After seeing Wolfenstein: New Order and the new Doom game...

After seeing Wolfenstein: New Order and the new Doom game, it seems like western developers could shit out a half-competent Metroid game in a couple of years. Why won't Nintendo just sell the IP?

Other urls found in this thread:, pregnant

Bait thread aside, the fuck do Wolfenstein and Doom have to tdo with Metroid?

Westerners have already made three Metroids as well, keep up.

Post more pregnant video game girls.

>Bait thread aside, the fuck do Wolfenstein and Doom have to tdo with Metroid?

Both were relatively dated franchises that were recently rebooted to great success, thanks in part to emphasizing what made the original games great.

As far as I know, almost no one in Japan gives a shit about Metroid, so why not pull a Retro and let a western developer handle it?

They need Samus for Brawl waifufaggotry

This has to be the worst fetish in existence

>it seems like western developers could shit out a half-competent Metroid game in a couple of years

you mean 14 years ago?

That ain't feet.

>not wanting to see the mother of your child checkng the life vitals of your bastard child.

you sicken me.

>tfw accidentally got a pregnant fetish
I didn't ask for this...

both of those are some of the tamest ones, you fucking casuals

>reskin halo
>call it metroid
>plays nothing like metroid

nice bait

> wolfenstein and doom
> similar to metroid

Fuck you

this desu. scat fetish is way worse

How are those anything like Metroid?
How isn't Metroid Prime series made by a western developer?

>I have never played Metroid Prime

What's hotter than anime girls getting tentacle raped into pregnancy and having to carry their bastard monster baby's to term?

uh... what?

Nice bait speedboosterfag

>I have never played Metroid

The issue is that Nintendo cares way too much about Japan and is letting it cloud their judgement.
The main problem Nintendo has right now that sony doesn't is that Nintendo develops for Japan first and then has NoA change it to try and make it work in the West while Sony let's each branch make games best for each region.
It's very rare for Nintendo to actually target games specifically at the west and even when they do it's usually just theme changes of the same game like elite beat agents.

dude the landscape in doom is straight out of metroid prime combined with the same map mechanics, health/auto-map stations, and the fricken suit is almost homage to halo

> halo is the same as metroid prime

Please kill yourself. Your inability to recognize differences and similarities is a detriment to our future as a civilization

Just post more pregnant


It's b-8, son. Some ex Retros went to make Halo 4 which plays like Metroid Prime 4.5 Featuring Master Chief from the Halo Franchise.

Literally none of those things are true, except their map display looks similar

>when they do it's usually just theme changes of the same game like elite beat agents.

funny story, EBA was so good they localized it and sold it back to Japan with all the western music covers and the Japanese loved it.

Haloid cucks ruining another thread with their autism as usual.

Somebody post the fetish iceberg

>playing Doom.
>follow an unbeaten path and find a power up, upgrades my weapon
>follow the main path
>rock music plays and i get jumped by space pirates, i mean Demons
>unlock a new room and continue
D44M felt alot like prime and i loved that.

Gotta love how fucking butthurt Japanese devs and people like Miyamoto get when Western devs make better games than they ever could.

go fuck yourself with a rusty spoon. the landscape and futuristic building set in a waste land environment screams metroid

pregnancy is one of the most acceptable fetishes

Nobody post any iceberg those are always retarded and made for easy replies


I don't care for this. I don't want them beaten up. Just raped., pregnant


Daily reminder that Prime killed Metroid

japan isn't coming out with a new metroid game? no problem the Wests got you covered brah!

It felt like prime in that you shot bullets at people, except you shoot way more

The tone is different (music, aesthetics)
The game play is way different
Theres no over world in doom
No scanning in doom, just occasionally some text you can find
No puzzles to solve
And the bosses are shit

The similarities start and end basically at the point of view

here you go senpai


Most of them aren't even human you absolute degenerate.


The top uterine picture in that image, all I see is Little Mac's gloved fist shoved into her womb.

As in, he cunt punched her so hard she got pregnant with his fist.


Entry level feet may be tame enough, but footfags in general are the most annoyingfags

Gotta love when dipshits post on Sup Forums who don't do their research.

Miyamoto worked on it even and told Retro to make it in ego-perspective. Early Prime was third person. He loved the end result.

Fuck off Sakamoto.

It's not Prime exactly you fucking retard, it feels similar, been a while since a fps like it has come out.

Thanks for writing the most retarded thing I've read today.


>"here's a porn site that caters to your fetish"
>"most of them aren't even human!"

What a wonderfully depraved world we live in.

Those are some wonky fetishes



that's really really tame, normie tier id say
you are pretty innocent arent you


is this your first day on the internet?


You do realize I'm not being negative at all about these facts, right? They're just amusing to state for all to see.

>straight out of Metroid Prime
Hurr durr

>support an erotica writer on patreon
>half the shit she posts is mpreg

Still, the other half is fucking amazing but it's a pain

kill yourself japanese cocksucker

Why don't Nintendo just sell Smash's IP, the fanbase is trash like yourself and the series has been stagnating and becoming shittier with each entry.

whats the other half?


good joke

miyamoto is also senile

What do you think of Other M?

regular pregnancy stuff, you know like a girl gets knocked up with mutated cow sperm and turns into a giant 4-titted cowgirl, the usual.


If your fetish necessitates a baby then there are things you should reevaluate

It's speedboosterfag, he loves Other M.

Ever heard of ego-shooters?

Metroid isn't an FPS

>to satisfy a bondage fetish you need rope and leather
>to satisfy a pregnancy fetish you need have enough income to support a family

you play with the hand you're dealt, user.

>What do you think of Other M?
It's a bad game. The only reason it was made like that because they needed a game to please both real fans and prime fans.

It didn't worked out.

>implying 4 is anywhere near enough

OK, so you're not one of the usual faggots.

She's carrying my baby

>The only reason it was made like that because they needed a game to please both real fans and prime fans.


No it's not the baby
It's about fertility, breeding and mothers

pregnancy should barely even qualify as a fetish. saying attraction to pregnancy or impregnation is a fetsh is like saying that a fear of guns is a phobia. fetishes and phobias are supposed to be illogical or irrational.

literally the most important thing in your biological programming is getting girls pregnant, it's no wonder some find it erotic.

Shouldn't we also be hardwired to not want to impregnate girls who are already pregnant?

You're not supposed to want to fuck a girl who is pregnant

The sad part is that IT'S ALL THERE. All of Prime's team are just waiting twiddling their thumbs as Boreforce gets cranked out.

>The only reason it was made like that because they needed a game to please both real fans and prime fans.

are you confused as to why people hated other M? just as a little hint it wasn't exactly for the gameplay decisions.

And when at any point did they say this?

The story being awful was just the icing on the cake.

Why is she so fat?

You want to fuck the girl so she GETS pregnant not fuck a girl who IS pregnant you mong

Err, guys?

I love every other Metroid except maybe 2 and Other M had awful gameplay.

Anyone who says it has good gameplay has never touched an action game in their life.

link it up man, whats your top 3 stories of his?

So what the fuck are Retro doing right now? They got done with Tropical Freeze in December 2013, they have to be making something for NX.

There was a rumour by someone who's good with this stuff that Retro get three tries to propose a project to Nintendo, and if all get disaproved Nintendo assigns them a project. Apparently this is one they specifically asked to do.

I'd like them to do Metroid again, but I can't imagine them wanting to do it considering they've already done three and are probably tired of the things. New IP maybe? Hopefully?

>He doesn't want to fuck a baby while it is still in the mother
Its Awwright

yeah but pregnancies end. and if you like the way pregnant girls look, chances are you'll try to impregnate them again.

>The only reason it was made like that because they needed a game to please both real fans and prime fans.
That shit right their pissed me off, Sakamoto works on 2D Metroid yet he decides to make a game that tries to be every fucking genre in one. I didn't another Prime, or a Ninja Gaiden ripoff I wanted a 2.5D sidescroller that focuses on GAMEPLAY and not that "cinematic experience". The Sakamoto starts bitching about video game stagnation when Japanese criticism got on the game for not being a true Metroid game. I agree with him that a franchise needs to evolve to stay relevant but Other does not feel or play like a Metroid, especially one of his Metroid. Why didn't have someone play test this piece of shit.

But you're liking them FOR the pregnancy not everything around it.

Yo genius story and shitty character weren't the only problems that game had, The problems Other M had were in spades.

OP gets banned yet this thread is still going, good job mods.:/