What is the longest line you've waited in to purchase vidya?

What is the longest line you've waited in to purchase vidya?

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waited in like store wide line on black friday years back to get saints row 3 lol

Who the fuck purchases video games from a actual retail store anymore? I'm not a nigger or a dumb ass spic.

It's much better ordering online.

there was a fat black lady the local target I work at in one of those driving around in circles singing what seemed to be old mariner songs. I hadn't seen someone that happy in weeks. I spent the rest of my shift wondering if it would be better to be her and happy enough to sing in public while being too fat to walk or to be VIDEO GAMES

Probably last black friday. 20 dollars for Splatoon.

>paying for shipping
>Waiting several days for a game you're excited about

I do since it's cheaper than buying it online.

i don't think i've ever waited in a big line for a game, and i buy games from stores a lot.

Don't feel much sympathy for fats who are so averse to physical activity they need a fucking scooter to get around a store. Only really elderly people who have trouble walking should be allowed in those things.

my friend and i called in sick to school for the halo 3 launch day, we got to gamestop around 8am figuring we would be one of the first ones there. there was a line around the block, people at the front of the line had tents and camping charis with big gulps in the cup holders. and i saw a couple of piss jugs too. we were there until 10:45, because gamestop in their infinite wisdom decided to have two cashiers scheduled for that day.

Probably a line of 2 or 3 people.


Yeah I remember discs...

How about getting a cheap Steam key and pre-loading it so you can immediately play it on release date?

the time i went to get pokemon x and y, first time i ever saw my local gamestop fully packed. Luckily there were two lines for cards and cash so i went for cash and passed through the whole store.

Maybe 10 minutes because the one other person in line was chatting with the cashier. I don't mind though, as long as it's only one person blabbering in line.

>not buying digital

>buying digital downloads

ayy el mao

>1 old person
>3 fat people

I fucking hate seeing fats on those things. Being a fa/tg/uy myself, it fills me with rage.

>mfw I help my grandmother go to the store and all the scooters are taken by hamplanets.

how do ppl get this fat, or let themselves get this fat? I can eat a whole large size pizza and only gain a pound of which I lose the next day

pls tell me how ppl get this fat pls

Halo 2 midnight launch at Gamestop. Store had over 200 preorders.

It was amazing how popular that game was.


It wasn't for a purchase, but I waited in line for 3 hours at Smash Fest.

>Smash Fest

>paying for gas
>not ordering from places that do release day shipping

I'm glad I'm on a diet now before I turned into a hambeast. I was 106kg and now 102 after a couple weeks.

Sice you opened amazon on mexico i can get games more cheaper than retail here you dumb redneck
Vete a la chingada

I was desperate.

I stayed overnight in a meijer for a wii on release.

Only that one girl fits. The second guy has a bandage around his leg, and fourth woman looks about 50+ from the hairstyle so I'd err on the side of she needing it.

And the old woman is also fat.

Midnight release of GTAV for the Xbox360. Then I built a gaming pc and never have to wait in another line to buy a game ever again.

Man we have those exact carts at my work, fucking turn radius of it is the best.

Goes pretty fast too.

Coworker and I raced through the store after closing time for shits in giggles.

meant for
But, there are like a million different reasons and each fat guy probably has a different one. Genetics plays a huge role according to pretty much every twin study conducted about this, there plenty of illnesses that can cause it, including mental stuff like depression, recently it's been detected that fat people have different kinds of bacteria in the intestines. Also, shit diets.

That one guy in the picture has a bad leg, for instance, so probably can't move a lot. If you look at the shape of the foot, it's not a new thing. That 50+ woman might have gained it after menopause.

A few minutes since I purchase games regularly and not like an autist

> They're all Trump supporters
> They're all anti socialized Medicare

Land of the fries. Home of the

Too much of a loser to have any sort of human interaction

So you're a gook?

start lurking /fit/ you filename

he has a bad leg because he's a fucking fat ass who gave himself diabetes.

Line... what?

Why the fuck would you wait in line to buy a video game?

It's effect is subtler.

Diabetes doesn't fuck up the shins.

where do these fat people get the money to buy all that shit from

They don't. That picture is faked. There is no way she has enough willpower to have a fridge full of unopened shit.

quite a while to get mortal kombat for the genesis.

good thing you aspie shits can download everything nowadays, because i doubt any of you have the patience to stand quietly and wait for something.

Waited 7 hours in line to buy a PS2 on launch day. Waited with a bunch of friends and was really fun actually.

>What is the longest line you've waited in to purchase vidya?

In a line that wrapped around the whole front side of a Wal-Mart waiting for the original wii. Us towards the front were there for about 20 hours. Chillest bunch of random people. We pitched in for pizzas, started several games of poker on foldout tables and there several full Mario Kart games going everywhere on DSs. Things got crazy the later as the weather got more cold/rainy and 3x as many people showed up. They were all fucked though since the store didn't have more than 30 units. Grabbed the wii, an extra wiimote and Twilight Princess.
Many lols were had after as the nation panicked from "shortages", and all my friends came over to play mine since the shortages didn't clear up for over a year.

Sorry for the shit picture, this was before smartphones.

Waited for several hours outside my local gamestop in 2008 for Brawl with some friends and to compete in the tournament they had. It was a school night too and I was 11 I think.