Souls drinking games

Souls drinking games.

Use grass to heal
>Take a drink

>Refill your glass

Get friends round.
Most of them have never played it.

Take a life each
When anyone dies. . . Drink.

Take a drink everytime a soulsfag says something stupid.

I love those games but their popularity ruined them.
The "community" literally doesn't exist anymore.

Now that's great!

I don't want to drink myself to death!

make a souls thread and take a drink every time a sonygger tries to pretend DeS is better than DaS1

Every time new players complain
"I was blocking!"
"That didn't hit me! "
"Bullshit "


Everytime you have to trigger a totally surprising and not obvious at all ambush, take a drink.
Works best on DaS3, though.

Are you trying to poison me?

Take a shot for every time you raise a stat. If you don't raise a stat in 1 hour take two.

Slow burner.
Going for the long game.

Drink every time a jealous PC fag tries to criticise Bloodborne when they clearly haven't played it, or when they claim to be a true souls fan but have only played 1 of the 3 best games

Take a shot for every PCfag who thinks Demon's Souls and Bloodborne will ever be released on Steam.

>gather a bunch of people who've never played the games
>nobody's drinking because nobody's a fan
great game, faggot

Guess again monika.
They are filthy casuals
They will play
They will die
We will drink


>The game literally doesn't work
>Player is angry
>Hurr durr what a newfag git gud
Souls fans, everyone

Sounds like someone needs to git gud.

You guys arent funny at all

everytime miyazaki puts in his fetishes take a shot


throw away your daddies booze everytime someone makes an overwatch thread