good results against other Widows as well. They expect a sniper duel and you just bum rush them and watch them scramble.
That happened to me too.
I was playing Hanzo and it was because of me that we could push through the enemy's retarded defense because I was killing their turrets and bastion. We still lost but for some reason I was the one getting blamed.
>it's a 'we put a high powered sniper in a game that doesn't benefit from it' episode
Even better
>it's a 'getting sniped through walls because of the 20 tickrate episode'
It's easy to blame snipers because they tend to attract the most shitty players.
>"user just change online game!"
>"NO!I'm almost enjoying the anger!"
I do this sometime when playing Mercy.
They never see me coming and I always win.
I have 500 gold and I still don't what skin for who to get when I'll reach 1000, help
The game should not give this tip because most people that play Windowmaker are bad and would be better off playing literally any other hero except Symmetra.
I wish there was a scoreboard because when I want to get mad at our three Windowmakers I want to be sure I'm right when letting them know how bad the are.
>It's a "Blizzard still doesn't know how to Match Making after all this time" episode
>It's a "Get sent to the main menu over and over again as you join games and someone leaves" episode
>It's a "Unbalanced as fuck teams episode"
Pic related. What the fuck Blizzard.
>There are already people that are level 99
>It's a widowmaker on defence episode
>play with 2 friends: me as a tank, support and some defence or attack character on friends
>all of us have gold, silver and bronze medals for damage and eliminations
>it's a our widowmaker is poo in the loo
>while enemy widowmaker is on cloud9 pro gaming team
In the beta, when I was level 9 I rarely met people with levels lower than 25. And there was a lot of 30s. The greatest level difference I've seen was 9 level me versus 52 level enemy.
And I'm not very good at FPS games, so it's not like my skill was on par with those people who played the game for dozens of hours.
>it's a "user doesn't understand that the little number under the player's portrait has zero indication of the player's skill level" episode
So what does she say after she respawns?
>its a "teammates call you an useless widowmaker even though youre carrying them" episode
I hate dream episodes, they're such a fucking waste of time.
True for a game that has been around for months, if not years
Not true for something that is barely a week long. A player who put to many hours in such a short time is most likely above average at the very least anyway
>its a "the enemy pharah changes to widowmaker to try to counter you, someone else changes to winston to try to counter you, the tracer keeps trying to climb the place you're sniping but mainly failing and their mercy is calling them useless on all chat every time i kill her (so pretty much every time)" episode
man that match was great. the last defense corner on gibraltar as a widow is really comfy
>its a "bastion in turret form on one of the moving platforms in Volskaya and not contributing to the team" episode
>Level doesn't say anything about skill
This meme again
If someone spent more than thrice the time on a game that I have then he's sure as hell gonna be better at it than me.
At least if you have the decency to assume that they are not a drooling retard who is incapable of learing by doing like most human beings are.
I'd say that's a pre made and the 20 just got the game.
The MMR probably goes off the lowest player. Which is a mistake. Or averages it, which would make sense given everyone else is super high
>king's row
>getting sniped for even leaving the spawn
>we have two widowmakers
>they're tucked into corners out of sight of the enemy and waiting for the enemy to walk into their line of sight
>watching the rest of us die over and over because they think this shit is tf2 2fort
webm or it didnt happen
The matchmaking fucks solo player constantly over and rewards premades with experience bonuses. Blizzard literally doesn't care that it is unplayable for the solo crowd and that competetive with that matchmaking will be a complete joke, as long as their precious premades get more and more cannon fodder solo teams.
I've seen this episode 3 times today! When are they gonna play something new?
It compares your stats not level number.
>it's a "user thinks he needs vast amounts of hours to learn to play heroes properly" episode
>it's a "user throws a bitch fit on Sup Forums instead of gettin gud" episode
I can't be the only one who doesn't agree with
>unplayable for the solo crowd
I play solo all the time and my matches are great. It's rare to get a match with no tanks or supports. Maybe you guys should get better so you'll get paired up with better players.
And unfortunately that's why Overwatch doesn't have a scoreboard.
it breeds "toxic" score-centric communities >:L
>can't refute the argument
Good to know.
I do so badly on Hanamura B, attack or defence, I get my shit kicked in every time
>be widowmaker on attack
>ally also switches to widowmaker
>think about saying something, but don't
>we win
Better than expected
You do understand there are lots of people who played the closed beta and open beta, right? You can't know the amount of time they spent on the game based on their level.
>canonically impure
>edgy forearm tattoo
Lol ok kid
I've had no problem dicking people lvl 70+ while being around lvl 23 and neither should you. Git gud.
You do realize that getting better means your team mates get worse and worse while the game matches you against better opponents? It has the same retarded matchmaking that DotA2 has.
>You do realize that getting better means your team mates get worse and worse while the game matches you against better opponents? It has the same retarded matchmaking that DotA2 has.
I'm telling you this isn't the case for me. If by worse you mean no support or tank, which is what most people on Sup Forums complain about, then at the level I'm at it simply isn't an issue. 95% of the time someone will pick a support or tank, people don't even have to ask.
>There's already people that are over 100
>They have stars under their name
Who the fuck plays this constantly to reach the first prestige in a week? It's not that fun.
>Pick character who can jump or otherwise get over the gap on the left-hand side entrance
>Use side entrance
Works for both as you can slip in behind the enemy team when defending as well.
Honestly I love it, because it stops retards from sperging out over their K/D and instead tries to force people to care more about win/loss, aka getting on the fucking point.
But why would they ever get on the point.
So enemy widow is hacking?
>still no refutation not based on anecdotal evidence
>it's a "make an overwatch thread when there's 100 threads about it already in the catalog" episode
>I'm telling you this isn't the case for me
But it is the case for a number of other people. Your post is pretty much saying
>works for me :)
Could you be any more useless?
"Lots of people" is certainly a lot less than people on release. I dunno where you got that from, but Blizzard wasn't keen on giving access to the beta for most of that beta playtime.
Your entire argument is anecdotal evidence. You blame little portrait numbers on your lack of skill instead of yourself.
>Gun aims for her
>Legit almost spammable team wide wall hacks
Just about
I said it works for me because it seems my internal ranking is higher, so it matches me with better teammates. So to solve your problem you have to git gud before blaming randoms like a true plebian does. This is a game where you can definitely carry your team at lower levels, especially if you're a good sniper
>not getting a 75% xp penalty for leaving games so you can stomp newbies for longer by staying at a low level.
>But why would they ever get on the point.
>Cap the point easily
>everybody else fucks off to god knows where leaving me to defend the point alone
>Get steamrolled by 4 of the enemy team
>Nobody the fuck else is even nearby to defend
>It's a forced episode meme by Sup Forums episode
I was just fucking dealing with that shit. And it was a payload map for Christ's sake.
Its launch TF2 all over again.
It's happened before and will happen again.
The logic of
>more time spent playing the game = more skilled
is unassailable, simply because that's how 99% of things work for human beings.
Is it going to be that way every single time, for every single player in every game? Of course not - but it will work out like that in the vast majority of cases.
The kind of person to insist otherwise is the same exact shitter who blames 'natural' skill whenever he gets his ass kicked.
>There's a Widowmaker that's not braindead in the enemy team
>Phara and Zenyatta are ruled out of our character roster.
>more time spent playing the game = more skilled
For a game with a high skill ceiling, yes.
For a game like Overwatch? Don't make me laugh.
I want to protect Genji
Why do people say double winston is good?
I just played a game doing that and lost
>my internal ranking is higher, so it matches me with better teammates
And that's not how its working for me, and reportedly for a number of other players.
I'm a good player so I get matched with shitters before my ratio gets too imbalanced in favor of wins. If I'm consistently getting 2-4 golds in every game, then obviously I'm not doing anything wrong.
You're getting matched by good players because you're shit, honestly. It balances out.
Why can't they just give Zenyatta 175 health? He's so fun but you can't play him if the enemy time is playing certain heroes.
Other 150 health characters have survival or mobility to dodge instant deaths.
It's good, but it's not good in a carrying the team sorta way. You still need non-retarded team mates.
>see Winston on our team
>pick Winston myself
>halfway through match Lucio repicks fucking Roadhog
>now-hog complains about double Winston losing the game for us
When will the "game tires to keep your win ration at 50%" meme die already.
Widowmaker is more useful on attack than on defense in many situations (with exceptions of maybe Hanamura and Anubis) because defense positions are gonna be more static than attackers', especially in payload scenarios.
Of course it's down to the Widow's personal skill and willingness to keep on moving. Nothing's worse than a sniper that just sits in one spot and waits for a random shot.
God I really, really want to learn how to play Genji efficiently, however I hate the feeling of dragging my team down while learning a character I'm clearly not grasping at first and don't seem to be getting any better at. I don't understand how to utilize his skills efficiently besides reflecting in the obvious scenarios and always get destroyed. in the ass
It actually does have a scoreboard, you just can't see it all, only your relative position on it.
If you got a gold medal chances are you're the best on your team at that specific thing. If you got silver then you're in the middle, bronze is lower middle and no medal is worst (or no score).
>And that's not how its working for me, and reportedly for a number of other players.
Nah you're just falling for confirmation bias
Forced 50% is the worst meem, a regular matchmaking system already inherently does 'forced 50/50' by matching you against better players the more you win, until you reach your actual skill level and average out at 50%
>not wanting an experienced woman guiding you to maximize your pleasure
To be fair, it's not exactly uncommon for certain games to do that with their matchmaking.
The World of Tanks/Warships games work that way.
>it's a two Hanzos, one of them is called Kirito and he gets PotG for taking out a Widowmaker and doing the last bit of damage on an ulting Pharah episode
Yup. 90% of the time I go widow on the second point of hanamura because its the only way to clear out their defense. Otherwise you're running into their area even though its super open.
When people realize that Hanamura will become easy to attack.
Alright user, I'll keep having fun with good teammates while you complain and scream when someone doesn't pick a tank/support, even though you're not picking one either. I understand how people like you work now and usually what I do is go to Social -> Latest Players -> Avoid (You)
When you win too many or lose too many it says "Finding a more balanced game". It doesn't match you randomly and it mathematically can't match you to make everyone win more so its matching to give you fair games AKA 50% win rate.
In this case the meme grew so much the devs themselves came out and said it was BS and the matchmaking is done by player skill not by win/loss.
>Enemy team rushes to spawn camp
>Don't notice me behind them
>Solo cap as Mercy
Yes please. I need to play with good players and getting matched with shitters like you is a hassle.
>hanamura, point b
>three torb, bastion, widow, hog
>team cannot comprehend how to beat them with their shit picks and won't change
>go hanzo because lol dragons
>kill widow and two turrets, working on bastion
>>we need another tank
>ignore it, keep going
>widow dead right out of spawn, kill bastion finally, two more turrets
>>can someone please do something about these turrets
>ult hog and two molten torbs, kill widow again, bastion has gone tracer and blinks away to god knows where, kill last turret
>>hey user go tank
>tell them to just push, they are all respawning
>>wow yeah no asterisks i have been carrying you guys through them just stfu and tank for me
>hit tab
>guy talking is dead
>he's playing mercy
>I didn't even know we had a healer
>keep sniping, thirty seconds left
>kill more turrets and torbs, hog still can't hook me, widow must have afked, stay on point when I can
>no sight of team
>finally get gangbanged and die
>potg is the tracer soloing our entire team
>a mccree, rein, mercy, 76, and genji
>she still has 150 hp at the end of the play
>now it all makes sense
>mercy after match in chat
>>sure glad we had an offense sniper :)
>I have 38 elims with a 26 kill streak
>next closest card is tracer/bastion with 23
>mercy gets a healing card for 3500 healing
>in a ten minute match
>gets 4 commends
I had a 5 loss streak yesterday and I'm itching to play more overwatch. Am I a masochist?
>a regular matchmaking system already inherently does 'forced 50/50'
Exactly, as does this game. Give lobbies pls
Two men enter
One man leaves
People just gotta chill and give it their best
Friendly reminder that there is a new game in the making.
Well. that's even worse. How do you even quantify "skill"? MMR only works if you have stats to base it on, which is usually win/loss values against other players with MMR values of their own. How is "skill" measured in OW? If I get a random headshot at Widow, does the game think I'm suddenly uber-pro and forces me into high-tier games way out of my league?
This pic is so wrong
>Lucio with Tracer and not D.Va
>Reaper with McCree arguing for some reason
>"HONORU" son of mafia lord and backstabbing assassin
>Genji with D.Va and not his Master or at least his brother
Come to think of it, what does Reinhardt think of the current Soldier's non chivalrous behavior
>The World of Tanks/Warships games work that way.
Pretty sure balancing works that way, not the matchmaking. There's a reason why they have a plethora of hidden performance ratings
I've given up bothering trying to win games. The matchmaking will pretty much ensure that you'll reach a stable 50% win ratio unless you're one of either the very top or very bottom players, so there's very little point in giving a shit. If the matchmaking has decided that you're due for a loss, there's little you can do about it. Every once in a while, you get a decent matchup though, by pure chance. Kinda wish it was just random with no matchmaking whatsoever. Wouldn't be much worse than what we have today, and would result in shorter queues.
>Lucio with Tracer and not D.Va
"Lucio, I'll race ya!"
>Reaper with McCree arguing for some reason
Reaper before he was a wraith recruited McCree on Route 66
>"HONORU" son of mafia lord and backstabbing assassin
They're both snipers and Hanzo is kind of a bad guy
>Genji with D.Va and not his Master or at least his brother
It's a stretch but both fight in a metal suit.
honestly if a game is making you mad then you know it's engaging
you don't get mad at shitty games; you just get bored
of course there are exceptions to the rule
>Too virgin to realize "impure" women are the best in bed.
yukikase still not translated