I just bought the bioshock trilogy. What am I in for?

I just bought the bioshock trilogy. What am I in for?

You are the bad guy all along

pretty fucking much
also some good fun, followed by some great fun, followed by Anita Sarkeesian tier disappointment

Start with infinite and its expansions, it's worst of them but it's prequel, then go to 1 and then 2

Two good games and massive disapointment

>starting with the prequel


>Bioshock 1
10/10 story , Ayn rand under water , the villan isn't that bad, your being mind controlled to kill him but your ally who is the real villan
Ok Rpg mechanics , ok level design
> Bioshock 2
Shitty story with better game mechanics , decent but forgettable
> infinite
Story starts good,around the half way point it turns into a shitty moffat era doctor who epsoide and never recovers
Gameplay is dumbed down it it's fine still,

2 amazing games and 1 overrated shit heap

>Ayn rand under water
not really, Ken had a massive lack of understanding towards objectivism, for instance there's no need to smuggle anything in a lawless society, yet people smuggle a lot of things

Great atmosphere and world building
continues that with a great story and much improved combat
poor writing, but qt waifu and pretty interesting visual design. I recommend the DLC for this more than I recommend the main game.

1. Falling asleep from boredom.

2. The origin of many cliches that are found in modern shooters like upgrades and perks.

a game with great setting and storytelling
a game with great gameplay
a disappointment

>origin of upgrades and perks in shooters

>Bioshock 1
Near perfect atmosphere, graphics that still hold up suprisingly well, awesome gameplay and a pretty damn good story

Overall 8/10

>Bioshock 2
Somehow manages to look worse than Bioshock 1, it looks blurry and half assed and sometimes it made me dizzy. Better combat, story is kinda meh and it's just a way to make the player experience combat


>Bioshock Infinite
Not a Bioshock game, decent gameplay ruined by Mr handy which just feels like bullshit combat based on luck

Story is crap and full of plotholes

Light 5/10, i haven't played burial at the sea doe

It's not the origin, but after bioshock most story-driven shooters implemented similar features and have been doing so ever since.

a good game followed by dissapointment

Are you fucking kidding me?

Holy fuck you're stupid.

Bioshock 1 - an admirable game that ultimately won't live up to its hype, but a memorable experience nonetheless.

Bioshock 2 - depending on your level of tolerance for infuriating garbage, you will either quit the fuck out of this cynical, publisher-mandated cashgrab by a B-team within the first five minutes, or you will play throug the DLC expansion campaign (the only redeeming part of this garbage cire of a game - it is made by the people who later went on to make Gone Home) AND THEN delete this game forever from your hard drive.

Bioshock Infinite - Auite possibly the best video game you will ever play in your entire life. It either fixes or does away with all the bullshit from Bioshock 1 that didn't work. What you will get with this game is the single greatest first-person shooter of the seventh generation, one of the best science fiction stories ever told, and many of the greatest and best characters in video gaming history.

Oh, and the DLC will make you glad that you've spent the time playing through Bioshock 1.

So get to it OP. You've got nothing to lose but a wonderful time!

Bioshock is an absolute masterpiece imo. Top 5 game all time for me.

Bioshock 2 is.. well.. its a mixed bag. It improves on Bioshock in some gameplay elements, but they aren't always executed very well, and everything that isn't those few gameplay aspects is worse than Bioshock. They also went backwards in some ways that Bioshock 2 fanboys always pretend didn't happen. 2 also has multiplayer , but I'm pretty certain it's dead on every system. It was fun, but extremely unrefined and imbalanced.

Infinite is a tough one to call. Personally, I really like it. It's kind of heavy handed with some ideas and it does go off the deep end to a good extent, but if you accept the faults, the ending seriously hits hard. They go backwards in some ways, especially with linear level designs and more watered down combat and removal of some rpg elements and its kind of consolefied/codified, but its still worth playing. I personally found that despite it's faults, Bioshock Infinite's combat was some of the most enjoyable of any shooter I have ever played. If it had less linear areas and better weapon variety like Bioshock 1, it would probably be my favorite game.

>Gameplay is dumbed down it it's fine still,


A great game, a good game, and a piece of utter shit.

Oh, and as far as DLC goes, Minerva's Den is great, but Burial at Sea is just okay. Burial at Sea was pretty awesome in most ways, but the way they end the story and try to tie up the series is just really really bad. Like it is so bad that it makes me think slightly less of the proper games.

This post is a joke, I'm fairly sure.


1 and 2 are really good, spookey action adventure. I wont forget the first time when you arrive in Rapture.

3 is okay-tier with a retarded story and ending but it has some cool new features.

People bitching about Bioshock Infinite being awful are just on the contrarian bandwagon, it's not a great game but it's still good, like a popcorn movie instead of something more significant.

>I recommend the DLC
>DLC canon destroys the lore of the series
What are you on about?

2 pretty good games and then 1 pretty not good game

It's more fun and has a sexier Elizabeth than the main game.

What lore does it destroy?

In the first game you crashed the plane you were in
In the second I dont remember whats the deal
In the third youre cumstock

wait, so deus ex and system shock dont exist or wasnt showered with awards?