1.Mario Kart 8
3.Smash Brothers
4.Bayonetta 2
5.Xenoblade X
6.Devils Third
7.Super Mario Maker
8.Wind Waker HD
9.Donkey Kong Freeze
10.Super Mario 3D World
Top Ten Wii U Games
The Wii U had the best line up of games since the GameCube and no one cares.
Rip video games
>devil's third
>downing a game you never played.
It was a cheesy over the top shooter that felt like it was made in the early 2000s
I had a blast playing it. I know you are so sure it sucked based off your glance at metacritic, but it was a really fun game
Shit taste
Common sense
>remake over Wonderful 101
>devil's third
>Wind Waker HD
>instead of Hyrule Warriors
Only Sup Forums pretends to like wonderful 101
75% saying how great it is never even played it. It's just the cool hipster of video games to like
People are still trying to pretend it didn't suck. It was literally the worst game of 2015.
>no TW101
>Bayo not best
>Dong not third best after Bayo and TW101
I agree with the rest
If we're strictly talking exclusives:
1. Wonderful 101
2. Bayonetta 2
3. Tropical Freeze
4. Mario Kart 8
5. Smash 4
6. Super Mario 3D World
7. Super Mario Maker
8. Captain Toad Treasure Tracker
9. Splatoon
10. New Super Mario Bros U
If we're not counting exclusives and the library in general
1. Wonderful 101
2. Bayonetta 2
3. Tropical Freeze
4. Mario Kart 8
5. Smash 4
6. Super Mario 3D World
7. Deus Ex U (gamepad made this shit 10/10)
8. Shovel Knight
9. Shantae & The Pirates Curse
10. Super Mario Maker
I wish the Wii U got more love, its a got a small but great library. I honestly haven't played a single bad 1st party game. But to be fair I haven't played AC Amiibo Festival and Mario Party which admittedly look terrible.
Maleo spinoff games, remakes/ports, multiplats, virtually everyone owning the same games after almost 4 years, more """""good""""" cheap little indie eshop games than actual full release games.
Wew not a meme at all never ever ever.
>B-but those games don't count.
In no particular order.
>3D World
>Bayo 2
>Tropical Freeze
>Zombi U
>Xenoblade X
>Yoshi Wooly World
>Super Mario Maker
Hyrule Warriors
Tropical Freeze
Pikmin 3
I tried to make a top 10 with only non-digital, non-remake exclusives (not counting 3DS) and couldn't get there.
I'd have to pad my list with things I don't really mean.
>pretending 3d world isn't a shitty poorly thrown together excuse of a 3d mario game
>pretending splatoon isn't mario sunshine multiplayer mode
>pretending the DKC series hasn't been completely butchered and turned into trash since it was revived.
>Devils third
Wii u confirmed for terrible library and fans.
damn user you really displayed some ignorance there, but I'll give you
>>Devil's Third
>he doesnt like the platinum exclusives
>Top ten
>Wii U only has 10 games
Nice try :^)
Tropical Dong
Bayo 2
Twilight Princess HD
treasure tracker
Wooly World
3D world
Super Mario Maker
Hyrule Warriors
Great company Star Fox Zero, that new TMNT game, The Legend of Korra. Nothing but stellar hits from them!
It was a bad game but that's what made it so good. I had a non-stop blast playing it from start to finish.
>bayo2 literally the first game listed
Do you just pretend to be a retard in the internet?
Star Fox was not good and you know it. Not a single person ITT has pretended it was.
That just leaves W101, and I know how easily butt flustered 101 fans get if you don't like their sub-par game.
Just because Star Fox Zero isn't in a top 10 doesn't mean its bad. I didn't put that or Hyrule Warriors or XCX or Pikmin 3 or Wooly World in my top 10. They were still good games.
What Wii u game should I play tonight
Play my mario maker levels.
Mario Kart gets boring incredibly fast though.
>Xenoblade Chronicles X
>Bayonetta 2
>Mario Kart 8
Those are the only wiiu games I played
Is Devil's Third any good? I never hear anything about it
Man I love that game. I don't expect people to magically like what I like, but come on. Plenty of the W101 love is real
Depends what you're after, story, exploration, or complex grunt A.I. then nah, gameplay is solid, boss fights are cool, difficulty is good and challenging to the point where I had to abuse the A.I. for the chapter 7 end zone.
Also no advantage to using the tablet whatsoever, don't know if that's a pro or con in your book
Haven't tried the online yet, as I'm led to believe the small playerbase makes finding 7 others a chore.