Has it already started?
Has it already started?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's been summer-Sup Forums since july 2007.
Sup Forums these days is summer all year long
Sup Forums seems to be the same, but I feel the summer on other boards.
I think it's always garbage, people just become more aware of it when they're looking for something to have a problem with.
It's here alright. I noticed the posting quality getting even worse and then finally people bringing up GamerGate like it was still relevant. Not the usual "Get out of here" post but someone throwing a fit over a linked site being on their enemy list.
It will never end.
>Sup Forums is good any time of the year
go back to talking about overwatch and how the new cod game looks good
Otaking is such a tryhard
If shitposters looked like that I'd fuck them all.
It has been eternal summer since Goobergate started.
That image was just made for the feet, wasn't it?
Stop it Zoe, you aren't relevant anymore.
It's been summer since the early 90s
Anyone else seen this shit yet? Done by the guy who made that image.
Florida here, it's been summer all year
You are implying way too many things for me to keep up with your implications.
I've jerked off to this image before. I wanna lick her sweaty feet.
What do you mean? I have more time now since it's summer so why not browse now?
>Any opinion i don't like is summer
Okay Sup Forums
literally zoe: the cuckpost
on Sup Forums summer is eternal
Didn't moot confirm summer is a myth?
Explain how. Point out the things about the post that made you reach this conclusion.
>stupid post is made in the fall
>what a stupid post
>stupid post is made in the winter
>what a stupid post
>stupid post is made in the spring
>what a stupid post
>stupid post is made in the summer
>fapping to blocky toes
i wish summer fags looked like that
I would start shitposting non-stop if it gave me a body like that.
No, Sup Forums is super shitty teenager infested garbage now, and since like 2009. Summer doesnt change shit anymore.
Don't worry son, post 2010- Every season will be summer.
>mfw only 2 colors for shadows
The only people that care about GG in these days are those opposed to it, so they can be offended.
>implying it ever ended
so it does increase
>le mspaint comic
>screencapping a mod's shitty baseless post
yeah summer totally isnt real guys
I'm actually happy that there is someone so autistic about the 80s and early 90s anime aesthetics that he spends countless hours getting that color tone right. It's a relic of the past in today's digital age.
Summer is a fucking myth. There are stupid people all year round, it's just that in the summer people are now screaming summer fags instead of ignoring or screaming newfags. Just fuck off and ignore them. Sup Forums in particular is the worst since it has the highest volume of shitposters and idiots. It then gets even more idiots screaming summer in an effort to fit in and it just shits up every thread. Stop screaming summer and start ignoring. If you stop giving shitposters attention then they won't post. Also this thread is not fucking video games. Kill yourself OP.
You don't need to be a ghazi to see how much damage googoobaba caused to Sup Forums.
How about the creator of the website you dumbass
Never heard of him before.
Yeah, because anti-SJW threads never happened before GG. Because now being opently pro GG doesn't get you shitposted by anons claiming to be neutral to it. Because there are constant threads about, right?
I'm pretty sure Moot was just a mod, newfag.
Sure but only shitposters and people suffering from asshurt refer to gamer gate with silly names.
Summer time always go full throttle after E3
At least that's how I feel every single time
>not a glorified janitor
Yeah, global warming is a real issue. Al Gor was right.
Shitty bait
It really doesn't change that much.
This is exactly what a googlygoose would post.
I wonder who's behind this post...
"Posting habits and the number of page hits doesn't change during the summer" - Moot
Sup Forums was always shit and you realize people are complete literal garbage.
get trolled kid
Otaking, when are you animating a 80s/90s style hentai?
u feel into my trap ;)
>I was only pretending to be retarded.
M-muh shadeing
Climate change has put Sup Forums into a persistent never ending summer
I can play this game too!
>this is exactly what a tumblrite would post
Who's moot?
Then you try harder fag-tron
>climate change
Otaking is too fixated on monsters and male characters to take inspiration from Urushihara and Hirano.
Also his drawing style is WAY too angular for porn, it's always an awkward combination of angular mid-90s style and complex 80s SHADING. This is particularly obvious in the OP pic: the character's face and the linework look out of Dirty Pair Flash but with an attention to detail that's a little jarring with the cartoonish approach it implies.
Haven't been around for the past 6 months or are you merely pretending to be retarded?
ITT: ~30 year olds hating Sup Forums (but obviously still posting) because other ~30 year olds have different opinions.
Stay jealous.
Yeah you should go back to where you came from.
I'm 23
Get out of here while you still can, sonny.
I bet you call people kids all the time, dont you
Oh you talking about how Moot sold his site to famous jap con man hiro who was kicked out of his own site for selling user information to third party marketing companies. I'm sure history won't repeat itself twice.
Yeah I'm pretty sure you're retarded.
yes I do.
5 years is a big fucking difference, when I was 18 I spouted memes in real fucking life.
I can't.
I want to fuck Mia.
Look on the bright side, at least you aren't Harry Kim.
Oh shit, now my adblock will have to filter slightly more relevant ads I don't give a shit about.
Curse you Hiroyuki Nishimura!
So you admit you are a gigantic faggot. I hope you know as an user you can't tell people's ages. You are just guessing and I guarantee most of the time you are probably younger while calling someone a kid.
Average age of gamers ~30 Average age of internet users ~30
And that's why 2chan is ran by a weeaboo instead of hiro.
Otaking sucks though.
You can't copy anime aesthetics if you don't understand how it works.
I want to rub my dick on her groin without letting her remove her leotard.
Whether human caused or accelerated or not, climate change is indeed real user.
The problem is propaganda and attempts to hijack the issue to push research for climate alteration and mediation, instead of research towards how we can better defend ourselves against climate affecting our agriculture and infrastructure.
Basically a global climate change or not, we should invest in being prepared for sudden or prolonged changes to the weather so we can ensure agricultural stability.
We aren't even prepared for shit like this
Yes I'm pretty sure you can. You just gotta git gud, like with everything else.
more liek qts make games more immersive
Dude who cares, we're on the verge of WW3, with a little luck, a global nuclear holocaust will put an end to all those petty worries.
But he still can't even get the basics right.
nigga won't ever be as good as my favorite 80s/90s animators
Anyone over the age of 24 just fuck off and go have a family or something. This site was made by a bunch of late teens and is for late teens.
Grandpas OUT, as an 18 year old you disgust me.
But the other guy said climate change isn't real, not that we shouldn't care about it.
Don't back-pedal for some dumb user.
I'm 26 and you can't make me leave, fuccboi.
Otaking's animations are really stiff along with his characters' postures.
Why 24? Why not 23?
Literally who?
Right on, faym!
anyone who isn't #bornmobile should just kill him/her/xirself, 2bh
>we're on the verge of WW3,
Other way around actually, we're getting rid of physical war for an information war. Nukes won't be involved. It will be intelligence agencies trying to dog each other.
We have almost zero reason to go to war now, and we're slowly entering a time of peace with things like the internet. You'd be retarded now to say world war 3 is gonna kick off any day now. We're simply waiting for the prior generations from the 70s and 80s to die off now.