Why is Hanzo the best Range character and Is hanzo for sexual?
Hanzo Thread
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Hes not.
>is japanese
>looks like a spic or italian
I would post more Hanzo if almost all of my pictures weren't NSFW
Hanzo is sexy as fuck. But he's not the best range,
what kind of disgusting fag made this
>makes no sense
Whoever made this image is majorly confused.
>you will never get maki flustered
Is this a husbando thread?
She's clearly bashful in that gif
>Picking the literal worst Backstreet Boy
Shit taste desu. Might as well have picked Cindy
Hanzo is better for recon because of his shift. His E also allows him to function well in tight corridors and small rooms. His arrows are too slow to fire in quick succession like Widowmaker can. Climbing on walls is nice though.
>most likely gay
>blonde fuck with freckles
Why you would want that generate for a husbando is beyond me
Prompto's cute.
Maybe because he's cute? I don't find him sexually endearing, but he is a qtp.
Someone with taste.
he placed junkrat in last
a clearly better, more attractive husband than this stinky pig
S: Rein
A: Hanzo, McCree, Soldier 76, Genji
B: Reaper, Lucio
C: Roadhog, Toblerone, Junkrat
D: Everyone else
characters in each tier aren't arranged in any particular order
here, ftfy.
yes, shit taste
Junkrat and Roadhog are the OTP of Overwatch
What is Winston doing there?
Oh I don't see them as sexual, just affectionate
That's fine.
>Roadhog will never pound your sissy ass while he forces you to squeal like a pig.
Why live
Dammit I still want sauce.
>mfw deleted
Just rule 34 it bro
Why is Roadhog so happy about losing?
I just assumed tumblr would have everything. Thanks.
>that newest pic on paheal
But now that one you just posted isnt there.
Really hate Hanzo.
Most Hanzo player (like 99%) are literally a wasted space on your team and do 0 dmg, except maybe hit 1-2 arrows and kill 1-2 dudes with the dragon.
But occasionally you run into Hanzo players (1%) like every 50th game or so, who can hit you at any range from anywhere, even if you are playing stuff like Tracer or Genji.
Found it anyway. Thanks though.
>play Hanzo a bunch of games and suck total ass with him
>one game channel ancient Japanese spirits and headshot people one after another
>get play of the game by killing 3 people with ult then blasting a fourth
It was a Christmas miracle.
best image of hanzo
Hanzo with a shit player is awful. The Hanzo's I meet don't seem to know they can look up. Pharah is a class and as Mercy it fucking sucks. Oh and forget fucking sensor arrows to spot harassers.
Yet they get PotG due to "le 3-4 kill Blue Eyed White Dragon xDDD"
Many of you haven't watched this Hanzo/Genji animated short made by Blizzard. Check it out, it is great.
Funny thing is, if I worked on getting into shape, I'd look like Hanzo.... But I just had my hair cut after a long time. So forget that. Fuck sake. Never mind...
I guess I could buy a fauxny tail to cosplay as him, but need to get mega buffed first and I have about as much desire as a have to git gud.
You sound like a huge faggot
Hanzo should be nicer to his baby brother
Have you seen Cindy (male)?
Hes a real semen demon (male)!
Anybody ever get the feeling that Blizz would be better as a film animator than a game maker?
I'm sorry user, I try to live up to your faggotry, but it's too much....
We'll find out soon when the Warcraft movie gets released.
Still more masculine than Prompto could ever hope to become.
Can anybody explain to me how or why, Overwatch is fighting each other? I thought they were a global fighting force? Yet they keep fighting each other? If we pretend we're fighting in Overwatch, one min Tracer is fighting Widowmaker, the next they're fighting side by side?
What's the point?
What, Warcraft The Beginning? It's out in Bongland. My sister saw it and said despite that changes to Warcraft lore (or in the case, the retcons post WC3) it is a fun film and it's neat seeing the locations. I personally think it looks like crap, despite some cool looking moments in the trailer, the CGI looks janky as fuck.
Pre-firing takes more skill, but hitscan is still king. Hanzo is not hitscan.
Roadhog is disgusting as hell, I have no idea why people are keen on drawing that much porn of him.
>huge cheekbones
you high?
Cuz the payload
Keep pounding it
Pounding it.
shitty personality
shitty person in general
dirty and smelly as fuck
probably has all kinds of STDs
you can't even see this face, and it's canon that he's ugly as hell too
I don't get it, there can't be this many people with a belly fetish
People just like chubby dudes, nothing more to it
I'm more of a Mcree/Reyes guy myself
I want to fatten him up and rub his big belly.
Literally how do I get gigtud with hanzo.
people say to learn how to lead your shots but guess what? People jerk around and change their movements and stop suddenly and it completely throws my shooting off.
I want to be accurate archer man of hail of arrows, but instead I can only find success with him if I spam my arrows down a hallway.
I say practice a bit with Widow and learn to strafe as a sniper. Once you get a feel on how to distance your self practice with Hanzo and learn how his arrows arc and drop off.
Whoa....so this is what its like...to be an underage faggot...shit....
Hanzo is good, but Soldier is better.
Projection is a serious defence mechanism, user. Seek help.
Is that how many dicks he sucked?
What, in a row?
>people say to learn how to lead your shots but guess what? People jerk around and change their movements and stop suddenly and it completely throws my shooting off.
There is nothing you can do with that and it will even fuck with 'good' Hanzos. The mistake people make is jumping to dodge because they can't change air direction meaning you have plenty of time to lead a shot predicting where they are going to land.
If someone is just jiggling around using strafe to dodge it is really just luck.
You wouldn't take advantage of an old man, would you?
Now is shulk time
No. Xbox 360 Yoshimitsu is better.
>tfw barely any love for Torbjörn
>liking cuck manlets
Please do it anyways.
It's Cidney you dunce
Are you high?
Hanzo look's are closer to these guys than he does to any jap. Hell, he even has deepset eyes, which are a caucasian feature. Mongoloids do not have deep set eyes
Hanzo does not even look asian, and since when are high cheeckbones mongoloid?
If anything wide set cheeckbones are mongol features, but they're also found in africans.